View Full Version : Puffy nipples

11-10-2015, 02:55 PM
Hi people just wanting some information and advice.

Since a young age (i am now 22) i have a slight problem with big/puffy/pointy nipples. I have had then before i began aas use but i feel as if overtime they have gone worse. My nipples are always pointing and sticking out of t shirts and when i tense they seem to go slightly saggy. I hardly have any fat on me too.

I have no lumps, no itching and no pain under my nipples. However there does feel to be some fat or something around them underneith. I can post a picture if required...

Nova hasnt seemed to help and neither has arimidex.... Currently on 0.5mg Ed until i get some letrozole and prami (should be monday)

So before i go to my doctor i just want to try this as a last resort.... what dosage and length should i run these at? Atm i have been told to do 0.5mg prami and 1.25mg letrozole (half a tab) e2d for a week or two. Is this ok? Should i take ed instead or lower to 0.75 instead? I want to keep my libido as i have a girl an she wont be happy


11-11-2015, 03:06 AM
Do bloodwork and check for E2 and prolactin.
Buy only pharma grade AI and caber.

Hi people just wanting some information and advice.

Since a young age (i am now 22) i have a slight problem with big/puffy/pointy nipples. I have had then before i began aas use but i feel as if overtime they have gone worse. My nipples are always pointing and sticking out of t shirts and when i tense they seem to go slightly saggy. I hardly have any fat on me too.

I have no lumps, no itching and no pain under my nipples. However there does feel to be some fat or something around them underneith. I can post a picture if required...

Nova hasnt seemed to help and neither has arimidex.... Currently on 0.5mg Ed until i get some letrozole and prami (should be monday)

So before i go to my doctor i just want to try this as a last resort.... what dosage and length should i run these at? Atm i have been told to do 0.5mg prami and 1.25mg letrozole (half a tab) e2d for a week or two. Is this ok? Should i take ed instead or lower to 0.75 instead? I want to keep my libido as i have a girl an she wont be happy


11-11-2015, 10:51 AM
I used to look like that until I got my hands on dostinex.

11-11-2015, 12:18 PM
calcium d glucarate 2000 a day,

most people i got to try it noticed OVERNIGHT difference. around 8 ppl so far.

"Calcium D-Glucarate promotes the body's detoxification process and supports hormonal balance.

Calcium D-Glucarate is recommended by the AMC Cancer Research Center"

11-11-2015, 03:34 PM
Going to use letro and caber/dostinex for a few week at half a tab e3d.

I am already on calcium d gluracate but at 500mg ed... I will up it too 2000mg ed.

I will stay on 0.50mg adex ed till i get my letro and caber....

Also, forgot to mention i did use 300mg deca for 10 weeks for the first time... Maybe it is prolactin induced gyno???????

11-11-2015, 03:36 PM
I will let you all know the outcome after 3-4 weeks of being on the letro and caber.

Gonna start my next blast next week too.

11-11-2015, 05:35 PM
Going to use letro and caber/dostinex for a few week at half a tab e3d.

I am already on calcium d gluracate but at 500mg ed... I will up it too 2000mg ed.

I will stay on 0.50mg adex ed till i get my letro and caber....

Also, forgot to mention i did use 300mg deca for 10 weeks for the first time... Maybe it is prolactin induced gyno???????

yes its prolactin gyno

11-11-2015, 06:57 PM
Honestly I would only use the caber, calcium d gluracate and continuing using the adex in your case sine using those 3 will cause little sides and most likely solve your problem. If those end up not working after 2 weeks then I would add in the letro. Is the caber and letro pharma or UGL?

11-11-2015, 08:05 PM
Okay, ill do that.

It will be pharma caber and letro....

Recommend the dosage for the caber? Theyre 0.50mg tabs so x2 a week should be good?

11-11-2015, 08:14 PM
Magician, how long do you recommend the gluracate for?

