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View Full Version : So sick of this - HERE'S THE TRUTH!

02-21-2015, 04:21 AM
I found this a good read... (source (http://www.professionalmuscle.com/forums/professional-muscle-forum/53353-so-sick-heres-truth.html))

This is the truth from an IFBB PRO:

If your diet, training, health and rest are completely up to scratch, the more steroids you take, the bigger you will get. It's as simple as that.

Pros have got their diet, training (health for the most part) and rest up to a standard that works for them perfectly, but they are only the size they are due to the drugs they take. Don't believe the crap from anyone, that they are not, even from the 'in the know' people that are on this board. Those very same people for the most part have used/use extremely higher dosages than what they preach. Why do they preach the low dosages? - various personal agendas.

Reality is that as a rule, 1g per week of test non stop year round is the 'off' time for the pros. Gear is added as it's obtained - no real detailed cycles as such. As long as they take the high dosages of gear, they'll grow (as long as the diet, training, health and sleep is up to scratch as mentioned previously).

Several grams of test per week, several grams of anabolics per week, up to 2g/week of tren, a shit load of orals, insulin several times a day year round, GH as much as can be afforded - 15 to 30IU/day, etc.

BUT, pros have the genetics to have their bodies accept the gear, and generally not get sick on it.

And ancilliary use is huge - liver aids to the max, anti-e's, dht blockers, cardio supps, cholesterol supps, etc.

Still, most of them are complete wrecks. They can't control bodily functions, they pass out from walking a flight of stairs, they get drenched in sweat from tying their shoelaces. Gyno, baldness, dry skin, gout, excess bodily hair, acne, etc are ALL existent in virtually all of them.

It is not a healthy sport, drug use is ENORMOUS, but to ignore it and to preach otherwise is pathetic and not what this site is about.

BTW, Synthetek's books have on them who's who of current pros ordering Syntherol constantly. They ALL use it extensively. It is pathetic though, when one orders a bottle and their credit card gets declined due to not enough funds. You think a 30+ yo would have his life in order more than that.

Anyway, I'm sick of seeing the bullshit that has been promoted on this site the last few years. This site was originally set up as an uncensored place where you can find the truth about advanced performance enhancing, regardless of consequences. It's getting back to that.

02-21-2015, 06:03 AM
But it is important to also know that taking grammes of aas without hgh and slin is a waste! U need the hgh and slin to make proper use of 2g+ a week test, 250+ mg ed tren a etc

Ronnie Coleman even said in an interview "I started taking vitamin T D..." then said "Wow! This was the difference between winning and losing!? I wish I did it earlier!"

This being said my first experience with test was an amp of legit norma e5d (350 mg a week) and it was amazing! I am a pler tho so ai dont care for looks or size, well i care about size I dont want to go above 90 Kg lol!, but I gained mass quick gained a lot of strength and thixkened up big time and was horny 24/7

02-21-2015, 02:50 PM
great great post man ;)!

02-21-2015, 03:22 PM
dude, this is such an amazing post

starting to like this place more and more, no bullshit

this is the truth, gona send to this to a few ppl now haha

02-22-2015, 10:04 PM
This is the truth, but at the same time it's best to be honest to yourself about how developed you are. Its the worst mistake you can do with training - training like a world class athlete when you are not, so equally it's my belief it's a mistake to take the hormones a pro bb does when you don't have near enough lean muscle

02-22-2015, 11:12 PM
Agreed Smon

This is is why I put my client on an amp of sustanon 250 e5d no ai for 6 wks
He was small!! Lost a lot of muscle from adhd drugs his dr gave him... Like 181 14% bf 6 ft 2.5 was 200 12% bf unhormonised before hand

could he have taken 2 amps e 5d? Sure. Would he have gained mass at a greater rate? Yep! But the sides wouldnt have been worth t! Why use 700 mg a week when 350 for 6 weeks then another 4 wks with 10 mg-20 mg sd gave him wonderful reaults he is elated with abd disnt get puffy stayed dry his sex drive was amazing strong erections no acne no daxial bloat massive gains! Hes 198 10% now so back to where he was plus a bit more! Hes on 25 pharm prop 50 mts tren ace now cutting in a small 300 defecit doing.iifym 20% prot 55% carb 15% fat 3700 kcals 5 l fluids ed (he is a.manual worker)so we are aiming to recomp him down to 8% bf over 12 wks while adding somenice alabs of musclekeeping him dry lean feeling good minimal sides adding 20 mg or 30 mg sd for 3 wks at 3-6 then 50 mg ed mast prop 6-12 9-12 will be.max.conditioning probably 20 halo ed 30-45 mg winny ed 10-20 mg sd edReally make him look dramatic in addition to the prop tren and mast

Couls he make better gains on 50 prop 75-100 tren a ed? Yep! But would it e worth the high blood.pressure for 12 wks (he has bp.issues we are working hard on controling) acne insomnia etc when he will be 195-200 7-8% on lower dosage or 200-205 7% moreseperation on high dosage? I asked him if hed rather be feelin good less chance.f acne.etc and be 5 lbs lighter or so ans 1% bf.more.or have worse sides and have a bit better gains and he chose less.sides.leas gains

