View Full Version : RESTART FROM SCRATCH: want to start CRUISE and BLAST

03-25-2016, 08:23 AM
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 92 kg
Body Fat %: 15%
How many calories per day do you eat? 2500
How many times per week do you train? 4
How long have you trained for? 10 year
Previous cycle experience? 2 years cycling
Desired goals: go to single BF then explode, my goal would be to stay as lean as possible all year 8-10% and grow

These are my goals, can please someone give me advices? In January i started my cut with 2500 cals (200c 200p 100f), but was a complete waste of time didn't get anything good.

Atm i'm eating 50g carbs 320g prots 40g fats (mainly from omega3 pills), 6 meals a day the only meal where i eat carbs is post wo 50g dextrose +50g PeptoPro with 7IU Humalog. I also do 30-45 mins cardio all day fasted in the morning.

My cycle atm is 5IU HGH (Hygetropin black tops)+1ml LEAN GAIN eod + 0,5 ml Tren A eod + 1ml Winstrol ed + 50mg Proviron ed + 1 Adex ed +25mcg T3. All products from MTS.

Have also 3 vials of SHREDDED ready. I tried doing everything by myself, but tbh results are not that good.

How should i improve? My diet is ok?

Please help :(:(

03-26-2016, 01:10 AM
HYGETROPIN has to be one of the shitty generics. 4iu/day of JIntropin and I'm always lean. Something has to be not right here if you are eating like you and not getting the results.

I would take 50mcg T3/day. 25mcg/day is a replacement of your normal levels.

I would make sure you get around 400-500mg/week of TREN in whatever combo or stand alone combined.

At 182cm and 92kg / 15% BF, fundamently I think you need to have much more mass on you. You would probably find you will burn off much more fat if you are simply carrying more muscle. I would hope to be at least 105kg at 182cm at around 12%.

2500 cals (200c 200p 100f), but was a complete waste of time didn't get anything good.

Who gave you this diet? have you worked out exactly how many calories you need?

I can say I'm doing NO cardio and I'm around 10% maximum even if I just eat shit fast food several times per day. But I can only do this if I take 50mcg T3/day and ensure 400mg/week of tren.

03-26-2016, 02:20 AM
HYGETROPIN has to be one of the shitty generics. 4iu/day of JIntropin and I'm always lean. Something has to be not right here if you are eating like you and not getting the results.

I would take 50mcg T3/day. 25mcg/day is a replacement of your normal levels.

I would make sure you get around 400-500mg/week of TREN in whatever combo or stand alone combined.

At 182cm and 92kg / 15% BF, fundamently I think you need to have much more mass on you. You would probably find you will burn off much more fat if you are simply carrying more muscle. I would hope to be at least 105kg at 182cm at around 12%.

Who gave you this diet? have you worked out exactly how many calories you need?

I can say I'm doing NO cardio and I'm around 10% maximum even if I just eat shit fast food several times per day. But I can only do this if I take 50mcg T3/day and ensure 400mg/week of tren.

good advice as always.

03-26-2016, 05:37 PM
Ok so i have to up the dose of T3 to 50mcgs day, 2 split doses since it has 8h half life.
I'll raise tren too then.... since i have some Shredded vial should i use it for my goals?

The diet was so strict because on carbs i had bloat but i think that this bloat was because my Hyges, tried to test some and some were HCG!!!!! (did that today with pregnancy test).

So to speed the things up i'll start Genlei Jins at 4ui + my diet, such low cals should rip me fast.

For AAS what will be best? LEAN GAIN + TREN + W or 4 weeks of SHREDDED + W then LEAN GAIN + TREN ?

03-28-2016, 02:31 AM
Can you give use hormone totals per week? Also your carbs are very low are you incorporating weekly or biweekly refeeds? Are you taking some hgh pre-cardio? Also insulin is completely unnecessary for you on a diet. You could also try adding clen.

03-29-2016, 09:19 AM
Today i'll add CLEN (pharma grade MONORES) 2 weeks ON 1 weeks OFF. 40mcg to 160mcg.

I plan a weekly refeed with 100g carbs once a week.

For AAS what will be best?
-6 weeks 1ml EOD LEAN GAIN + 0.5ml TREN + 50mg ED W after 6 weeks only 1ml EOD LEAN GAIN + 0.5ml TREN
-6 weeks 1ml ED SHREDDED + 50mg ED W then after 6 weeks only 1ml EOD LEAN GAIN + 0.5ml TREN

Have added also 4iu ed Genlei HGH. 2iu before bed 2iu in the morning before fasted cardio.
This year i want to invest all i can on BB, i aim to be 95-100kg 7-8%BF.

03-31-2016, 10:24 AM
Anyone has a good link where i can read how to put down super cut diet?

Actually i'm eating 50g carbs (dextrose post WO) 300g prots (chicken breasts) 6g fats (6 omega369 pills) = 1454 cals

I'm also doing 30-40mins steady cardio AM fasted.
I'm training 1 muscular group every day, so it's 7 days WO at PM. I do just a compound exercise 10x10 then abs (10x10) then go home.

Started since 5 days and scale is going down... slowly.

03-31-2016, 01:33 PM
I don't really know what else you can do mate.. Your calories and carbs are so low maybe your metabolism has gone to shit, try adding in t3 at 50mcgs ed. also I would suggest more carbs on your refeed days and swapping some proteins for fats on your regular days. Your fats aren't track properly either, there's approx 2g of fat per 100g of chicken breast.

04-01-2016, 08:03 PM
Trestolone Trenbolone Adex can be a good cycle for cutting? Or better to stick to test Tren Mast?

Since i LL be on 4iu HGH what dosage of test or trest should i take?

