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View Full Version : PCT and brain fog

06-21-2020, 10:26 AM

I am 2 weeks into running med tech pct daily as I decided to come off for a bit, i am regretting this now and wish i carried on cruising. however i decided my body needed a bit of a break after some bloods i had done.

i am experiencing terrible brain fog and mild headaches, i have read this is common.

any advice please ? i have read magnesium and iron supplementation can help ?


06-21-2020, 10:29 AM
it sounds more like your HPTA (own hormone production) still hasnt recovered will which is expected because nobody recovers after only 2 weeks.

thats why my advise is always cruising, trt and you dont get this hormonal rollercoaster. trt doesnt impact blood in any negative way as its natural normal good levels so thats the break your body needs without feeling like death from low testosterone after cycle

06-21-2020, 11:26 AM
would there be any issues jumping straight back on and cruising ?


06-21-2020, 09:33 PM
would there be any issues jumping straight back on and cruising ?


no issues in doing that, you will be providing your body normal testosterone levels and you will feel much better then with now low test levels