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View Full Version : restarting completely advice needed

05-24-2016, 09:41 PM

Basically used to be a fat bastard.. well more like a morbidly obese bastard at age 17... 45 inch waist on me by the minimum probably higher...at 5 ft 6...about 50% body fat by looking at photos.

Got that way due to a horrible binge eating habit. Broke out of it and did strength training and cut down to about 20% bf in a year and then just bulked had a huge rebound in strength got to a 300 kg belt only squat and was about 30% bf

Fell over got injured so decided to do bbing and get lean. Got on teen for ages and bulked and cut religiously weighing all food etc and before Xmas I got down to 7% body fat!! I was ** starving** hungry and injured to he'll with torn tendons and due to not being able to train properly and essentially been in prep for 16.wks at this point doing 90 mins very high volume training 4 x A week cArdio 2x a day at times only on 1800 kcal a day most days with a 3400 maint I heading towards a complete binge my face off with all the food around at Xmas.

So basically Xmas happened and I consumed about 30,000 or more calories over the space of like 3 days regained like 7 kg of pure fat. Got back to the gym felt like shit got laughed at and fell off the wagon big time.

Haven't trained since New year. I never missed a single day in all the time I did it. Ever. I weighed all of my food for a yr straight.

I am now obese again after falling back into bad habits and my gains have wasted away.

Currently weigh 97 kg 173 cm barely any lbm on me at all. Looks like a fat guy that has never even entered a gym.

Now... Just wondering... I have the muscle memory. Biggest I was 96 kg 10% bf 171 cm tall ( grew an inch**recently). I don't want to live this way.

I am terrified of going back to the gym again...went swimming other day got laughed at by a group of kids for having moobs.

Just wondering if I could recomp slowly? Say if I do a high vol 4 day split get on 50 mg/d tren ace 250 mg w test e
2000 kcal a day.
Must be 40% right now. Yes I am disgusted and consumed with guilt right now.

Any chance of 15 % bf in a year?

05-25-2016, 08:24 AM
Any chance of 15 % bf in a year?

Of course there is, you're going to have to put all that terror of judgement from others shit behind you though. Get yourself an oversized hoody in the short term if you're really struggling then your composition is anyones guess.

Eat like a bird, train cleverly but intensely and don't stray from your regiment.

Your stack looks fine too, I'd run it long term and rotate Tren with equal dosages of Mast when it you need a 'rest' from sides.

05-25-2016, 12:17 PM

Honestly, it looks like I have never trained in my life right now. look similar to this: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Obese+guy&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi2kpbokfXMAhXEKcAKHcLuBDEQ_AUIBygB&biw=1777&bih=887&dpr=0.9#tbm=isch&q=fat+guy&imgdii=RpugDANrGKD8XM%3A%3BRpugDANrGKD8XM%3A%3B87l IJcerIEhdfM%3A&imgrc=RpugDANrGKD8XM%3A

I know I have all the satellite cells there etc and I know from past experience that I will blow back up again.

Insulin sensitivity must be totally destroyed right now from all the total shit I have been eating.

Just worried about all the fat cells...from my past experience with dieting whenever I get bellow about 12% bodyfat my mood goes to complete total *shit*, my sex drive completely fades into nothing, I get ravenously hungry all the time and have huge carb binges. My metabolic rate goes to nothing as well, I find I get about a -300 to-500 reduction on my BMR to where it ought to be from calculations when I get significantly bellow that seemingly biologically ingrained threshold of mine. Apparently this is due to Leptin coming right down which trashes your BMR and increases hunger.

Gah. Cannot believe I let myself slide like this.

I knew what was happening after xmas... First I stopped weighing my food at every meal, only "calorie dense" stuff like peanut butter etc, then I stopped weighing that and started eyeballing everything, then I sort of stopped doing my 500 kcal cardio sessions and brought them down to 300 kcal per session, then I eventually stopped the cardio then I stopped accurately eye balling my food then just stopped counting grams of protein...then my friend invited me to lunch he had a brownie and I thought "hey I haven't had one of those in ages why not!" then I stopped putting so much intensity into my weight training then I stopped for a week to "rest" and "heal" then I just never went back again.


