View Full Version : MED-MENT - Trestolone

Diary of a beast
09-22-2015, 08:59 AM
A quick review on MED-MENT

4 days in and so far I have noticed the following:

Increased Aggression – I noticed myself getting pissed off easily at situations/comments I wouldn’t normally care about . I just save the aggression for when I train.

Focused – I was training with a friend who is running MED-MENT as well and I noticed both of us more focused during our workout I literally mean tunnel vision focused. Hard to explain but it's a great feeling

Pumps – So far the pumps have been crazy and I have only been on this product for 4 days... it’s only going to get better

Apatite – wow I’m constantly hungry I mean really hungry due to this I have increased my food intake

Recovery – recovery is a joke... but need to keep an eye on this to avoid injury

I’m loving this product and currently only running a low dose and will probably bump it up in time to come.

As this is still early stages I will write a more detailed review on MED-MENT in a few weeks.

09-22-2015, 09:58 AM
What dose you running it at bro!?

Diary of a beast
09-22-2015, 10:07 AM
baby dose - 25mg ED

09-25-2015, 04:01 PM
Thought i'd chime in, (Current blast is 800mg Test E/wk, 400mg Mast E/wk, 25mg Trest Ace ED)

I train with DOAB and we've both seen great changes from Trest, i've been running it for a little longer at the same dosage of 25mg ED.

Main things i've noticed:

Strength - Even at 25mg there is a big jump in strength, definitely one to look into for powerlifters with it not being particularly harsh, perhaps an alternative to tren to those aiming purely for strength output

Mood - Slight aggression increases at random times, but is easily manageable and something I would imagine changes with the dosage. Otherwise it is similar to high test with regards to mood - lots of energy and feeling positive

Physique Changes - Harder but also fuller look, exactly why it is compared to something of a wet tren. With E2 under control Trest shouldn't cause excessive bloat. Have to run for a longer period of time to really see how potent of an anabolic it is, but 2/3 weeks in and its looking like one hell of a compound.

Overall, Trest is definitely a versatile compound that I think would be a good addition to a cut or a bulk. I personally don't respond well to Deca (Acne/Bloat), nor have I tried Tren, but I think Trest sits between the two. Deca is very popular for bulk/off season blasts as its incredibly effective, but for those of you like me who have issues with it, Trest might be worth a try. Equally, those who plan on cutting with tren, perhaps try Trest and see if it is a better option - the mental side effects of tren are pretty bad for some and so Trest could be a good alternative for those who cant manage them effectively.

Trest isn't the cheapest compound, but it also isnt the most expensive. On paper Trest is slightly more than twice as anabolic than Tren, and so a 50mg dose of Trest would be equivalent theoretically to 100mg of Tren Ace, which when you compare the price really isnt much difference at all, especially considering that extra cost saves you the harsher sides that Tren often causes. MTS offer Trest at a great price considering its rarity, and is definitely more affordable that some would have you believe.

Hopefully this is a compound that gains more popularity so that more can be learnt about its long term effect on a physique and how it interacts with other drugs, personally my go to off season blast from now on will revolve around high test and trest, with another anabolic added in, plus masteron as funds allow.

I plan on bumping up to 50mg ED to see how much more I can get out of Trest, so I will post again after running it at this dose with my review

(Oh and if you plan on running Trest, have yourself an AI on hand, this stuff really does aromatise strongly)

04-18-2016, 09:33 AM
I am on cutting (600test 1EQ, 50 Winstrol ) diet now, i think to add Trest at 25eod it worth it or it's better for bulking ?

04-18-2016, 12:43 PM
Im dieting with it at the moment, definitely worth adding in but id say do 25mg ED. Keeps you full, strong and is massively anabolic so ideal for a cut on a large deficit. Cutting or bulking, I think it has a place

Diary of a beast
04-18-2016, 12:47 PM
Yes I would add it for sure

the strength benefits will help you during a cut

04-18-2016, 02:40 PM
What about lean gains / fullness?
Thanks for your reply

04-18-2016, 03:35 PM
I was running it at 50 ED. Was eating little more carbs then usual and has some bloat hanging on. About 4 weeks into had estradiol and free test checked, waiting on results to see how it effected estrogen

04-18-2016, 04:08 PM
I was running it at 50 ED. Was eating little more carbs then usual and has some bloat hanging on. About 4 weeks into had estradiol and free test checked, waiting on results to see how it effected estrogen
How much AI do you run ?

