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View Full Version : First Cycle Experience

09-16-2022, 05:28 PM
Was a tad nervous to start my first cycle having gotten recommended med tech from a friend and my god let me just start by saying there’s truth in the juice boys.

While natty my bench had pretty much capped at 80kg 1rm some days I could of gotten 2 but majority of the time 80kg to me felt as though it was dangerous as I just wasn’t confident with that much weight ( I know only 80kg lol) Well fuck me pink cause legit 2 months in I was hitting 140kg 1rm and benching 100kg for reps of 5-8 and now that my first cycle is coming to an end the only thing I’m upset about is having to wait 16 weeks before I can start my second cycle 😂😂😂

Aside from the lifting gains people are also squeezing my arms when talking to me out of no where or commenting on the size of my back and god damn if hearing that doesn’t make you wanna go back to gym and smash out a session where you get pumped that stupid you feel like your biceps wanna explode then I don’t know bros but honestly could not have had a better first experience with gear had it not been for the quality of the product med tech offers and also the wealth of knowledge available from the forums.

10/10 highly highly recommended

09-16-2022, 08:13 PM
Amazing bro what was your full cycle
It’s the real deal and the absolute best gear you’ll ever use when you start training and see the changes and even when off training but still injecting just top quality

09-20-2022, 03:52 AM
Just ran a basic course of 1ml test e twice a week for 12 weeks along with nova/clomid/hcg for pct. Didn’t want to got too overboard as it was my first cycle and didn’t want to be in way over my head.

I did however have one small hitch with the gear but it wasn’t anything serious. Ordered 3 vials and got 2 med tech brand vials and another vial I can’t remember the name of as its long gone. The med tech vials were perfect no complaints at all but the other brand did cause significantly more pip, nothing too bad just made leg day somewhat uncomfortable the day after injection but just changed my routine around to suit it when it wasn’t as bad.

End of the day pip comes with the territory so as I say nothing serious, gains were still made and pbs were still destroyed but certainly preferred the med tech brand over the other vial that came in the order