05-25-2016, 07:34 PM
Right. Cannot train heavy anymore...lost my base from being a dickhead and not training.

Could German Volume training be of much use? PHUL etc? Between my SI joint damage, herniated discs, supraspinatus tear, bicep tendon pulley injury, pec major tear,
etc I reckon from past experience I could probably squat up to about 180 Kg Deadlift about 180-200 Kg and bench 100 or so Kg.

Just became burned out. I was pushing it super hard. Every workout felt like a job due to the physical pain I was in with every exercise on top of dieting super hard (1000+ deficit every day) no proper sleep for months due to neighbours keeping me awake until x.xx am partying...

05-26-2016, 09:59 AM
Sounds like you have a very unhealthy relationship with food.

All of those sides will be caused by a calorie deficit, not your composition. So once you transition back into your (new) maintenance, they will pretty much go completely, so bear that in mind.

Do not plan a 'recomp'. Almost every instance I've seen has resulted in fat gain and/ or almost no change in LBM.

Diet. You said yourself you've lost pretty much all muscle, so you're a perfect candidate for a good strong diet. Which specific diet you choose is down to the one you respond best to mentally, and physically. There's no one best.

Consistency, tell yourself that every time you're tempted to let your regiment slip.

05-26-2016, 11:55 AM
I have always managed to recomp extremely well, I did that amazingly. I really just kept eating exactly at maintenance, used foods and managed to keep calories +-10 kcal per day variance after I had found my maintenance and used trenbolone acetate to grow in a calorie deficit and maintenance slowly over a long period of time. Just blasted it for very long periods and cycled on and off when I ended up getting no sleep, replacing it with masteron or NPP when I could no longer stand the night sweats etc. Went from clinically obese to shredded in not long! Always had extreme dietary control after I started training, had a beautiful relationship with food up until recently-ish. I had a horrible relationship with food and I turned it all around and viewed food entirely as a fuel source but unfortunately I come from a very overweight family and my grandmother ended up prompting my bad habits again, she is a big time comfort eater and whenever she sees people losing weight I believe she sabotages them because she seems insecure about her own body. When I lived with my grandparents I embarked on a cut and she even went and hid my scales so I couldn't weigh myself, whenever I would cook healthy stuff for my cut she would get angry at me for not eating her food and such like deserts and eventually wouldn't let me even cook my own food so I would end up having to sneak out when she went to sleep and prep up my chicken breast, green lentils etc and eat it in secret. When she cottoned on to that she ended up taking the fuse out of the cooker. She then eventually stopped doing that and cooked chicken breast for me and stuff but she would cook it all in a load of oil, after explaining that the oil adds a lot of calories to the meal and the transfats are inflammatory etc she just got angry at me and stopped letting me eat chicken breast so I ended up just having to stop my cut.

On my most recent cut where I ate entirely clean for months and months and felt AMAZING, didn't eat a single gram of sugar or any processed food at ALL for like 5 months and got shredded for the first time in my life, whenever I would go and visit her she would go and put apple pie and stuff in front of me or chocolate bars and get upset at me when I wouldn't eat it, I then explained to her that being deep into a cut the urge to cheat (binge) is extremely high and doing that isn't very kind and she got angry at me and accused me of being anorexic. Eventually I did binge, as is only human, and she started laughing at me as I was doing it. I then had to live there for a while again, brought all my own food such as oats, sweet potatoes, salmon, chicken breast etc and she flat out banned me from eating oats saying that they were "bad for my stomach". Once when I was eating oats for breakfast she actually wanted to take them away from me and started a huge argument as to why I wouldn't eat a big greasy fry up for breakfast... eventually I gave in and made one myself which fit my macros loosely with the zero calorie spray etc just so she wouldn't be upset but then after I did that she wouldn't let me even cook any more and started making me eat lasagne, jam sandwitches etc or I had nothing, when I tried to explain to her that my body was currently in a rebound state and eating that stuff would cause me to regain she got angry and said "I am not having food fights with you, eat it or have nothing" so I just eventually gave in, regained and then she turned around and said "well, I didn't realise you'd just blow back up again, this is your own fault."

