View Full Version : Reboot

Raymond K. Hessel
07-15-2024, 01:35 PM
I recently got sick and couldn’t lift for 6 weeks. This is what I currently have to work with:
Lean Gain x 7
Equipoise x 3
Test E x 7
Shredded x 3
Med Blend 450 x 1
Equi Max 500 x 2
Sustanon x 6 (Is there any way in hell to avoid injection site pain?)

I’ll be getting 200 test cyp with 250 HCG weekly from a TRT clinic, and they do monthly labs.

What’s the ideal cycle to reboot, especially since I have a pool/beach thing in September.

07-16-2024, 12:20 AM
Need photos

Pretty hard to say without little information

Raymond K. Hessel
07-16-2024, 02:16 AM
Will do ASAP. Appreciate the help.