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View Full Version : Post Comp PCT Advice.

05-25-2015, 11:42 PM
Hey guys,

Competed last weekend (attached a pic for you) and am now trying to figure out what I need to do for my PCT.

The last week leading into my show I was using the following:

Tren Ace 200mgs/eod
Mast Prop 200mgs/eod
Stana 50mgs/ed
Anavar 100mgs/ed
Proviron 100mgs/ed
Clen 120mcgs/ed
Halotestin 50mgs/ed
T3 40mcgs/ed
Letro 5mgs/ed

The thing I'm most worried about is getting estrogen rebound off the Letro - should I taper down?

Also I used T3 at 40mcgs/ed for 12 weeks - is there any need to taper down off this too?

But all in all what is a solid combo to get my natural test back up to an ideal level? Clomid + Nolva?


05-26-2015, 12:34 AM
Why PCT? Do a blast and cruise

About T3, you can do cold turkey but you will feel a shit for a while, and letrozol taper the dose or replace for aromasin

05-26-2015, 09:23 AM
If you were running no test you're not going to have estro rebound. It would be a waste to run all those hormones then go off cold turkey, I would at least keep a low dose of long ester test in you.

07-06-2015, 06:50 AM
If you really want to get off the gear and do a PCT, then my PCT advice would be to stack these compounts for A minimum of 30 days with A Max of 50days.

20mg Exemestane
20mg Tamoxifen

This really worked well for me.