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07-09-2015, 05:58 PM
Hello everyone!

Something really wonderful happened to me today. It has made my week!
Recently I was scammed of £160 from a guy "selling" me Genotropin pens. It was a very elaborate scam and I fell for it.

I told bigdaddy about it and he told me a story of how he got scammed and how it made him feel.
Around this time I placed an order for Test, deca, trestolone ace and arimidex. Today I got the parcel and thought as I opened it "Hmm, this is a big parcel, did I make a mistake when ordering?"

Inside the parcel is a stealth package and 4 MTS vial containing boxes. "Odd, I didn't order anything stealth. I'd better contact Bigdaddy and say something with the dispatch has gone wrong" I looked at the boxes. 3 blue "standard" and 1 orange "pro series". "Test, deca, med-ment and wait what?" there was no label on the last blue box. I flipped it around to double check. I then opened the box super carefully and a vial of clear liquid was inside. "What is thi-" "...this is bac water" then it hit me. "No way!" I shouted and I opened the stealth package and there is a kit of medtropin inside there! I freaked out and shouted "NO WAY!" again.

Went online and thanked Bigdaddy and Mr Big with a paragraph describing my feelings and then reconstituted a vial. 10 IU vial so reconed it with 1 ml of bac water. I drew up 0.4 ml,4 IU, and injected it in my delt, put the kit inside the fridge then went back to bed (was tired as hell, did shift security work and was up until 5:30am)

Woke up from a long sleep. I am usually interrupted in my sleep and this was the first time I slept through the noise outside for solid few hours. Even slept through a neighbour banging on my door to borrow something.

I woke up with a pump. My muscles everywhere and especially in my arms felt tight against my skin and full. I woke up and jumped out of bed feeling great. Looked in the mirror and I just look big and full and thick. I did take 50 mg dbol and 50 mg adrol before bed but I have done this 5 times before and never got anything like this.

I got dressed and put on my shoes then headed outside for a walk to the shops to get food. For the first time in a long time, my knees weren't very sore and my ankle which I hurt was feeling better. My injured shoulder felt better as well. My knees etc still are sore but not as sore as usual.

As I was walking, I got the most immense pump in my legs and calves and generally my entire body got a pump. I ended up waddling then had to stop and sit on a bench as I literally couldn't move. I rolled up my tracksuit bottoms to massage my calves and they were literally red. My entire lower leg was a red tint. My calves looked far bigger than usual.

Got my shopping and was carrying it and the carrying of the shopping caused a full body pump.

Walked past a guy who I know and he laughed and said "Fuck, you are too hench mate" and I walked down to my house and started cooking.

I am so thankful to MTS for this. They did this as a pure favour to help me. This is how much they care and value their customers. AMAZING!! What other company in general, white market company, would send a customer £150 of goods because they dealt with another company and their customer got done over so as a kind gesture they give them a matching priced product for free that they ordered from a competitor? I cannot think of one. Mindblowingly generous and kind.

Bigdaddy also has offered to expose the scammer and even try and find more info on him and her to help me. How awesome is that? What other company do you know would do that for you? MTS has given me the best customer experience of ANY company I have ever dealt with, white and black market, by FAR.

Also the stealth packaging is exceptionally good, even I was fooled by it for a moment as I saw it in the parcel through the bubble wrap and thought the post man had delivered my neighbours stuff tome by accident!

Absolutely over the moon.

Would be hard pressed to find me happier right now. A man I don't know has given me the greatest gift of all, the chance of repairing my injuries and becoming healthy and pain free again. Not even my own mother would do this for me and here is someone I have never met doing this and being that kind.

Will be doing daily updates

11/10 MTS!

07-10-2015, 12:49 PM
Wow that's incredible kindness from BD

07-10-2015, 01:03 PM
110% agreed!!

By the way! I don't know what has happened... I really don't!! I don't know if it's the adrol kicking in really hard or that I added in the hGH or a mixture of both but I have put on another 3 Kg since a few days ago. Was walking through town and people were looking at me, I wasn't walking funny or anything. I was also walking past some drunk guys and they were staring at me and looking kind of aggressive then they all started doing some type of rugby chant around me...

