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09-02-2019, 08:19 PM
I Beggin masteron prop 4 weeks ago and after Just one week i get harder and dry very dry. Of course i have only 5% fat.
But Masteron is great in off season to keep you hard even with high doses of testosterone.

09-04-2019, 09:20 AM
masteron is a great compound, i use it off and on season, keeps me lean, libido very high and healthy, no issues with liver or kidneys and increases free testosterone.

09-08-2019, 01:28 PM
I love Masteron, I used it recently at a low dosage for a cruising, first time i use it during a cruising, will do it again

09-12-2019, 02:25 AM
Yup its next on my list to try after Primo

11-20-2019, 02:21 PM
is this the same stuff as Mast Enanthate?

I ask rather than starting a new thread with a few questions.

1. I've got some Mast E ready from the online shop and am currently using 1ml of 400 Testosterone twice a week, do I just draw up the 1ml of mast into the same syringe and inject at the same time?

2. Once I finish my course I've been advised to do PCT, is this available off this site?

11-21-2019, 04:53 AM
is this the same stuff as Mast Enanthate?

I ask rather than starting a new thread with a few questions.

1. I've got some Mast E ready from the online shop and am currently using 1ml of 400 Testosterone twice a week, do I just draw up the 1ml of mast into the same syringe and inject at the same time?

2. Once I finish my course I've been advised to do PCT, is this available off this site?

Yes you can mix all oil products in 1 shot, just dont mix water and oil products. so masteron and testosterone are g2g for 1 shot

yes pct is very important to bring back your own production: go for clomid, nolvadex, hcg and some proviron and cialis if needed

11-26-2019, 04:11 PM
Out of those you mention which would you recommend? I'm new to this and will take advice from those in the know

11-26-2019, 06:22 PM
Yes you can mix all oil products in 1 shot, just dont mix water and oil products. so masteron and testosterone are g2g for 1 shot

yes pct is very important to bring back your own production: go for clomid, nolvadex, hcg and some proviron and cialis if needed

for pct you need all of them. perhaps not cialis and proviron but many guys lose their libido so many use it. but to bring back your HPTA you need clomid and some nolvadex to stave off the high estrogen post cycle. hcg ofcourse is core of any pct to kick start your own production

11-29-2019, 01:48 PM
Right, got it. Thanks very much

02-11-2020, 11:21 AM
gotta say masteron is 1 of my favs of ALL the ped's. keeps me lean and dry, no joint issues, doesnt mess up my lipids and ofcourse lowers the globuline so frees up a LOT of extra testosterone and makes it active which is what matters. i include it in almost all of my cycles

02-12-2020, 12:05 PM
Mast P is a way better for leaning out and dry look.
I once tried Test E 1750mg/w + Mast E 1500mg/w - waste of gear, all I got was good pump, skyrocket libido and estro in range without any AI.

02-12-2020, 12:36 PM
Mast P is a way better for leaning out and dry look.
I once tried Test E 1750mg/w + Mast E 1500mg/w - waste of gear, all I got was good pump, skyrocket libido and estro in range without any AI.

thats a monster dosage of masteron a gram and a half. excellent results

04-08-2020, 06:39 PM
i love mast, E and P, both give me that same hard lean shredded sucked in no skin look

600-1000mg per week is absolute beast

05-26-2020, 12:09 AM
Masteron all year round because not just hard look , but anti estrogenic and improves the other steroids. With Test in bulking is amazing .

06-01-2020, 12:03 AM
Test E 1250mg Week
Masteron E 1000mg Week

Amazing cycle to fell good , hard and amazing sex drive 😜. The safest cycle , i use as bridge

06-01-2020, 07:44 AM
Test E 1250mg Week
Masteron E 1000mg Week

Amazing cycle to fell good , hard and amazing sex drive 😜. The safest cycle , i use as bridge

thats a great bridging feel good cycle for a guy your size for sure. both amazing compounds