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View Full Version : Estrogen - lean gain x - 3rd week in

04-25-2019, 05:03 PM
Looking at purchasing Arimidex. As I believe I’m showing the symptoms of estrogen. I’m 2.5 weeks in to a 8 week cycle. How much should I have and for how long? I know it says the dosage but wanted to ask to make sure.


04-25-2019, 06:24 PM
the real answer is: depends on your bloodwork BUT ofcourse we want to help you so the GENERAL dosage would be 0.5mg twice a week, so mon-thur

this is a general dosage and then you need to find your sweetspot. dont take too much or too often cause it will drive your E2 into the ground and then you will feel like garbage. keep it around the 22 range on the bloodtests if you are in the USA

duration: the whole cycle

05-11-2019, 12:45 PM
Totally agree with Maximum, bloodtest will help you to know what dosage you should run.
Maybe starts with 0.5mg E3D to reduce your estrogen, then decrease your dosage to 0.25mg to keep it under control, as you don't want to totally crash your estrogen!