View Full Version : cycle advise please
11-18-2015, 12:55 AM
Hi, i would like to ask some advise. Im 36, play basketball 3 times a week, go to the gym 3/4 times a week, do a bit of running etc... Im gonna start a diet cause i want to loose some belly fat that ive gained this summer, im 6feet2 weight 14.8 stone, the only place my fat goes is to the belly...
Anyway, as i said im about to start a diet, and sports again after summer break, im going to be taking protein and creatine. Last year i did a little cycle with dianabol and big and full from this site, and this year i would like to try the Stanavar. Would you reccomend taking this on its own or adding some test blend injectable to it? Any recomendations on what combines good? As i said i want to get rid of some belly fat but at the same time make gains in the gym.
Thanks for your help.
11-18-2015, 02:37 AM
Keep it simple, run big n full with stanavar. Maybe add in extra eq
for increased cardiovascular,
vascularity and a bit of extra fullness.
11-18-2015, 04:55 AM
I agree with the guy above on keeping it simple but not necessarily with his product choice.adding practically any of the products in will help your body burn fat as long as you don't over do on excessive calories.
So me personally I would try the hard n lean or triple en blend,2ml a week and throw In 1/2 stanavar a day.give it 8-12 weeks train hard,keep active and clean up your food slightly from what it's been previously and jobs a good un!!
Very simple/basic but very much what's needed for you at this time.
After you see what that does for your physique then you can plan your next course around your goals.
11-18-2015, 10:54 AM
I agree with the guy above on keeping it simple but not necessarily with his product choice.adding practically any of the products in will help your body burn fat as long as you don't over do on excessive calories.
So me personally I would try the hard n lean or triple en blend,2ml a week and throw In 1/2 stanavar a day.give it 8-12 weeks train hard,keep active and clean up your food slightly from what it's been previously and jobs a good un!!
Very simple/basic but very much what's needed for you at this time.
After you see what that does for your physique then you can plan your next course around your goals.
I highly reccomend triple en, I have used it on both my last cuts at 2-3ml per week. Test to keep your bits working, tren for hardness and fat burning, masteron for hardness and well being.
11-18-2015, 06:57 PM
He mentioned playing sports and cycling that's why I didn't want to recommend tren but your product choices will defiantly give better results.
11-23-2015, 07:07 PM
HI yeah, i play basketball, like in a league four times a week, i dont want to go extremely musclely lol, just want to loose belly fat by dieting and cardio, the thing is that i have a cocktail bar and im in the balearics, so in the summer is all a bit out of ocntrol, food, sleep, drinks etc... and everything goes to my belly, so far ive already lost a couple kilos and 3 cm of belly (105 now) just by eating better, sleeping properly and going to gym and basketball, and then i want a bit of help in the gym to bulk up a little, and hardness and keeping lean, thats all, so i guess i will order that stanavar and triple en? ;)i dont want to go to extremes, just loose belly fat and build up some muscle and strengh.
Ps I have been reading a bit in internet now and says that tren and cardio are not that much compatible? is that right? if its low dose is it ok? or is there something better for what i want?
11-24-2015, 11:48 AM
If im going to be doing cardio, should i just stick to hard and full instead of triple en? i´d like to order today... but need to know thanks !!
11-24-2015, 12:19 PM
Just take test e. I would say take test with eq but it sounds like u r planning to come off anabolics and equipoise has a long half life. Tren significantly lowered my cardio at 200mg ew so If u want to school kids in basket ball tren is a bad idea.
11-24-2015, 03:24 PM
Thanks buddy, i have finally ordered big and full and stanavar, what should i do, one stanavar a day and 1 mil a week or 2 mil a week? if its two, can i do two in one jab or one and then another? thaks for all your help.
11-24-2015, 11:18 PM
I would start with one cc ew and see how you feel and one stanavar first thing in the morning (once you lean out a bit and get "that look" anavar+winstrol give you I would lower to half a tab a day)
If you want to run 2ccs make sure to have an ai. Doing it in one jab will get you more sides.
03-14-2016, 10:10 PM
Hi guys! i havent started it yet but im going to start it in a few days. My question is, what about the liver protection? i have legalon 150, and im buying some liv52. My question is, how long before i take the first pill do i have to run legalon, also, do i take legalon while im taking the stanavar too? and once i have finished the cycle should i continue to use legalon? also i read in posts that its good to take legalon before and after and meanwhile take the liv52?.... can anyone advise me? or can i just take the legalon now for a couple of days and lets say on thursday start taking the stanavar? some posts and take the legalon at same time i take the stanavar? other posts say maybe take legalon even 2 weeks before starting the cycle... sorry for all the confussion thanks!!! PS. Also will i need to do a PCT and if yes, whats recommended? thanks very much.
03-16-2016, 12:30 AM
Anyone? :)
03-16-2016, 01:51 AM
Don't drink alcohol on orals and you will be good. No "liver protection" needed.
03-16-2016, 04:40 PM
Hi guys! i havent started it yet but im going to start it in a few days. My question is, what about the liver protection? i have legalon 150, and im buying some liv52. My question is, how long before i take the first pill do i have to run legalon, also, do i take legalon while im taking the stanavar too? and once i have finished the cycle should i continue to use legalon? also i read in posts that its good to take legalon before and after and meanwhile take the liv52?.... can anyone advise me? or can i just take the legalon now for a couple of days and lets say on thursday start taking the stanavar? some posts and take the legalon at same time i take the stanavar? other posts say maybe take legalon even 2 weeks before starting the cycle... sorry for all the confussion thanks!!! PS. Also will i need to do a PCT and if yes, whats recommended? thanks very much.
Yes very confusing and over complicating things,you can take STANAVAR 1/2 tabs per day for 4-6 weeks without the need for any of the above.
03-16-2016, 04:54 PM
I would recommend a begginer cycler and dietary advice
300-400mg test enanthate or sustanon
300mg nandrolone
Aromasin 25mg every three days
Be on a caloric deficit and you'll burn fat very well.
If you have issues dieting because you love eating try a oral like epistane or anadrol, it gets rid of your apetite pretty quick.
Don't need any liver protection really
03-16-2016, 11:20 PM
OH thanks mate, sorry for that. I thought i needed to take legalon to protect the liver for the stanavar. Im also gonna do big n full 1cc ew. so no need for legalon or liv52 with 1 pill of stanavar a day then
03-16-2016, 11:21 PM
Don't drink alcohol on orals and you will be good. No "liver protection" needed.
thanks mate, i thought i had to take the liver protection cause of the stanavar so i i dont need it then cheers. sorry for the questions! :)
03-16-2016, 11:24 PM
I would recommend a begginer cycler and dietary advice
300-400mg test enanthate or sustanon
300mg nandrolone
Aromasin 25mg every three days
Be on a caloric deficit and you'll burn fat very well.
If you have issues dieting because you love eating try a oral like epistane or anadrol, it gets rid of your apetite pretty quick.
Don't need any liver protection really
thanks for the info mate, i have stanavar and big n full already, i was wondering whether i needed liver protection for the stanavar...
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