View Full Version : Hard to push oil into glute

09-05-2016, 11:36 AM
Hey guys, first of I'm new to the forum aspect of this industry. I've been running a few big cycles for a few years now on and off. Switching my eod sites to glutes, delts and quads. I had a really bad quad injection which led to surgery a few months ago so I'm just a sticking to the glutes and occasionally shoulder pins. Basically my question is, since coming back onto a cycle my glutes seem extreamly hard to push the oil based steriod into the muscle( takes around 5 minutes to push 2ml of substance which extreme force ). Does anyone know the cause to this or exercises to ease the muscle into taking the oil better? Never used to have this issue at all. Thanks

10-18-2016, 03:07 AM
Could be scar tissue build up making it more difficult. Try pinning after a warm/hot shower and maybe even foam roll it a little bit before and after pinning. What gauge needles do you use? I personally can't push oil in for shit if I use anything thinner than 25g.

10-19-2016, 07:35 PM
Hey guys, first of I'm new to the forum aspect of this industry. I've been running a few big cycles for a few years now on and off. Switching my eod sites to glutes, delts and quads. I had a really bad quad injection which led to surgery a few months ago so I'm just a sticking to the glutes and occasionally shoulder pins. Basically my question is, since coming back onto a cycle my glutes seem extreamly hard to push the oil based steriod into the muscle( takes around 5 minutes to push 2ml of substance which extreme force ). Does anyone know the cause to this or exercises to ease the muscle into taking the oil better? Never used to have this issue at all. Thanks

Try your lats.

02-08-2017, 06:50 PM
Injecting your glutes too much bro, rotate to quads,lats,chest etc..