Then the Gym was shut for 2 weeks over xmas, I put a bunch of weight back on and then just ended up relapsing.

Also my mother recently went on a cut, we started riding bikes together and it was really nice she lost some weight too and then my grandmother went and got weird about it and started baking tonnes of her favourite food like cheese straws and such and deserts, when she wouldn't eat them she would get all upset and make her feel like she "had" to eat it.

Eventually she gave in too, as is only human.

Don't mean to put the blame entirely on her obviously but deep into a cut and someone puts extremely calorie dense food in front of you at every waking turn... especially on EQ where you are hungry on it, I think you'd need to be a cyborg to eventually not give in.

Oh well, in the past. This is now.

I believe I could recomp, slowly, back to a good lean state in about 24 months. It will be HARD. I will have to employ IF, weigh all my food again etc.

Always been very gifted with blowing up in strength and size.

Anyway...I read about some guy recently who went from like 1000 lbs and bedbound to a 34 inch waist in something like 18 months lol so I am pretty sure that I can manage this ahah.

05-26-2016, 02:55 PM
At first,I have absolutely no intension to insult you.
But this my opinion,working in the health business for more than 3 decades.
I'm pretty sure,I told you before.
You have a big mental problem that you should work on before even thinking of talking any kind
of mood influencing drugs like AAS or androgenes.

05-26-2016, 04:23 PM
Yes you are correct. I do indeed have mental health issues, I am actively working on it. I am trying hard, it isn't easy at all.

Honestly, from past experience the only androgens that mess with me are halotestin, boldenone and methyltrienelone. Trenbolone does a little bit, past the 75 mg per day range, but mainly that is due to lack of sleep rather than the actual intrinsic effect of the hormone itself.

No insult taken, you are absolutely correct. Hormones and mentally unstable individuals do not mix.

05-27-2016, 12:58 PM
I reckon I could recomp on about 1800-2000 kcal. This will take forever but honestly slow and steady will win the race. You cannot force the body to do anything. It is like a game of tug of war really, you tug against your body and your body will just tug harder.

My secret weapon was chia seeds last time! That is how I managed to get my calories so extremely accurate day after day.

Just going to have to deal with all the loose skin again. Honestly that is what mentally did me in really. I put in a tonne of work, made the gym and diet my life and when I finally got really lean, I sort of ended up with this like pouch of loose skin hanging down which and at the top of my abs it was all just blured and I could literally make a fist full of skin if I grabbed it. My legs had horrible stretch marks all over them as well and lose skin on the insides of my thighs which rubbed and got all sore. Still had peripheral breast tissue too even when very lean. I remember just getting home one day after a tonne of cardio, like 2 hrs, trying to get the last of the "fat" off of me on my lower abs and it was all just visceral fat and lose skin which realistically you have next to zero chance of removing outside of surgery.

It was pretty upsetting really. and honestly I looked better at about 12% because my midsection was at least uniform rather than totally flat then just this stupid looking dangling mess of lose skin and empty fat cells stuck to the inside of it hanging off me. It was really disheartening to have worked relentlessly day in day out only to end up with a body which would have never been appealing or attractive physically without invasive costly private surgery.

I mean I showed so much dedication like you would not believe to have got that body. I didn't drink alcohol for my entire young adult life, I never even missed a workout. If I had a goal of a500 calorie cardio workout I would always do 501 calories on the equipment screen. If I had a goal of going for 10 Km I would do 10.1 Km. If I was aiming to intake say 1900 kcal that day and I wasn't too hungry I would do 1850.

I would always push myself and make sure to do a little bit more than what my goal was every time just so I could go to bed and be like "Yeah, I really worked hard today" and would get the greatest buzz from it.