Diary of a beast
04-19-2016, 07:37 AM
never had problems with this product just stuck to my normal dose of aromasin 12.5 E3D people react differently so I suggest trying it out for yourself and go from there

If you run into issues you can always just pull out

I've been on and off this product for a while now and DBOL swears by it, I'll get him to reply to you on this cause he's currently running it during his cut.

04-19-2016, 08:33 AM
never had problems with this product just stuck to my normal dose of aromasin 12.5 E3D people react differently so I suggest trying it out for yourself and go from there

If you run into issues you can always just pull out

I've been on and off this product for a while now and DBOL swears by it, I'll get him to reply to you on this cause he's currently running it during his cut.
I am on 600 test and 1g EQ and with
1 letro /week I am fine.
I read some reviews about this and a few people said it aromatize strongly
Anyway thanks for your reply

04-23-2016, 11:10 AM
I am on cutting (600test 1EQ, 50 Winstrol ) diet now, i think to add Trest at 25eod it worth it or it's better for bulking ?

dosent ur bp shoot up with 1gram eq??? what do you do to control it?

04-23-2016, 01:04 PM
100MG aspirin after pin it and i am fine

04-23-2016, 10:32 PM
Can you do a long ester enanthate version by any chance mts?

04-26-2016, 08:03 AM
any further updates diary of beast / dbol?

any appetite/stomach issues?

04-26-2016, 09:02 AM
Appetite is through the roof, huge increase from what it is normally hence why it is so useful on a bulk. Having said that i'm dieting on 4000 calories and bulk on 5000 plus, so be careful how you use Trest in a Cut especially, since you may not have the flexibility I have with food intake to make the appetite increase controllable. Never had any digestion issues with it, I know tren can wreck the digestive process in some people, but this doesnt seem to occur with Trest.

Diary of a beast
04-26-2016, 09:06 AM
Take the plunge, invest in a few vials and experience it first hand (you wont regret it)

with all the deals and discounts going on retail price shouldn't be a problem ;)

04-26-2016, 08:02 PM
just got my labs back. Estrogen is running higher then usual. Been doing 1mg of arimidex EOD and added the 50mg of trestolone. Gonna bump it up a little more to drop estrogen levels. I do blood work always in the begging, middle and end of anything.

had pretty bloat from it too. But one thing that's different. I always stay low test, just my HRT dose and it seems to work well for me. My free testosterone levels were way high this time. So the trestolone boosted my estrogen but also boosted my free test way up. Get the perfect combo of Anti and probably some really good effects

04-27-2016, 08:21 AM
cheers for the reply guys. I use aromasin so will have to play with doses I think as im quite estro prone.

04-27-2016, 01:22 PM
Do you think that for a cut starting at 15% BF something like:

0.5ml (150mg) Test E + 1ml Shredded ED for + 1 Adex ed + T3 50-75mcg (for 20 days)
0.5ml (150mg) Test E + 1ml (50mg) Trestolone + 1 Adex ed + T3 50-75mcg (for 20 days)
then repeat Shredded then Trestolone alone and so on until 6% bf

Can be good that system for a cut? Is that too much to start at 15%bf with Trest?

04-27-2016, 04:28 PM
Jaxino, how did the lean bombs work out for you . On your cutting run really try to keep estrogen in check with the trestolone

04-28-2016, 06:30 AM
Your bf is pretty high. You dont need shredded to get to 10% or even lower. Diet will change it.
Stick to low T (100-200mg ew) + Trest or Tren-A at 50mg EOD until you get to single digits. Then you can up the doses and blow up while leaning down.
I never used thyroid meds but i guess that 50-75mcg is way too high. If you want to use some ancillaries stick to clen or eca.

04-28-2016, 07:13 AM
To call 15% bf pretty high is questionable,IMHO.
Seems to be some kind of mantra today.
Depending on your base and goals,not all should go down to single digit
before growing.
Otherwise some would almost disappear while cutting.