11-11-2015, 10:50 PM
.5mg twice a week sounds good. You should not only notice reduction in gyno but your libido and mood should increase noticably in 2 weeks.

11-12-2015, 05:55 AM
Magician, how long do you recommend the gluracate for?

forever lol, maybe after problems go away drop to 1000
or if using high test keep it at 2-3000

i dont use any ai nolva letro anymore , d glicarate replaces all of them and better anyway

11-12-2015, 05:59 AM
ive heard from unreputable sources some some hrt docs reccomend it instead of ai
like trt forums and stuff

11-12-2015, 11:27 AM
Fair enough... An yeah my mood has been abit shit lately tbh

12-02-2015, 06:42 PM
Well people I am due a blood test next week as the signs havent gone. The letro + caber didnt work and I am now on 2.5mg of letro ED, been on for a few days now no difference as of yet. Have been told to get some tamoxifen. Im starting to think it is estrogen related as I have never really used an AI (stupid I know).

They've gotten slightly puffier and now I have a 'white ring' around each of my nipples, feels like some bumpy tissue like around/underneath, theyre not painful and I cant really feel a big lump but theyre definitely more noticeable to me and through my t shirts. They also sag slightly when I tense. I am no longer on cycle as my doctor instructed me to come off. I will probably end up going on tamoxifen at 40mg ed then 20mg ed after but I want to be totally sure it is estrogen therefore I have to wait until I get my results.

The 'white rings' I describe are similar to this below (notice around the nipples the colour) but obviously mine arent as bad as this guys..


12-02-2015, 07:04 PM
Where is your letro from? How do you feel mentally?

12-02-2015, 07:44 PM
Its from muscle develop, proper pharma stuff and in the proper boxing etc.

Well I have no sex drive, soft erections, tired, my joints are starting to ache, loosing muscle, cba with the gym anymore... just stuff like that really

Got some news - for the first time I've just squeezed my nipples quiet hard and I have a slight white discharge coming from them... prolactin??? Or is this normal? Apparently they will just leak without being squeezed if it is prolactin

12-02-2015, 09:15 PM
The slight white discharge is normal, I have had it even when my prolactin was under 5UG/L (low).
Your estrogen seems low but not low enough to reduce estrogen induced gyno. You shouldn't even be able to get a weak erection.
Since you haven't gotten any benefit from these drugs I would recommend you stop them. There is more to life then having a perfect chest.

12-02-2015, 09:23 PM
Fair enough... my sex drive is none existent, I used to get boners when my girlfriend cuddled next to me but now I get nothing, dont even think about it.. although I can actually still get hard erections...

And I understand but I wont enjoy life knowing I have saggy man tits and the fact that they show straight through my shirts, and the fact I'd be too embarrassed to go on holiday or go swimming.

12-02-2015, 11:02 PM
You can't enjoy life because your boobs sag a bit. Watch this

12-04-2015, 01:13 AM
Raloxifene is better than Nolva and less sides. Maybe add dhts as dht in the absence of estrogen causes breast cell apoptosis. This is the treatment of breast cancer. People have had decent results with nuked estro, serm and Masteron. Also since no aromatising compounds mast will keep you suppressed so no natural test to throw things off so no further ai needed. Just food for thought.

01-29-2016, 08:10 PM
Just to let everyone know if youre interested or wondered what happened I went to the doctors and took some blood tests and the doctor confirmed it was gyno. However I also saw a picture without my top off from a few years ago before I started bodybuilding and I have slight gyno there too which makes me think its mainly from puberty.

My bloods came back - my LH was pretty much 0 and my TSH was slightly above expected (4.2) and my testosterone levels were very high. My prolactin levels were 4 which the normal range is somewhat 45-375 mU/L which somewhat contributed to my depression. I drove it down using Dostinex thinking I had prolactng gyno. Estrodial was not shown on this test so fuck knows what it was.