When I would go clothes shopping for trousers etc I was always used to not finding anything due to my waist circumference and leg length, I remember when I could actually get stuff that fitted and it was such a buzz. THen I eventually had to ask the assistant for anything smaller and she said "no that is the smallest waist we do for that" and I felt so great. I remember the days of walking down the road when I was very overweight being treated like a giant wall for people to walk around and people literally crossing the road as I waddled down the road to avoid me or like walking on the edge of the pavement trying to distance themselves as far as possible from me then I remember the days of people actually treating me like a normal human being people not doing that to me anymore then I remember the days of actually getting a look from a woman for the first time in my life and I was like "why is she looking at me like that?" and then when I got lean I had women approaching me and stuff and flirting but I honestly thought they were just joking around because I couldn't believe that I actually managed to be attractive.

I honestly never thought that I could manage to even be appealing, I honestly had given up on ever having that dimension of life available to me.

05-28-2016, 01:18 PM

200 g carb 160 g prot 60 g Fat...1980 kcal for training days
150 g carb 160 g prot 60 fat for rest days

No real one for now. Just re-establish good habits. Train high frequency...5 times a week just intense. Focus stimulating the muscle with compound movements and burn calories.
Just walking about.

...this guy managed to do very well with recomp in a mere 4 months! 512

05-29-2016, 12:50 PM
Just hoping I can keep it off this time round.

Always been able to diet down but as i said previously as soon as I get down past 12% ish every time I start getting ravenous hunger pangs, obsess about food, feel cold all the time etc

Anyways guy above me is full on muffin' toppin' lol I am not as fat as him so hopefully I have a chance

05-31-2016, 02:18 PM
1 egg white
15 g whey
2 tsp cocoa
1tbsp flaxseed oil
150 g blueberries
60 g oats

80 g mango
250 ml whole milk
1 tbsp honey
30 g whey

70 g humus
100 g carrots

120 g chicken breast
Lemon juice
Soy sauce

1 egg white
1 whole egg
100g brown rice

1 can tuna
1 tbsp mayo
70 g pickle

70 g carrot and humus

For rest days same but only 50 g brown rice

05-31-2016, 06:10 PM
Day 1
Bike to woods
5 mi walk around woods
Bike back
5x5 bench
Cgbp 2x10
Smith machine 2x10
Inc chest db press 2x10
Db rollbacks 2x10

Day 2:
Bike walk bike back
Bb row 3x10
Db row 2x10
Rear delt row 2x10
Rear delt fly 2x10
Day 3:
Rest day. Rotator cuff work etc.
Day 4:
Bike walk bike back
Db shoulder press 2x8
Side laterals 4x8
Chest machine 3x8
Day 5
Squats: 3x8-12
Leg extensions 3x12
Sldl 3x10
Db shrugs 3x10
Bike walk bike back
Day 6:
Bike walk bike back

250/w test 350/w tren a
Singuar 10 mg ed
12.5 mg eod aromasin if needed

05-31-2016, 08:12 PM

That was so depressing.

Benching 60 Kg. Sixty kilograms. Ffs.

I was doing some bodyweight squats for my si joint and my moobs were bouncing around and some girl laughed.


Why did I do this to myself?

Oh well it was a good workout at least.

Well. 365 days from now we are either gonna be mr beach body or mr blobby

06-01-2016, 09:32 AM
Ah ffs si joint just went out super bad.

Can barely walk.

06-01-2016, 07:46 PM

Popped it back in all good now.

Had a good walk today at least.

06-02-2016, 07:55 PM
Wahey! 5 kg lbm back on me already

06-03-2016, 04:48 PM
90 min walking today

Did shoulders today...

50 kg ohp 4x10. :(

Well not bad considering no training for 6 mos.

Diet is great. Feel stuffed full on just 1800-2000.

Leptin must be maxed out.

06-04-2016, 10:37 AM
Legs today
This will likely be extra depressing considering I was inches away from a wr squat before my back injury.

Here I go.

I'll probably want to hang myself after this lol!

06-04-2016, 08:55 PM

100 kg 8 8 6.

beyond sad
If this works... I'll probably end up as a twig with ab outlines in 1yr.

This is what happens when you let people get to you.