04-02-2016, 05:20 AM
You're getting way to caught up in the hormones. Take a simple stack, eat well and do cardio and you can't not lose weight.

200-400 test
200-400 tren
200-400 mast

You don't need huge amounts of hormones

04-02-2016, 07:16 AM
I'll use LEAN GAINS then 1ml ED is 350 525 525 with 4IU HGH 75mcg T3 ed 100mcg T4 ed, i'll push CLEN to 100mcg 2w on 1w off for the OFF week i'll take ECA stack 2 times a day, morning and before WO.

Test at 350mg with 4iu hgh should be ok since more of it will work.

For the AAS was also thinking to just go for 350 Test P and build up Tren till 600-700mg but now at 400 i have a bit of troubles falling asleep also after 2IU hgh before bed. With melatonin things seems to work better... I can say that since have no short breath i still have some more "space" for Tren A

For the diet i have found and interesting reading on http://www.worldclassbodybuilding.com/forums/showthread.php?t=98593#post653963 CUTTING PRIMER.
The exampled diet is made on a 200lb guy at 15%bf so... like me.

Another interesting reading was that: http://forums.steroid.com/igf-1-lr3-hgh-insulin-questions/110836-how-use-insulin-clen-cut.html

I will start without slin for 4 weeks then when i'll see how can i hold my diet. For the end of June i would like to be at 10% at least....
If muscles will grow and i'll loose fat too it will be pretty fast.

The diet will be 100g carbs 300g prots 50g fats, i'll rotating carbs during week, 100g when i'll do LEGS/BACK 50g for other muscles.
Carbs will be eaten 1h before WO, basmati rice, since it's my favourite carb, with chicken.

I was too low on cals for too much time and i think that i have slowed my metabolism.

04-08-2016, 01:40 PM
You're getting way to caught up in the hormones. Take a simple stack, eat well and do cardio and you can't not lose weight.

200-400 test
200-400 tren
200-400 mast

You don't need huge amounts of hormones

good advice plus no need to split the T3 up don't get too caught up in half life crap only rule is take it once a day ED at the same time

EG I take 50mcg ed around the same time every morning between 6am and 8am no more complicate d then that

04-13-2016, 06:37 PM
Meanwhile since my last post have lost 5kg. Need to loose another 5 and also i hope to put on some muscle.

I decided to do 1ml ED Lean Gain + 0,5ml ED Tren 4iu hgh Genlei...
The only thing that i still have in mind is to change to: 0,5ml Lean Gain + 1ml Tren A ed

The only sides that i have is that will take a bit to fall asleep... and have a bit of little acne on shoulders that i'm curing with Nizoral.

04-16-2016, 04:17 PM
Is there any rule on how much grams of gear you can use and how many cals you should eat?

04-17-2016, 02:02 AM
Is there any rule on how much grams of gear you can use and how many cals you should eat?

No, everyone is different, all types of gear do different things. Some people can eat 5000 calories and stay lean, others have to eat 3000

04-17-2016, 02:02 AM
How do you find nizoral for acne? You just wash with it do you?

04-17-2016, 07:27 AM
I buy It to farmacy..just ask to your doctor... He gave me It because of a dermatitis in my head..

Btw i was my hair and body body with It... I wait 5 mins to let It work then i wash everything.

04-17-2016, 07:31 AM
Btw regarding my AAS.
I m at 0.5ml lean gain ed + 1.5ml Trenbolone a.
It s really a lot of Tren i upped slowly the dose and i m fine... Have only some problems on sleeping more than 5 hours but i m fine.

Libido is skyrocketed and sides... I want to become a freak sides are not an issue i am too determined.

04-19-2016, 03:22 PM
Maybe for just 2000 cal i'm taking too much gear? i'm still on my 100g carbs 300g prots 45g fats diet....

05-13-2016, 11:11 AM
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 92 kg
Body Fat %: 15%
How many calories per day do you eat? 2500
How many times per week do you train? 4
How long have you trained for? 10 year
Previous cycle experience? 2 years cycling
Desired goals: go to single BF then explode, my goal would be to stay as lean as possible all year 8-10% and grow

These are my goals, can please someone give me advices? In January i started my cut with 2500 cals (200c 200p 100f), but was a complete waste of time didn't get anything good.

Atm i'm eating 50g carbs 320g prots 40g fats (mainly from omega3 pills), 6 meals a day the only meal where i eat carbs is post wo 50g dextrose +50g PeptoPro with 7IU Humalog. I also do 30-45 mins cardio all day fasted in the morning.

My cycle atm is 5IU HGH (Hygetropin black tops)+1ml LEAN GAIN eod + 0,5 ml Tren A eod + 1ml Winstrol ed + 50mg Proviron ed + 1 Adex ed +25mcg T3. All products from MTS.

Have also 3 vials of SHREDDED ready. I tried doing everything by myself, but tbh results are not that good.

How should i improve? My diet is ok?

Please help :(:(


I did it! Today did my DEXA SCAN, 8% bf 93kg

So during my cut, some muscle was built.

Have cut to 6%, so 2% more, my only problem is that actually i'm holding water... how can i get rid of it?

Atm i'm cruising on 300mg Test E+ 100mg Proviron ed
Fat burners: T3 50mcg T4 100mcg 4iu HGH Genlei, have restarted today 80mcg Clen ed

Now the only problem that i have is water, tons of it.... i'm thinking to go to Keto at 2000 cals, no CKD or TKD, just Keto.
Have also the Keto book from Llewyn to follow...

If i go keto i should start NPP? for insulin resistance etc? Was thinking of 150mg Test E, 350 NPP, 350 Mast P....