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01-28-2023, 12:42 PM
(cyanidin 3-glucoside) is a naturally occurring anthocyanin (flavonoid) found in blueberries, blackberries, acai berries, and all kinds of other dark-colored fruits and vegetables under God's sun. This potent nutrient has so many health and physique-enhancing riches it's almost embarrassing, potentially confusing people, or worse yet, causing a certain degree of skepticism. Anyway, here's my best attempt at a shortlist of C3G benefits:

1.C3G increases insulin sensitivity enhancing

2.glucose uptake by myotubes, causing muscle

3.fibers to preferentially calories instead of being stored as fat

4.C3G, taken before a workout, helps shuttle

5.energy from pre-workout nutrition directly to muscle cells.*

6.C3G raises levels of adiponectin, which regulates glucose levels and increases fatty acid breakdown
C3G compares favorably to a pharmaceutical glucose-disposal agent

7.C3G shrinks fat cells and limits fat gain and abdominal obesity.

8.C3G improves endurance by increasing the production of chemical intermediates involved in the production of ATP, the cell's energy source.
C3G reduces blood sugar, triglycerides, and cholesterol.

9.C3G increases mitochondrial number and function.
C3G increases and enhances the activity of brown adipose tissue, which is metabolically active and calorie-burning).

10.C3G reduces systemic inflammation.
C3G promotes stomach and intestinal-lining health.

11.C3G improves night vision and helps prevent eye fatigue.

12.C3G promotes heart and liver health.
C3G mimics the life-extending benefits seen in calorie restriction diets.

13.C3G's actual biochemical pathways that allow it to do all these actions are diverse. Here's my briefest outline of the facts. Check them out, and let me know if you're as impressed as me

14.First and perhaps foremost, C3G has profound effects on a chemical called adenosine monophosphate kinase, or AMPK. AMPK is found in every cell in the body and serves as the body's master regulating switch, determining in large part how fat you are, how muscular you are, and even how long you'll live.

According to at least one study involving humans, ingesting C3G increases the production of AMPK by a factor of 2.88. In turn, these increased levels of AMPK cause a massive up-regulation of a "transcriptional activator" known as PGC-1 alpha, which then increases exercise capacity, fatigue resistance, and oxygen uptake, which all contribute to additional muscle mass (assuming all other factors are copacetic.

15.C3G also activates adiponectin, causing fat cells to function as another endocrine organ (like the thyroid or adrenals), regulating insulin sensitivity, lipid metabolism, and inflammation. When the C3G-related increase of adiponectin occurs, insulin sensitivity increases, inflammation decreases, and fat cells disgorge fatty acids into the bloodstream, causing them (and you) to get slimmer.

The increased adiponectin also helps produce more cellular engines known as mitochondria. In theory, if you control mitochondrial health and growth, you could at least double your lifespan without any of the diseases typically associated with aging. And from an athletic perspective, controlling the vitality and number of mitochondria in your muscle cells could lead to huge strength and endurance improvements that don't decline with the passing of years.

This increase in mitochondria, in some cases, causes the metabolically sluggish white fat to turn into the more metabolically active, calorie-burning brown fat. It also induces palmitate oxidation and citrate synthase activity, both of which are intermediates in the production of ATP, making cells chug along faster and longer.

16.All of this makes it seem logical to increase your intake of C3G by just adding more blueberries to your diet. It's a nice thought, but C3G has terrible bioavailability. You'd have to eat bushels of dark berries to get the muscle-building, fat-burning, life-extending, and heart-protective C3G benefits.

Maybe you think you're already eating enough blueberries to be fortified by C3G. Excuse me for being crass; if your morning stool isn't at leaser some shade of purple, you probably didn't eat enough blueberries to benefit from C3G.

600mg per day