View Full Version : Hard N Lean
03-19-2015, 12:47 PM
Hey guys, very good product. I'm using it at 1ml E4D so a low dose cycle, it puts me at +- 200mg test cyp, 200 mg tren E and 200 mg Mast E per week. After a few days I noticed my sleep improved, thanks to the test. Now it's been 7 weeks, I introduced clen at 60mcg ED last week. I lost a good amount of fat, I'm bigger, stronger. My weight haven't changed, I gained 2-3kg the first couple weeks but since then no change. But I look better every week so I don't care... My diet is 200gr prot, 200gr carbs and 40-50gr of fat, so +- 2000kcal with cardio 3x20min per week.
No side expect the crazy tren dreams, I often dream that I beat up (with a baseball bat one time) my ex step father... But other than that nothing bad.
I still have a lot of it, +- 2,5 vials so I'll let you update this thread when I'll start my cruise. And I want to add an oral at the end what do you guys recommand ? I was thinking of adding 50mg of anavar ED the last 7 weeks, or maybe stanavar... I'm scared of the stanavar, I don't want the winstrol to dry out my joints too much...
Ps: Sorry for my english guys
03-20-2015, 09:52 PM
How much do you weigh? That is low calories
03-21-2015, 02:23 PM
I weigh 87kg (192 lb) and I'm 184cm (+- 6'1), I started bodybuilding 5 years ago, in 3 years I went from 60kg (132lb) to 100kg (225lb) with just a 6 weeks cycle of test prop 100mg EOD. But my clomid and nolva were fake, so hard pct, got depressed, started doing drugs for almost 2 years. Stopped all drugs maybe 5-6 monts ago, and got back into training and dieting in december.
03-22-2015, 03:31 AM
I weigh 87kg (192 lb) and I'm 184cm (+- 6'1), I started bodybuilding 5 years ago, in 3 years I went from 60kg (132lb) to 100kg (225lb) with just a 6 weeks cycle of test prop 100mg EOD. But my clomid and nolva were fake, so hard pct, got depressed, started doing drugs for almost 2 years. Stopped all drugs maybe 5-6 monts ago, and got back into training and dieting in december.
I tried PCT once. I used real clomid and nolva from the pharmacy. Still got depressed and never stopped taking anabolics since.
03-22-2015, 06:18 PM
I tried PCT once. I used real clomid and nolva from the pharmacy. Still got depressed and never stopped taking anabolics since.
Same here. Blast and cruise til death my man.
03-22-2015, 06:37 PM
Yeah I think it's the only way to go. Cycle + pct seems like a waste of time and money.
03-23-2015, 02:37 AM
Same here. Blast and cruise til death my man.
only way to do it!!
05-05-2015, 07:05 PM
I think PCT is more mental than physical. Done it with and without cant tell the difference!
05-06-2015, 09:33 AM
What are your goals? You are on a low dose of hormones, low calories and doing a decent amount of cardio. I wouldn't expect to grow at all with what you are currently doing. If you are cutting that's another story :) - maybe post some pics?
05-06-2015, 10:01 AM
Yeah I was cutting, I upped my calories to 2300-2500 and stopped cardio 2-3 weeks ago, because I needed a "break". I'll start again cutting next week. I'll post pic when I'll begin my cruise.
The pumps are crazy also, really painful to train shoulders and arms and I want to cry when I finish a set of leg extension or lunges... My sleep is very shitty now, it fells restless, I sometime take a nap in the afternoon even if I sleep 7-8 hours per night. And I almost forgot those shin pumps are so so painfull... But other than that I can only recommend it, I think if you take like 4-5ML EW you can have a lot of fun.
05-31-2015, 08:54 PM
Next week is 3rd week at 4ml/wk lbm is up by 8lbs body fat has dropped by 4% (still 25%) now 265lbs aiming for 225 @ 15% bf on this cycle no doubt this shit is real prefer the smoother tren enanthate, acetate can make me a bit sharp no trensomnia or cough yet running caber so no trendick have had to start adex .5mg eod after left nip started to play up. May introduce var later on but wanted to swerve orals this cycle after 2 wet and heavy dbol deca and cyp runs on the bounce to give my liver a rest. Next cycle will be short esters only halo and a fucking tight diet to get below 8% bf @ 205 or so
Really good product i already done with my 12 weeks I'm going for 24 weeks cyc then will stop
Bro I'm doing one injunction 3ml per week is it enough.. or i have to increase it.. 4 times a month . 12 ml per momth
Some of my fr advice me to inject 2ml each 3 days mean 10 times a month 20 ml per month is that good?
Also I start to take oxybol tablets and its also work's good..
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