I was then walking down the street and I saw someone I knew so I said hello. I walked towards them and they started laughing and one said "Jesus, lay of lifting the weights and eating burgers" "We could only see your silhouette (was at night) as you were walking towards us and we were wondering who it was, you looked like the hulk or something, you're too big"

I then walked past another guy and he walked into me and I was confused he then laughed and said "You're looking really good mate, big as hell, good work" and shook my hand

Photos on the way

07-10-2015, 02:38 PM
Just about to train
I'll see how my shoulder is

07-10-2015, 03:20 PM
How much adrol and GH are you using at this moment?

07-10-2015, 06:37 PM
I am amazed. Strained my shoulder two days ago and 9IU hgh later.... pretty much 100% healed.

Decided I'd keep the weight light... 125 Kg on the bench for 3x5. First set I was super careful and did all 5 reps slowly,felt a a bit of pain not much. 2nd set I made sure to really tuck my shoulders back to get the tendons out of the way and lifted slowly. NO pain. 3rd set decided to go ham and lifted it super fast and explosively like a warmup and had very little pain.

Gonna rest it for 3 days now. Also did a lot of higher rep stuff today to get blood in the area.

I was going to use 4 IU/d but bigdaddy has instructed me to use 5 IU/d but take the weekends off it then I can run it for longer and get better results.

Currently on 50 mg dbol 100 mg anadrol per day

07-11-2015, 02:52 AM
Wow, great service and sounds like a great product. It's making want to plunge into it ever so much. Soon, Medtropin, soon.

07-11-2015, 03:37 AM
I'll likely be buying another kit
I did graveyard security work... 12 am to 5:30am to pay to see giants live +book a hotel+ the traveling but it ended up not happening
Have an extra £200

Will probably run 5 IU/d 5 days a week with both kits to heal tendons

Then another kit at 2 IU/d
May be ableto afford 2 IU/d long term simply for well being and tendon health/strength

07-11-2015, 03:43 AM
Yeah me too. I have been scammed from a guy that appeared to tick all the boxes. I was trying to get the best deal on hgh blue tops and even though I now local suppliers that can get me kingtropin and yes the product is gtg they are just 3 times the price for it.

So I find this guy over the net and said he can help me out with some blue tops so I pay for 2 kits and with postage and WU fee $475.00us long story short I lost my cash and package never came. Good news MTS is gtg and my order of medtropin arrived. Big thanks to all the staff at MTS you really take your business serious and I will be ordering more soon.


07-11-2015, 04:00 AM
I am amazed. Strained my shoulder two days ago and 9IU hgh later.... pretty much 100% healed.

Decided I'd keep the weight light... 125 Kg on the bench for 3x5. First set I was super careful and did all 5 reps slowly,felt a a bit of pain not much. 2nd set I made sure to really tuck my shoulders back to get the tendons out of the way and lifted slowly. NO pain. 3rd set decided to go ham and lifted it super fast and explosively like a warmup and had very little pain.

Gonna rest it for 3 days now. Also did a lot of higher rep stuff today to get blood in the area.

I was going to use 4 IU/d but bigdaddy has instructed me to use 5 IU/d but take the weekends off it then I can run it for longer and get better results.

Currently on 50 mg dbol 100 mg anadrol per day

I have been taking 4iu norditropin for months and months maybe a year now and my triceps don't recover. I strained it doing lat pull downs. So dunno how you can heal up that fast.

07-11-2015, 12:57 PM
Mr big, the chiro said it was a strain but it wasn't a bad strain by any means,very mild

She tested the shoulder and it had good function but obviously not good enough to bench press etc at the time and it caused pain when she tested it too

I know for a fact though that when I benched yesterday it was feeling good


A girl literally just came up to me as I was sat on a bench outside eating some crisps and just randomly started talking to me saying I look amazing and asked me if I went to the Gym I go to because she's seen me there and thinks I look amazing lol

I swear girls can sense hgh/IGF-1... There must be *something*... the ONLY time a girl has ever done that was when I was on GHRP-2 and IGF-1 LR3 at high doses and had a very similar thing happen.