The mindset of a champion is sides dont matter, maximiskng progress towards goals matters
He doeant.have a.champion mindset, he just wants to have fun get good gains enjoy his life

ofc when he gets bigger he will have no choice, large dosages and sides.or no progress
maybe he will be happy with a body above his genetic limit which looks good? Agaim not champ.mindset champs wont settle for anything other than the max they arephysically capable of getting. Any way to puah it futher no matter sides they will do it

But he just wants to enjoy the gym have a good strong healthy body, be able to go swimming in the pool and be fas, ride a bike 15 miles for fun etc

Not everyone who uses gear wants to be a bber so no point using huge doaages if you dont aspire to be 6% 210 lbs contest conditioning dry on diuretics etc or even bigger with hgh and slin

Most of us here have the goal.of getting as big and conditioned and aymetrical etc as poasible some like me want.to be wr setting plers
not everyone tho

02-23-2015, 12:00 AM
Powertard - I think you are missing the point. Of course you should make gains on less and make more gains on more... but it's not describing side effects as a determinant for not reducing dose.

The point was a pro is a pro because they have a high tolerance to side effects (but still get them), they can take more gear, they do take more gear, and the only reason why they are that big is because they take shit loads of gear.

and it's those people who take shit loads of gear usually preach low dosages as the key to success.

02-24-2015, 04:22 AM
I see
yeah lol... If u want to be a pro bber, somewhere along the line nowadays ull have to take everything under the kitchen sink and the kitchen sink.itself lol

maybe it was different in the mid 80s early 90s where being 220 lbs on stage was considered BIG or 230 lbs a freak... 200-210 lbs on stage would have got.u a pro card easy if u were symetrical etc..

Well not anymore. 205 6 ft on stage will be good enough to win a decentish show.. Maybe..

Markus ruhl in 2003 was on stage at 303 lbs... 5 ft 9.5
Sure he wasnt olympia ready and he wasnt amazing conditioned or 4% bf but he was lean and had good conditioning not great but good...he was 275 2002 olympia shredded dehydrated

big ramy was 330+ not quite stage cond but def cond enough to make ur head turn and tuen again..

Back in them days sure... Maybe u could become pro with 600 mg pharm teat enth 600-800 pharm deca some real legit dbol/adrol in off seasonand test prop mast adrola bit of deca on stage..

Well.nowadays no fucking chance. Not with hgh and slin in the picture. Bbers back before hgh and slin trained their.muscles to be a structural entity... Nowadays with slin hgh allowing u to use immense dosages of anabolics and slin saturating.muscles with carbs.and water they train it to be a storage entitt... Store as much water carbs.etc in the right plaxes bbing nowadays is a game of water and getting that water in the muscle with glycogen and.not sub q.

U want to e pro? Well ur gonna.have to be on 8-16 IU hgh a day... Fda hgh.. Insulin at 100+ IU a day grammes and grammea of anabolics... Increlex® if.u can find it...

03-05-2015, 10:10 AM
Also I believe the age at which they start steroids matters. Most of the IFBB Pro start early . This leads to quality growth overtime.

You cannot expect to go PRO if you start late in age, unless you have hefty dose of FDA GH at disposal.

03-30-2015, 08:06 PM
Amazing post man

03-31-2015, 06:25 AM
Great read!

03-31-2015, 03:14 PM
The genetics to be able to take that volume of AAS is interesting. Really wish I could handle more with no sides.

04-26-2015, 08:02 AM
Well put. Too many filts these days

05-27-2015, 05:45 AM
I remember reading this post back in 2011 when I was getting ready for the world titles.
It made me decide to up my shit ;) and I ended up placing second.

NOW... I personally know a lot of ifbb pros and have trained with them and let me tell you, in the gym they arent doing anything different to what you and I are.
They are just consistent.
Consistency is key.

They are consistent with their food, they are consistent with their training, but most of all they are consistently on high amounts of gear, gh and slin cycled properly with igf.

The more i got to know them, the more i realised its about drug abuse and genetics.

06-21-2015, 08:43 PM
Great post! speaking the truth

06-22-2015, 07:59 AM
Great post! speaking the truth

strong username

06-23-2015, 11:34 PM
strong username

Thanks bro

06-24-2015, 02:55 AM
I found this a good read... (source (http://www.professionalmuscle.com/forums/professional-muscle-forum/53353-so-sick-heres-truth.html))

This is the truth from an IFBB PRO:

If your diet, training, health and rest are completely up to scratch, the more steroids you take, the bigger you will get. It's as simple as that.

Pros have got their diet, training (health for the most part) and rest up to a standard that works for them perfectly, but they are only the size they are due to the drugs they take. Don't believe the crap from anyone, that they are not, even from the 'in the know' people that are on this board. Those very same people for the most part have used/use extremely higher dosages than what they preach. Why do they preach the low dosages? - various personal agendas.