06-06-2016, 07:16 AM
Chest tris today

Feel so frail

This is pathetic. This is what happens when you let depression win

06-06-2016, 03:53 PM
Did legs as well
Traps have grown already as well as delta.

Squat u to 4x10 100 kg.

This time last year I was ohp strict standing what I squat.

06-07-2016, 03:40 PM
People at the gym have noticed I have grown significantly already.

PT at the gym reckons abs within 6 mos if I work hard and def within 12 if I am not making it my life.

Annnd body dysmorphia kicked in. I am not like 40% he reckons 16%-20%. I am still unsure about that though.

06-08-2016, 09:34 PM
Putting kcal at 1800

06-09-2016, 07:42 PM
I have ab pins coming back in kind of

Just doing high volume stuff

06-12-2016, 12:04 PM
30 miles today riden on my bike

Legs are growing by the day

06-13-2016, 09:46 AM
Did GVT style leg session today then a 10 mile bike ride right after.


Current macros: 130 c 180 prot 60 fat.

06-13-2016, 07:58 PM
Dying on my poverty macros

06-14-2016, 07:29 AM
You will burn yourself out once again. Why do you keep your cals so low?

06-14-2016, 05:31 PM
Because I don't have much lean tissue on me, apart from gym and cardio I am inactive all day and honestly I am not hungry and it saves money

Felt a bit shitty yesterday but I am good now

1800 is a lot of good food like oats prawns chicken turkey etc. I am fat right nkw k don't deserve to eat shit atm.

If I cheat I have a small Donner kebab without the pitta bread

06-14-2016, 06:08 PM
Nobody said that you have to cheat, just eat more clean food. If you have not much lean tissue then cutting that hard wont help you to begin with.
You need a surplus to build muscle. I am not talking about 1k + cals surplus but more like 500.

06-15-2016, 12:03 PM
I hear you of course, but why change what it working right now? I am getting leaner while my LBM is coming back and strength is coming back

I am not hungry either

I thoroughly believe you can build muscle in a **slight** deficit providing protein is high enough, traning is on point and you are on some gear.

On just 250 mg/w test I went from pretty flabby to having ab outlines while growing my lats and arms massively just by going into a 500-300 deficit per day and doing 5xf chins every day and eating green lentils and chicken breast and peanut butter 5x a day when I was poor. My friend went from **42% body fat** with a 44 inch waist to 32 inch waist in like 16 weeks while adding strength to his bench press squat and deadlift and building a tonne of lean body tissue while in a 500 deficit on just 500 mg/w test and 20 dbol here and there.

I have a tonne of muscle memory, I am on testosterone and trenbolone. I don't see how it cannot work. It will be slow, yes, of course, but that is how it is.

Hell, I was talking to an indian woman. Went from 111 Kg morbidly obese to 60 Kg with abs in just 10 months! 25% fat 45% protein 30% carbs 1600 kcal a day. 5x5 5 days per week and 45 mins LISS 3x a week 1x 20 min HIIT session per week.
And she was like 111 Kg of pure flab. Completely sedate. Built a tonne of lean tissue and that was hormone free as a female.

My immediate goal right now is not to look shredded on stage as a BBer but simply to get some abs while being a skinny fuck (honestly, I'll be happy looking like a small physique competitor) and then whenever I want to I can just blow the hell back up again when I save enough money for the hormones, food and when my injuries are healed enough to lift heavy again.

I reckon if I were to go balls out I could easily add 40-50 lbs of LBM in a 16-20 week cycle. I have no car, no dependants etc so I could save up for a 20 week super-blast such as 5 IU/d hGH some insulin 100-150 mg/d tren ace 1.2 g/w test e 20 mg/d superdrol etc progress calories by 300 each week and do GVT.

06-18-2016, 11:06 AM
Wow now this is some motivation:


Exact height as this guy

I am *way* less fat than him and more lean body tissue.

He did this in just 10 months doing less than I am and he was hormone free.

I reckon I can get this done in a solid 6 months

06-19-2016, 07:31 PM
Fuck I cheated diet ..