Stayed off the steroids and my testosterone dropped - started getting acne, mad mood swings, depression, muscle loss, no energy, no libido, ed etc. I was also taking 20mg of Tamoxifen and 50mg Clomid - which did nothing really for my gyno. Neither did Letrozole.

Anyway - I got some HCG and did 1 shot 1500iu every 4 days three times. Sooner I was back to normal had sex drive again, stopped loosing weight and felt better and everything. Carried on with the Clomid and tamoxifen and had another test literally 3 weeks after the HCG. The effects of the HCG started wearing off and I lost my libido again but I was not depressed or anything at all like I was.

My testosterone levels where at 6 which they was previously at 34. A normal range is 8-27 nmol/L/. My depression has now gone, libido still low and my doctor said it will take time to get it back. My weight is now steady at 10.8 stone where as when I was on cycle I weighed 11.8, lost a good stone - maybe if I did the HCG sooner I would of kept more. Estrogen levels where at 57pmol/L which is a very low range. I still have gyno and will be seeing an endocrinologist next week as I believe it is still progressing. I am not suffering from really high estrogen but more of a hormone inbalance.

I have been off for around 3 months now. Going to see how I am in May then will start another cycle but this time a short cycle of 10 weeks instead of a year round cycle.

Going to try some HCGenerate for libido - heard some good stuff about it! Tbh I think the HCG has definently kick started my HPTA back up to a low level - and this will improve in time.

Basicly - I think my gyno was flared up by high levels of estrogen.

03-02-2016, 07:25 PM
calcium d glucarate 2000 a day,

most people i got to try it noticed OVERNIGHT difference. around 8 ppl so far.

"Calcium D-Glucarate promotes the body's detoxification process and supports hormonal balance.

Calcium D-Glucarate is recommended by the AMC Cancer Research Center"

Do you follow Taeian by any chance?

03-03-2016, 02:19 AM
I would follow him just don't know where to find him

03-10-2016, 07:59 PM
I used to look like that until I got my hands on dostinex.

Does legit dostinex give headache n general stuff feeling as viagra. I've had some capped shut that I believe was fake and just Ed meds. But if the legit stuff doesn't bring shitty feelings I'd be interested in trying some of this stuff as fuck my nipples...

03-11-2016, 03:00 AM
Does legit dostinex give headache n general stuff feeling as viagra. I've had some capped shut that I believe was fake and just Ed meds. But if the legit stuff doesn't bring shitty feelings I'd be interested in trying some of this stuff as fuck my nipples...
Legit caber did not give me any of those effects and I've eaten my share of viagra, cialis, and caber. Caber doesn't really make me feel anything. I just stopped lactating

03-11-2016, 06:54 PM
legit caber fixes it in 3 days....is this on cycle or after it?.Ideally load up on caber on cycle before you shoot tren or decca....

08-27-2016, 04:59 PM

Is this brand ok for calcium d glucarate? Any benefit kn taking vitamin b6 also instead of caber to reduce puffy nips?

11-22-2016, 09:21 AM
Was having a similar issue. Now I dont know exactly which of the following did something, which didn't or if they all did something but this is what I did to fix my issues (and mine was actual gyno induced from a 5 week anadrol cycle lmao)

Raloxifene 60mg ED for 4 weeks
Aromasin 25mg split 12 hours apart ED for 2 weeks, then 12.5mg ED for 2 weeks
Caber 0.25mg E3D for 4 weeks
Zinc Picolinate 150mg split 3 x a day (still doing this)
P-5-P 150mg split 3 x a day (still doing this)
Calcium D-Glucarate 1500mg split 3 x a day (still doing this)
Also stopped pinching and feeling my nipples which caused extra irritation and sensitivity
Didn't have any dairy products whatsoever, diet was extremely clean, also cutting and lots of cardio

Nipples look perfectly normal, and keep in mind I did this while being on 300mg Test P and 450 Tren A EW