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View Full Version : Tbol vs Dbol

11-18-2015, 12:10 PM
Hello fellow warriors,

I recently started arguing with my brother, about his decision making. He decided to put Dbol on his bulking cycle and I kind of disagree with him. I argue , that Tbol is much better than Dbol, because it doesn't convert as much to estrogen, less water retention and no bloat and the gains are keepable afterwards. His goal is to put at least 20lbs, he thinks that he can't gain as much weight with Tbol and he doesn't care if it's water or fat, which I find that kind of thinking lazy. He is definetely not new to steroids ( using for 2yrs now), he is 6'0, 185lbs, 9% body fat and has an awesome aesthetic look.

My question is, do I let him decide for himself or try to change his mind with better arguments. I'm going to give him a gift from MTS orals.

Thanks for the support

11-18-2015, 01:46 PM
Good argument!!..me personally I'm with you on the TBOL,find it gives me better look than DBOL which just seems to give me a 'moon face'.
Can understand your bros opinion,he will most likely look better on DBOL because of his stats so he has an argument especially if his attitude is what it us with regards to the quality of weight he's putting on.
Be father Xmas and get him some 50mg TBOL he will be surprised with his results even if doesn't tell you because he won't want to make you think your right!!

11-18-2015, 02:58 PM
If he's only interested in gaining weight and doesn't care what sort, give him d'bol and take his AI.

If he's interested in gaining LBM, I'd suggest dropping orals as they will have an adverse effect on his appetite, no matter how minute.

I only ever used orals during contest prep.

11-19-2015, 01:40 PM
Tbol is fricking awesome!! Ran 50 mg mts... it takes a little while to fully kick in but my gosh when it does (about 10 days or so) you look 3D crisp and dry
Tried 100 mg and I looked thick as hell. I MUCH prefer it to dbol!! Strength gain is great plus it doesn't fuck me up cardio wise like dbol with water retention and back pumps when I go for a run.

The ultimatr cycle for an athlete who wants to be strong lean looking and be able to run for miles should be 300 test e 600 bold undec 50-100 mast prop a day and 25-50 mg tbol. On thst with a good diet proper training you could ride a bike fast for miles, run sprint and jump gracefully and then go the gym and bench 4 plates lol. Might need a little ai like 6.25 mg aromasin eod. If you are a light fella then halotestin at 25 mg a day for the 4 plate bench ;)

Rambling now but tbol is fucking awesome. Highly underrated and undrrappreciated steroid from the darker ages of athletics.

11-27-2015, 07:50 PM
Thanks for the replies guys, but this guy is a thickhead , he wants his dbol.

Just a quick question, how do you guys recommend to take it. What dosage or does it matter when? I'm planning on getting the 25mg tablets, maybe take them 2x/ED. What do you think is the best way to get most out of it.

11-28-2015, 12:21 AM
You should only need to take 30mg - 40mg per day. Easy said than done if you are not getting the 10mg version.

Best to spread out the dosages. So if you are taking 50mg/day. I would split each tablet in half. Then take the 1/4 tablet 4 times per day - morning, afternoon, evening, bed

11-28-2015, 08:11 AM
You should only need to take 30mg - 40mg per day. Easy said than done if you are not getting the 10mg version.

Best to spread out the dosages. So if you are taking 50mg/day. I would split each tablet in half. Then take the 1/4 tablet 4 times per day - morning, afternoon, evening, bed

You learn something new everyday,

Thanks, Mr.Big

01-15-2017, 09:06 AM
Really I'm 13 days in and I barely feel any thing yet ,maybe not fully kicked in yet I running 50mg a day. I run var from MTS last summer and felt it very quick and started seeing good definition this was on 50mg ed I only ran that for 3 and half weeks, hoping to feel something soon cause all I've heard is good things about tbol. my libido has stayed same as well strength is the same as when I'm natty😕

03-30-2017, 05:35 PM
Tbol works wonders on lowering SHBG and it will also put on real lean mass.

So if you want to run it try to keep test a bit higher than usual 450-600mg and then you will feel all the magic from Tbol.

Steroids aren't magic weapon, when you blow up on one AAS 90% of the time is just water not lean tissue... For lean tissue it takes time, food, and balls to the walls workouts.

I was a Dbol lover.... But when you start becoming a watery mess you will hate it.

Another oral that you will love it will be Epistane, MTS one is the best, it dries you. Basically I would say it's a better Turanabol ;)