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View Full Version : Bodybuilders need to donate blood?

MTS-Head Coach
09-08-2021, 09:50 PM
Bodybuilders need to donate blood?

Bodybuilders normally have high hematocrit levels and mostly when they use anabolics that increase red blood cells like Anadrol, Boldenone and also of course EPO. We all know those levels to high is not healthy and can give you many side effects like high blood pressure. To reduce that levels many bodybuilders donate blood , but in some country´s they don’t accept blood from someone using anabolic steroids and doing that some athletes take their own blood at home ( something very dangerous ) because this should be done by a professional .
But recently some doctors discover a way to reduce hematocrit without donate blood and simply doing cardio every day and also keep your body well hydrated.

There is another reason to never stop doing cardio ( mostly because of your health ) and also stay hydrated is more important than eating all your meals , because water is what make your body function well. If you don’t drink enough water you cant absorb well the food , you cant perform well on gym, you have no pumps on gym , you will look flat and you will damage your kidneys. So you here more than enough reasons to drink a lot of water every day.

09-09-2021, 05:00 PM
This is great and a total must to be healthy

MTS-Head Coach
09-09-2021, 09:14 PM
More one reason to understand how cardio is important and even more stay hydrated .