Not bad just had a little extra peanut butter and some non fat Greek yogurt

Total kcal count about 2400 today.

So still less than the 2500 maintenance I apparently have.

06-20-2016, 06:30 AM
Think I'll go up to 2000 on training days

Mad cravings all the time on 1800

06-20-2016, 07:39 AM
Thats what i meant when i said that you will burn yourself out.
Your willpower can be strong but you can't resist these low calorie cravings for too long.

06-20-2016, 02:03 PM
Makes me wonder how the hell obese people survive through these 800-1200 kcal a day diets long term.

Know a girl who followed a 1200 kcal diet to the T for like 4 months while having a 2500 kcal a day maint doing tonnes of cardio being active AND she didn't binge at all coming off it. No rebound. Just slowly reverse dieted and now is on 1800 kcal training days 1600 rest. Lost like 56 lbs in a year and she is still going.

She is doing really well now ANNNDDDD she works in a store which gives away the remaining left over baked goods to the employees there for free or like 20 pence or less per day. Will power of diamond. Absolutely amazing.

06-20-2016, 04:05 PM

Walked 8 miles out to see my grandparents... what is there right there after I have just gone hypo from cardio after training on the table? BIG ASS CHOCOLATE CAKE. Thing is damn HUGE fudge all over it...cupcakes on the cake itself. Like this insane cake with cakes on it.

Immediately leave the room.

Then I get offered "You can have as much as that as you want you know".

Refuse...go and use the computer to study and take mind off it. Start smelling it from the table.

Then just got a knife and just started taking little bits out of it to taste it then I took a small slice sat back down....nope Powertard the fat fucker has to go and return to the cake and take the biggest slice out of it that you'll ever see like the size of a large block of cheese and just eat the entire thing.

Very upset with myself. I was making super progress.


06-20-2016, 04:06 PM
I think I'll just have to get some Ephedrine.

Last time I took even small dose of it, I simply couldn't eat.

06-20-2016, 04:25 PM
I see someone rated this 5 stars...probably for comedic value lol

06-20-2016, 05:40 PM
Cake binge not damaging. Looked at ingredients etc... 1500 kcal TOPs probably about 1000. Only had 540 beforehand

Just fill remains with whey protein.

Worst case is I gain muscle mass
No biggie

Back on track tomorrow!!
Did a 15 set leg workout so if I go 300-500 over today I just gain a small fraction of my legs back :)

06-20-2016, 07:42 PM
Squatted 140 kg 5x5 only limited by pain in my si joint and it was fast.

After did 3x12 very narrow stance 80 kg.

Then 4x12 to fail leg ext and curls

Some calf raises too

06-21-2016, 01:43 PM
Benched 100 kg 5x5 super fast and very easy!

90 s rest between sets

Followed by 80 kg 3x12 90 s rest between.

Then I got the 30 kg DBa and did 5x8 flat bench then incline bench. Some rope pulldowns to finish it off.

06-21-2016, 07:01 PM

Got a bulk deal on mangoes 8 big onesfor £3.50.

Went hypo binged on 6 of them and almond butter.

5000 kcal probably.

New rule:

Nothing calorie dense in house
Buy food as is required per day ie 2000 kcal of food in house at one given time.

Ab pins gone.

06-22-2016, 10:52 AM
Hmm. Ab pins are back but I have grown a tonne of lbm on my legs chest shoulders and tris.

Maybe my body is requesting the energy resources?

06-22-2016, 12:38 PM
Visiting chiropractor today, hopefully fix that horrible SI joint pain!

06-22-2016, 05:43 PM
Chiropractor noted l4-l5 is healing! Piriformis muscle healing too!

So happy
Might go get dunkin' donuts to celebrate ;) jks

3 months hard work and I ought to be happy

Also did some research...autistics such as myself have different gi tract and gut fauna....the result is products containing gluten and casesin have a very strong opiate effect on the brain.

06-22-2016, 05:50 PM
Perhaps my body is making me constantly hungry because it is trying to heal? Also I have grown even taller recently clavicles and hips have widened too. Perhaps my body is just wanting to grow and heal?

