View Full Version : Lean Gain

08-13-2018, 05:55 PM
Also looking at your Lean Gain product. Can you recommend a good starting off dosage and would I need a PCT after? Again really appreciate yer advice & patience.

Cheers Vin44

08-13-2018, 07:24 PM
You have to look at lean-gain as broken down compounds

TREN ACE 75mg,
MAST P 75mg,

So If you look at these products as singular compounds, usually people would take 1ml per day of each. So I would start off at 1ml per day.

Yes, you need PCT after this cycle.

08-24-2018, 02:36 PM
great, really appreciate that. cheers.

08-24-2018, 05:25 PM
Two other question:
Just a bit confused
Where it says.... " take every 1/2 DAYS WEEKLY DOSE RANGE..400mg-1000mg " does that mean even second day? or 2 days weekly.
Also what would be the best recommended PCT for this cycle?

Apologies for sounding a bit thick but as this is my first time I really want to get this right.

Again, really appreciate the advice


08-26-2018, 09:08 AM
Because of the short esters you should take your shot every 1 - 2 days. These steroids ceases to have any significant effect after 2 days so you need to keep the injections frequent and consistent into your body stabilising blood levels etc too and ensuring they have a continuing effect.

The totally weekly does range is 400mg - 1000mg over the 3 - 7 shots per week (depending how often you inject every day, or every other day).

08-26-2018, 04:48 PM
Two other question:
Just a bit confused
Where it says.... " take every 1/2 DAYS WEEKLY DOSE RANGE..400mg-1000mg " does that mean even second day? or 2 days weekly.
Also what would be the best recommended PCT for this cycle?

Apologies for sounding a bit thick but as this is my first time I really want to get this right.

Again, really appreciate the advice


Should be taken ED or EOD.

PCT is PCT... but you can read more here: https://mtsboard.com/threads/1413-Blast-amp-Cruise-vs-PCT

08-27-2018, 07:50 PM
This is great, thanks,
Much appreciated.

11-20-2018, 01:25 AM
I just go with 3 x week to keep it easy because doing it eod I sometimes forget what day is what.

So I do mon-wed-fri shots and ramp it up as I go every two weeks

3xwk 1ml 2weeks
3xwk 1.5ml 2weeks
then full dose over the next 4-6 weeks @ 3xwk 2ml

only time I like doing ed is when peaking for something and want to look my best as the drug is more stable and it drys you out more for a harder look. 1ml ed for 8 weeks should do it.
This method is good to tack onto the end of a bulk. say you did a 10 week bulk of test/EQ then do 6 weeks of ed shots of lean gain to clean up the mass.

PCT or trt after.