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View Full Version : Dmso + steriods

12-27-2021, 02:18 PM
Hi all
Been looking up all sorts of natural products during this shit show we have been in the past 2 years and I found a product that has the power to pull steroids straight through the skin without injecting
(Been pinning for past 15 years im fucking sick of it) it seems to be an amazing product that literally has hundreds if not thousands of applications.
Currently reading Amandha vollmers book about this product.
Its been used before in steroid applications yet it has been forgotten for some reason.
It isn't promoted as a super product because its cheap and would literally wipe out billions of dollars worth of drugs each year and its natural so can't be patented 🀷**♂️
So no money for the parasites to make.

Now my question is if anyone can answer
Apparently with dmso and test, the test needs to be pure / no esters or testosterone base
Am i of the understanding that that would be the pure powder form of testosterone or am I totally wrong πŸ€”

Basically do medtec do a pure test so I can mix with dmso and absorb it though the skin and drop these fooking pins 😏

Appreciate any replies, apart from stupid ones of course

Regards T

12-27-2021, 08:16 PM
The garlic taste it generates is awful though

12-28-2021, 12:02 AM
If you have afraid of needles you cant be bodybuilder , if you have afraid of training legs until you pass out you cant be bodybuilder . if you cant eat like a pig you cant be a huge bodybuilder

12-28-2021, 07:11 PM
If you have afraid of needles you cant be bodybuilder , if you have afraid of training legs until you pass out you cant be bodybuilder . if you cant eat like a pig you cant be a huge bodybuilder


12-31-2021, 10:03 AM
I have been pinning for over 15 years so your comment about that is just irrelevant and a little stupid, if I was afraid I wouldn't have done it for that long😏.
Obviously you do not know the damage that is done over the years due to this way of taking gear
No matter how many times you move from site to site it still does damage over time.

And do you think everyone that takes gear just wants to be a fat meat head πŸ€”
Tried all that bullshit and now I'm at an age where doing things the most healthy way is more important to me than being as big as I can get.
Being toned and healthy is what I do but as I have taken gear for over 15 years im well aware its a lifetime choice so just trying to find an easier way of getting more doses in.

You do understand that in the future people will find better ways of getting the gear into their bodys without using a needle, people will develop a better way someday, if that hasn't already been done. we are just stuck on the old ways as most hate change but change it will.

When I pin gear my back muscles tighten up and give me shit so have to do alot of exercises stretching it out and most the time i get it sorted then its time for my next pin....dmso isn't just about how it can pull the gear deep into my system but it also opens up vains for better blood flow and its also a painkiller and also anti inflammatory amongst many other pros so on knowing this do you not think this product could possibly be used in some way like in a cream of sorts???

Let me ask you this

If a cream was developed ie
Test+deca that you would just need to rub into your skin, would you use that or would you still keep putting needles into your body many times a week ??

12-31-2021, 10:09 AM
Agreed its not a nice taste/smell at all
There is now a new version I will try next time that has
I'm told this is better but will believe that when I try it for myself.

01-03-2022, 12:44 AM
Hi all
Been looking up all sorts of natural products during this shit show we have been in the past 2 years and I found a product that has the power to pull steroids straight through the skin without injecting
(Been pinning for past 15 years im fucking sick of it) it seems to be an amazing product that literally has hundreds if not thousands of applications.
Currently reading Amandha vollmers book about this product.
Its been used before in steroid applications yet it has been forgotten for some reason.
It isn't promoted as a super product because its cheap and would literally wipe out billions of dollars worth of drugs each year and its natural so can't be patented 🀷**♂️
So no money for the parasites to make.

Now my question is if anyone can answer
Apparently with dmso and test, the test needs to be pure / no esters or testosterone base
Am i of the understanding that that would be the pure powder form of testosterone or am I totally wrong πŸ€”

Basically do medtec do a pure test so I can mix with dmso and absorb it though the skin and drop these fooking pins 😏

Appreciate any replies, apart from stupid ones of course

Regards T

I don't think any "natural" product would have the same power as real juice, especially as a product that go straight through the skin.
Firstly the dermal application is way weaker than injections (IM, IV, SC).
Secondly, as some point, some sources would have been selling for a while under different types/mix of products as it would be a kind of "new" product, that if it would really works, that would be another opening market that many companies would make profits of.

That is just my opinion.

To answer your question, normally Med-tech is selling some raw powder (so also test).

Don't know if it would work, you're free to try this mix yourself.
If you ever try this, you're more than welcome to create a lot, so we can follow you in this experience, not matter the outcome of it works or not. We are a community, we are to help and learn from each other.

02-09-2022, 06:54 AM
Agreed and wanting to try this 100% I have the dmso here and need some assistance in finding the correct compound as one of the threads stated, the steroid needs to have no esters and no base....not sure if that just means the raw powder form....if thats the case I would definitely like to give this a go and post any results.

One of the threads I have seen on this protocol

MTS-Head Coach
02-09-2022, 01:06 PM
Why try to find hard and complicated thinks , mostly when you dont even know how to do it . I always play simple and follow the basics that works and already with many studies. Play simple and stay safe

02-09-2022, 01:14 PM
Agree way to complicated why try it’s not worth it

02-11-2022, 05:52 AM
Nobody knows how to do anything until they try it themselves.

I have been pinning for about 15 years and as stated above its just giving me issues constantly with tightening of the muscles that takes time to pull out then its next time to pin.

So as I have a side effect from the years of doing it I now want to try and find another way
I have a book on dmso and what I have read
There's literally no reason why it wouldn't do what I'm asking.
What I really want help with because I'm going to try this, is in the article it states you want to use gear with no esters and no base

Is that then just the raw powder πŸ€”