Reality is that as a rule, 1g per week of test non stop year round is the 'off' time for the pros. Gear is added as it's obtained - no real detailed cycles as such. As long as they take the high dosages of gear, they'll grow (as long as the diet, training, health and sleep is up to scratch as mentioned previously).

Several grams of test per week, several grams of anabolics per week, up to 2g/week of tren, a shit load of orals, insulin several times a day year round, GH as much as can be afforded - 15 to 30IU/day, etc.

BUT, pros have the genetics to have their bodies accept the gear, and generally not get sick on it.

And ancilliary use is huge - liver aids to the max, anti-e's, dht blockers, cardio supps, cholesterol supps, etc.

Still, most of them are complete wrecks. They can't control bodily functions, they pass out from walking a flight of stairs, they get drenched in sweat from tying their shoelaces. Gyno, baldness, dry skin, gout, excess bodily hair, acne, etc are ALL existent in virtually all of them.

It is not a healthy sport, drug use is ENORMOUS, but to ignore it and to preach otherwise is pathetic and not what this site is about.

BTW, Synthetek's books have on them who's who of current pros ordering Syntherol constantly. They ALL use it extensively. It is pathetic though, when one orders a bottle and their credit card gets declined due to not enough funds. You think a 30+ yo would have his life in order more than that.

Anyway, I'm sick of seeing the bullshit that has been promoted on this site the last few years. This site was originally set up as an uncensored place where you can find the truth about advanced performance enhancing, regardless of consequences. It's getting back to that.

I must say I do agree with you but this would apply to Pro level and always remember Pros have the genetics to go with all of this.

I mean over my 20 years in the game I have seen guys take a lot of shit and look average even when diet and training was good. Simple point was they did not have the genetics to be great. That is why I always recommended that guys start out with small amounts and short cycles to see if they have what it takes. Once that is established then you to create something world class dosing high cycles is a must.

Buy high I would say a starting amount of 1000-1500mg per week and go up from here. Once you have got to the 2000mg per week club I think your pretty much tapped out. But that being said it is not all bad news because Blitz cycles are your next avenue.

What you do is when you no longer make gains on 1000-2000mg and the sides just get too bad then do short burst Blitz with test only and follow that up with a short androgenic/anabolic cycle to help capture the mass gained after a Blitz.

A good starting point for anyone trying a blitz for the first time is start your test dose at 250-500mg per day(not a week) and run it for 20-30 days you can also add a strong oral to this at 50-100mg ed also.

After your blitz give yourself 30days off and then follow that up with moderately dosed androgenic/anabolic cycle for 6 weeks using only short esters say test p tren a then run a small pct for 30 days then 2 weeks clean and repeat that way you can still use high doses for short periods get out clean run a short cycle to solidify the gains from the Blitz clean out again before doing it all over again.

I have not yet done this myself as I still get good gains for what I want and have no desires to be 300+lbs although I have given this advice to other guys that stop making gains taking high amounts and all over them got better results and felt much healthier do it that way.

Comp cycling is a whole different thing but the advice above I think has some merit. Now that I am back in the game I myself will be giving it a try in the future as I have seen others do well from it.

I wont name the PRO but I meet him a the NABBA WORLDS back in 2004 when we had the show in OZ he was the one telling me about BLITZ cycles he was a huge fucker 24 inch arms and he told me when he ran a Blitz he would do 7ml of sus250 and I said oh that is not much in a week and then he stopped me in my tracks by saying No mate that is 7ml a day not a week.
What you must remember though this was only in short bursts of 20-30 days with 4 weeks off but 7ml a day works out to 12250mg in a week. I never asked him what his normal cycle was after a blitz he only said it was a short 6 week cycle using short esters and light orals.

Ok some food for thought but all in all a world class physic needs the following in order

1. Genetics
2. Consistent training and eating
3. Good supplementation
4. High amounts of Steroids

Note that steroids are last on the list because without the other 3 it is not worth shit.


06-24-2015, 05:16 AM
12 grams of test a week, holey moley. goes to show that it isn't that harmful in the short term at least.

07-17-2015, 05:15 AM
12 grams of test a week, holey moley. goes to show that it isn't that harmful in the short term at least.

that right no one has ever died from roids all the health issues come from not keeping an eye on your blood/lipids and know how to fix problems as they arise.

07-17-2015, 09:20 PM
that right no one has ever died from roids all the health issues come from not keeping an eye on your blood/lipids and know how to fix problems as they arise.

Makes me wonder, how do these guys even have enough spots to put all that oil into. That's 49ml of test alone, and you haven't mentioned what else (if anything else) he ran with the test but yeah, where would you put 49ml of oil wtf.

07-17-2015, 09:56 PM
Makes me wonder, how do these guys even have enough spots to put all that oil into. That's 49ml of test alone, and you haven't mentioned what else (if anything else) he ran with the test but yeah, where would you put 49ml of oil wtf.

I hear what you are saying but it can be done if willing to use more sights to inject bis tris quad glute lats traps calfs delts both side and rear so as you can see it could be done and remember it is only short term.