View Full Version : Masteron oil color

06-10-2018, 07:58 PM
Is there any particular reason that the older batch (on the left) is pretty transparant, and the newest batch is very dark/yellowish?

https://gyazo.com/89caaf559ed05a1e00f9281498fa06ea?token=77f29969b73 65ebc6257bab8a6b86da5

Kind regards,

EDIT: Can't seem to insert imgaes for some reason, so I linked to pictures instead of embeding them here.

06-10-2018, 10:05 PM
Carrier oil has been changed to MCT oil, the product itself the powder is the same as it always has been

06-11-2018, 06:53 PM
Carrier oil has been changed to MCT oil, the product itself the powder is the same as it always has been

Alright, was just wondering. Cheers.

05-18-2019, 05:17 PM
Hi Godzilla

My masteron i got two months ago is clear oil
And the pip i het is very sore in but for 4 days
I use only mts
And use the test E with it
I now take only 0,4ml of masteron twice a week, but same pip
Never got it with mts test e or deca

Is it the ester or masteron itself
Is it normal
The clear masteron is that old or mew batch then
The oil is not as thick as the test e
Draws very quick

05-19-2019, 12:21 AM
the colour of the product has no impact on the PIP. send me an email with order info and we can check it out for you and help you out

08-17-2019, 11:44 PM
I beggin using masteron MTS 15 days ago and i alredy more tight, dry even with 875mg sustanon . Its 700mg masteron week . Masteron you need to go high dose. Pain normal 1 day sore normal.