View Full Version : Question regarding orals

10-17-2015, 03:45 PM
Hi, I was wondering, I have bought and intend to buy the higher concentration tablets mainly for economic reasons (significantly cheaper this way), however, I like instead to cut the tablets to spread the dose as much as I can through the day. But, sometimes with tablets the active compound is not evenly distributed and cutting the tablets is not really viable. My question is, is the active compound here evenly distributed or I should not bother trying to cut the pills?
Thanks for all the gains you guys have provided me.

10-17-2015, 05:11 PM
There's no way that can be answered in all honesty with any tablet that's been made by any company!!
If they tell you any different its bullshit.
You've got two options..either take whole and have a cheaper tablet,or buy smaller dosed tablets and evenly distribute throughout the day and pay more.

10-18-2015, 12:05 AM
you could grind them up in a mortar and pestle, then thoroughly mix the powder and take the right fraction of that. a lot of work though, easier to just up the dose and die young and huge.

10-18-2015, 12:45 AM
Just split the pill and take it. The margin of error in dosing with a company of the grade of mts I'm sure is so small it wouldn't matter. Splitting hairs essentially

10-18-2015, 03:52 PM
Thanks for the answers guys! grinding them and using a precision scale for dosing seems like the best choice.

10-19-2015, 03:22 AM
Thanks for the answers guys! grinding them and using a precision scale for dosing seems like the best choice.

You're overthinking it bro, there are many other factors, your oral bioavailability of the hormones will fluctuate throughout the day. If you want half a dose just take half a tab and leave it at that. I'm sure when you're doing your injects you aren't dosing a little extra/less depending on which muscle you're injecting due to their different absorption rates.