06-22-2016, 06:49 PM
Also been looking at testosterone's ability to prevent muscle wasting.

One guy dieted on just 800 kcal for 4 mos started at like 255 36% ended up at 10% losing 70 lbs ..by dexa lbm went from 149.1 to 150.3 on 500/w test

06-23-2016, 11:45 AM
180 kg dl like the bar

Did 200 but stopped there due to not wanting to hurt my back, it was I'd say about rpe 6-7
Prior did 5x5 140 kg easy as hell then 3x1160 kg literally like the bar

After did a tonne of bb rows supersetted with chins then db rows then lat pull down then hammer curls

And for the first time in months and months my back is feeling super nice! No tightness no crunching no leg length discrepancies no left calve paralysis. Maybe stuff is on the up for me after such a period of misery?

06-23-2016, 03:42 PM
Upon further research....
I really think this is the root cause of my binge eating disorder.

I notice I never 'binge' on typical "comfort foods" like chocolate, nutella etc but actually foods heavy in gluten and casein! Annndd it is usually triggered by a physical pain response. My cravings for stuff like Greek yogurt (not normal yogurt), quark cheese, French bread, pizza, phillidelphia and such is always when my back is in significant pain. Whenever it gets manipulated by a physio and it doesn't hurt the cravings stop regardless of calorie deficit or not.

Perhaps my brain is craving the opiate activities of these products to dull the chronic pain? I do notice that hwhen my diet is high inbthese products my pain tolerance is very high

06-23-2016, 10:38 PM
Haha first time laying in bed in MONTHS where i can actually sleep on my right side and without a heatpad strapped to my back.

Lumbar spine feels super weird. It is like this weird fluid feeling inside my back...but it is really pleasant. Like some type of movement feeling and it feels like there is water running down the inside of my spine. Such a great day. First fun workout in multiple months. Had a fun bike ride.in t&e Sun and now.I get to sleep properly it seems for the first time in a long time.


Now I'm more motivated and.not in pain if it carries on i will be Abe to cut calories lower because.I won't be thinking to myself "this hurts why am I doing this" as I train.

If I really pushed I could get this cut done in 8 wks if I really suffered. Could do 1350 kcal non training 1650 training 1800 once a week or so and my bmr won't drop hastily then.

Shoulders tomorrow!

So happy

06-24-2016, 09:16 AM
Really great shoulder session! Because my leg length discrepancies are normalized now I can exert much more force on the bar because the load is level on my shoulders.

Did 75 kg 5x5 very easy then 90 kg x 1 like speed work on strict standing ohp. I then did 3x8 60 kg. Then dicked about on the Smith machine at a 90 degree then 60 degree incline for 3xf at 8-12 with 65 kg then did lots of sets of 5 with 25 kg dbs on the incline bench then lots of lat pulldowns simply because the feeling of my scapulas actually moving correctly felt outstandingly pleasant.

06-24-2016, 10:30 AM
Really hope my back stays this way! It is like living in a different body!

A gopd -50 points taken from the depression scale I think.

Can't remember the time I was this pain free!

06-24-2016, 03:19 PM
Felt so great about my pain free body I just Went and did a quick 2nd pump style shoulder workout!!

06-24-2016, 04:43 PM

Riding my bike doing cardio....

Some dickhead driver decides to try and go in between an oncoming car and me on the bike. Veers away from the car into me. Clips my leg and knocks me off my bike.

Now my back is bad again.

Just sped off too.

Why does this shit always happen to me? Why do I always get a moment cruel taste of happiness then someone takes it from me.

I was right over on the left wearing a reflective jacket for fuck sake.

Lying in bed in pain.

Back to physio I suppose. Yet another £30 gone.

06-24-2016, 10:25 PM
Found a cool unusually filing desert

Whey protein with psylium husk with a small amount of water in to make a mouse.

Tastes good and is legit satiating somehow

06-25-2016, 08:22 AM
Eh. Woke up. Back isn't that bad anymore. Leg length discrepancies present once more.