Diary of a beast
04-28-2016, 08:06 AM
I agree with the comment about not running to much to get from 15% to 10%

adjusting your diet and sticking with Test, tren/trestolone will get you to 10% pretty quick

to really appreciate and see the results from Shredded it won't hurt hold back till you are at 8% or something and then introduce it into the equation

04-28-2016, 01:18 PM
So as i can see you don't talk of Masteron into the equation.... just Test + Tren or Test + Trest

Diary of a beast
04-28-2016, 02:54 PM
Add it if you want but personally I think Mast shines when your in the single digit BF%

I suggest the PRO MT200 blend, you get the best of both Mast and Tren :)

04-30-2016, 12:30 PM
I'm cutting to 2000 cals only 40 fats, 50g carbs rest is proteins. ONLY real food i eat is: munchen chicken breast, walden farms dressings 0 cal, 80g raw oats after WO, green salad, some olive oil. Doing cardio ED since 7 weeks 30'-45' mins + 3 push pull legs workouts.

I did even a 250mg ED DNP cycle nothing... weight isn't moving at all always 95kg 182cm 15% bf (calculated with Navy formula)

I have tried to post my photos to other forums, everyone says that i'm pretty lean and i should bulk because i have really low muscle...
95kg 15%bf -> LBM: 80kg of muscles, let's say that i want to be at 10% i should be at 88kg.

My cal restriction started 12 weeks ago at 2300 cals, now it's at 2000, and some days 1600. Scale not moving, and my skin on abs area has water.
It seems that i lack muscle a lot.

My aim would be to weight 95-100kg at 8-10%, should look good for my height....

04-30-2016, 12:33 PM
I agree with the comment about not running to much to get from 15% to 10%

adjusting your diet and sticking with Test, tren/trestolone will get you to 10% pretty quick

to really appreciate and see the results from Shredded it won't hurt hold back till you are at 8% or something and then introduce it into the equation

I have Shredded at home now, should be wasted if used now.
I have to try at least 4 weeks with just Trestolone at 50mg ED and Test 150mg ew, 1mg adex

04-30-2016, 03:31 PM
Why so much prot and low carb/fat??
If your scale isnt moving then sth is wrong with your plan. Maybe you eat too little and your body is already in survival mode.

I am 196cm and now at 92.3 kg. I started cutting at 98 kg 4 weeks ago and i eat about 2800 kcals a day 35% prot / 60% fat / 5% carbs with one carb refeed on sunday (80% carbs 10% fat 10% prot). I train 3-5 times a week and no cardio until now.
Furthermore i only run lean gain @ 1ml EOD (50 test-p 75 tren-a 75 mast-p).

04-30-2016, 05:44 PM
2 years ago i was 120kg fat as fuck kido.

Then a friend told me: want to lean out? 3 grapefruits a day, some veggies, 300g of chicken breast for 6 meals.

I wanted to start bodybuilding hard, and so i listened to him. In 7 month i was something like 80kg.
But i kept that diet for..... 2 years till today.
So now i think my metabolism is fucked up and is in survival mode.
Was thinking to reverse dieting, starting with different macros: 100c 250p 50f
And upping 25c every week end monitor my weight every day to see how it reacts to carbs.
When to add new carbs i will need to up fats, i'll just add 10g of fats for a week then, upping carbs.

Basically after a while i should find a SWEET SPOT where i'll have a better body composition.
I think it will be near 2800-3000 cals.
At this point i'll maintain diet for 2 weeks and then decide to cut. But this time cut will be (my sweet spot-500 cals) for let's say 2 weeks meanwhile i'll add also cardio while keep lowering cals. That way i think i will arrive to my desired body fat. 8-10%

I have to be onest onest, when a woman sees me says! "Wow large shoulders! Pretty tall, not fat at all, are you a swimmer?"
For the sake of god i would kill me, swimmers are the flatness in person!! I wanna be a BB!
Let's say a Sergie Constance, but not so big, since for sure he will be using much more drugs than me, better coaching, more sleep, better WO and so on...