07-11-2015, 04:01 PM
Facial bloat has kicked in lol
Not sure if from entirely hGH or a mix of everything but my face has suddenly exploded since adding in the hGH though I also upped my test enth dose to 1g/w on the day of the hGH from 600mg/w (hGH=use high test)

If I sleep then wake up I can feel all the water in my eyes and if lay down on my bed and use by laptop for a bit then water literally starts leaking out ofmy tearducts like i'm crying lol

I am on 1g/w test 600mg/w deca 400 tren enth 50mg dbol/d 100mg oxy/d and 5 IU hGH 5 days a week, obviously the bloat isn't down to the hGH 100%. In fact this has happened to me before but not as severely when running 1g/w test e as an experiment months and months ago

07-11-2015, 11:25 PM
Yeah me too. I have been scammed from a guy that appeared to tick all the boxes. I was trying to get the best deal on hgh blue tops and even though I now local suppliers that can get me kingtropin and yes the product is gtg they are just 3 times the price for it.

So I find this guy over the net and said he can help me out with some blue tops so I pay for 2 kits and with postage and WU fee $475.00us long story short I lost my cash and package never came. Good news MTS is gtg and my order of medtropin arrived. Big thanks to all the staff at MTS you really take your business serious and I will be ordering more soon.


That really sucks

07-11-2015, 11:26 PM
LOL was walking down the road with a tank top on and some little kid shouted "Arrgh it's the hulk!"

07-14-2015, 05:39 PM
Oh man. I keep waking up hypo
Had to get up 3 times last night... first drank 1 L pineapple juice then 3 bananas then white rice and some milk

Having to eat every few hrs or I feel hypo lol

Probably not the hGH.. likely because I upped my tren enth from 400 mg/w to 600 mg/w

07-14-2015, 05:56 PM
Mix some fats and complex carbs in there. I was on 750/week tren and only had hypo issues when eating fast carbs as they'd make me crash and go hypo. Gh doesn't cause hypo, it actually raises your blood sugar due to it causing insulin resistance.

07-16-2015, 03:08 PM
I have indeed been mixing some fats in, I usually eat 5 large eggs, 100 g white rice and a butter+marmite sandwich before bed
lol having to keep pineapple juice or white rice by my bed

I am aware hGH raises blood sugar so I am quite confused!

Anyway, I also did 1.5 mg of BPC 157 into my strained shoulder. Yesterday I overhead pressed 85 Kg 3x5 full ROM (kept it light) to evaluate the shoulder after warming up very carefully and there was NO pain. The right shoulder seemed slightly weaker than usual though this is normal! It has been 1 week and I can already OHP and bench after restraining it with no issues. Still have the impingement when I bench which is usual for me but this seems to be clearing up slowly with my chiro treatment and rotator exercises.

Doing really well! Hoping to bench 180 Kg in the next 1.5 weeks.

07-18-2015, 05:37 PM
I am looking very much bigger. Got that blocky 3D hGH look starting to come through. People are saying I have "mutated" and I have got "way bigger" and my shoulders and traps have got bigger.

Pumps are ridiculous.

Veins all over my forearms and bicep vein as well as very vascular feet LOL

Sent a photo to George Leeman and even he was impressed

07-20-2015, 09:01 PM
Sorry for the drop off in post frequency

My laptop suddenly died. Power reg circuitry failed and fried the motherboard killing it entirely.

Did a BBing style training session today after doing my speedwork on bench... holy shit. Literally painful pumps. Did 3 sets of 20 reps slow with a pause on chest with just a plate on each side 1 min rest between sets and I was in a considerable amount of pain. 3rd set by the 5th rep my ROM was actually restricted slightly due to the level of pump. Had to go into the changing room and walk around then went into the toilet and rocked back and forth while my pecs tris bis and forearms were in a lot of pain. Only time I ever got this level of pump was using legit IGF-1 LR3 dosed 80-100 mcg pre training. Once the endorphins kicked in it felt sooooo good and I did higher rep low rest workout for lats, rear delts, tris, bis and traps. Had such a lat pump from 4x15 chins and supersetted lat pulldowns by arms were stuck out like I was carrying barbed wire under them lol. Got a lot of glances and even caught all 6 of the girls in there staring at me in the mirror and at my turbo-vascular forearms doing tricep pushdowns 10x10 1 min rest between.

07-27-2015, 05:29 PM
Hey guys!

Doing great! Started 500 mcg BPC 157 into my shoulder... amazing. Every session noticing improvements now. NO pain on overhead press anymore, feels a lot more powerful nowadays just from the tendon not wobbling around as much.

