View Full Version : Health issue post Turinabol cycle

03-30-2020, 03:29 PM
Hello All,

I did a Turinabol cycle last year (some 9 months ago) for 6 weeks and well I did not respect the PCT after and now (and that had been happening ever since) when I orgasm, I produce very little sperm and I dont feel like I am orgasming for as long as before.

I know I should have pursued with some Clomid which I had so now what are my options ?

Is it safe to start a Clomid cycle to re establish the levels even some 7 months later or should I consult a Doctor ?

Cheers guys and thank You in advance ..

04-02-2020, 10:15 AM
yes PCT can be done any time even years after a cycle. pct simpy means chemicals to use to restart your system as good as possible, its like a key to a car.

Best is ofcourse to use it after a cycle if one wants to go off and have own production but it can be done anytime. a car can be started any time, not just 8am in the morning.

So what you should do is:
1: get a full bloodtest to see all markers including hormones
2: correct any issues and if needed do hcg and clomid to start the HTPA up as good as possible again
3: check blood regularly and on per need basis to see whats going on