Bench press still is a little painful but nowhere near what is was! Pumps are just outstanding. Any sets 8-12 with 2 mins rest in between = cannot move and in pain with veins everywhere.

If I eat a good amount of meat (say a 300 g rump steak) with 125 g white rice my forearms go very vascular.

07-31-2015, 07:34 PM
3x3 140 Kg bench press today easy! Last set was super fast and could have done 5 reps. After I did 105 Kg 3x8 like it was the bar... super fast perfect form. NO pain until I misgrooved 140 Kg and it came very close to my neck because the spotter pulled it towards himself for some reason... had to regroove the bar mid set lol. It didn't hurt much at all and there was no pain for the following sets... maybe slliigghtt discomfort but that is it!! Wouldn't have hurt at all if it wasn't for the misgroove

OHP I can now do 100 Kg for reps (4-6 reps) 100% absolutely NO pain, 90 Kg 3x5 easily full rom to chest with slight pause no pain or discomfort at all what so ever!!

Shoulder is really healing well!!

08-02-2015, 12:49 PM
3x3 140 Kg bench press today easy! Last set was super fast and could have done 5 reps. After I did 105 Kg 3x8 like it was the bar... super fast perfect form. NO pain until I misgrooved 140 Kg and it came very close to my neck because the spotter pulled it towards himself for some reason... had to regroove the bar mid set lol. It didn't hurt much at all and there was no pain for the following sets... maybe slliigghtt discomfort but that is it!! Wouldn't have hurt at all if it wasn't for the misgroove

OHP I can now do 100 Kg for reps (4-6 reps) 100% absolutely NO pain, 90 Kg 3x5 easily full rom to chest with slight pause no pain or discomfort at all what so ever!!

Shoulder is really healing well!!

good job mate! at my best I could bench 140kg for 12 reps bw 95kg but after tearing my pec 10 years ago I never go higher then 100kg now and do it maybe at the end of my workout just for safety. I do more incline now.

And yes must say this product is great for healing had a bad back for 5 years now and after 6 weeks on this stuff i am getting little to no pain now

08-03-2015, 06:50 PM
Glad it's healing you guys up . For the purpose of healing are direct intramuscular injections the way to go or subcutaneous around the stomach just fine ? I'm asking as I think I have damaged my left rotator cuff . Swimming has healed it some but not completely . Had this problem for about a year now . It just makes me a little week on the left side so I have to be adaptable for training .

08-05-2015, 10:41 AM
Glad it's healing you guys up . For the purpose of healing are direct intramuscular injections the way to go or subcutaneous around the stomach just fine ? I'm asking as I think I have damaged my left rotator cuff . Swimming has healed it some but not completely . Had this problem for about a year now . It just makes me a little week on the left side so I have to be adaptable for training .

I have been using subcutaneous around the stomach and like I said my back pain is pretty much gone. So I feel I have gained some positive results.

08-09-2015, 01:35 AM
How's the fat loss?

08-25-2015, 03:44 PM
I am back! Just ordered more medtropin for my cut.

Decided to take a step back from powerlifting until everything is all healed up and do some bodybuilding and also more focus cardiovascular performance. Cardio base such as lower resting HR, higher fractional ejection volume etc will make me stronger when I get back to it. Focusing on getting properly lean now.

08-26-2015, 11:23 AM
I am back! Just ordered more medtropin for my cut.

Decided to take a step back from powerlifting until everything is all healed up and do some bodybuilding and also more focus cardiovascular performance. Cardio base such as lower resting HR, higher fractional ejection volume etc will make me stronger when I get back to it. Focusing on getting properly lean now.

Yeah bro, I got injured 2 months ago. Took some time off, then building up from the base ... Cardio then high volume strength stuff then high intensity competition lifts

08-27-2015, 12:33 AM
I am back! Just ordered more medtropin for my cut.

Decided to take a step back from powerlifting until everything is all healed up and do some bodybuilding and also more focus cardiovascular performance. Cardio base such as lower resting HR, higher fractional ejection volume etc will make me stronger when I get back to it. Focusing on getting properly lean now.

Good to hear your decision on altering training even though I know it's hard to put goals aside at times. Hope all heals well for you my man.

Adam bendsvi
03-03-2016, 08:04 PM
I want to see a picture,especially since 9iu healed all you wounds and you got so huge.id really love to see this idealistic body