Just will have to muscle through it and keep in mind fat loss will help it out.


06-25-2016, 02:38 PM
Eh modifying diet

Just eat my favourite meal to keep me motivated 4 x a day which is 50 g oats, 60 g chocolate whey or pancake flav whey on top as a sauce, 75 g blueberries 1 tsp flaxseed oil and 1 egg white. Decent enough meal. Put some cinnamon on it too. Really nice.

5g-20 g phyllium husks between meals.

Edit: also loading up on selenium magnesium potassium and multi vits

06-25-2016, 10:37 PM
Ordered chocolate cake flavour whey and cheesecake flavour whey too.

Multiple different tastes also I can interchange between raspberry and blueberries. If I want something savoury I'll make oats spinach bell pepper and lean beef.

Very cheap too

06-26-2016, 05:09 PM
Traps arms chest and shoulders growing daily now.

Sweating 24/7

The small oat meals with phylium husk fibre between is doing me well! Hitting those cravings due to the wide range of texture taste and decent volume.

06-27-2016, 11:16 AM
Ahhhh. Looked what my maintenance is likely to be after I cut...

1800. lol.

1800 entire calories for 10%.

Ahhh. tbf I can live off of 1800 long term. 1800 isn't a bad volume of food to be fair.

ALso doing some research into bodyweight setpoints. I know a BBer who is 50 years old...grew up obese as a kid and remained obese for his entire life up until about age 30. Got into BBIng.

Despite the fact he weighs 115 Kg at 8%-10% bodyfat he requires just 2500 kcal a day to maintain otherwise he gets fatter...has to go as low as 1000-1200 kcal to get into stage condition BUT he requires 4000+ to grow meaningfully. anything under 4000 causes him to grow slightly but just get fatter.

it really seems once you are in a given bodyfat percentage range for a sustained peroid of time your body seems to always fight to get back to its fattest point

How interesting is that?

His metab is extremely scewed towards being obese

06-27-2016, 08:20 PM
Ahh. Gone flat and bloated suddenly. Plus the psyllium husks is pushing my stomach out.

Look horrible.

Face all puffy.

06-27-2016, 09:06 PM
Had some salt and 500 ml water. All full again now :)

06-28-2016, 06:12 AM
Got to dial down the psyllium husks. Bloated and it has sucked all the water from everywhere into my intenstijes to process it making me dehydrated flat weak and small looking.

06-28-2016, 09:56 AM
Think I'll treat myself to a small piece of salmon later :)

06-28-2016, 02:22 PM
Didn't have salmon had chicken breast

50 g oats 1 egg white flax seed oil 100 g chicken breast 1 red bell pepper ginger lemon pepper
Meal of the goddess. Was very tasty.

Just prepped up my 4th and final bowl of oats and this time I am mixing a 50:50 ratio of birthday cake flavour whey and chocolate cake flavour whey together putting the 1 tsp flaxseed oil in that mixing itbjnto a mouse then putting in fridge to set. 100 g strawberry too.

Been following this low kcal diet now and strangely no hunger! Like none at all.

06-28-2016, 07:29 PM
Vinigar in water is helping so much
Get hungry between meals
5-10 g p husk some vinigar water
Slam like half a litre bam appetite gone

06-29-2016, 09:48 AM
Good arm workout

Rode to gym
Did 6x12 ez bar curls 4x10 hammer curls 6x8-10 Yates rows on the machine then 5x10 side laterals. 10 mins liss on cross trainer then rode back home.

06-29-2016, 10:31 AM
M8 why don't you go for Keto diet?
It's very good for inflammation if you keep Omega3 fats high and saturated fats low.

I would go for a diet based on cod, walnuts, avocado, whey, omega3 pills, and at 2000 cals.
Come on m8 1800 cals for you are really too low!!!

Are you on AAS atm?
I would just stick on Lean Gain 3ml Week + 1,5ml Tren Acetate or instead of the Tren something that fucks you hunger, like... 50mg ed of Androl+50mg Winstrol.
You can even add 100mcg T3 and Clen!!

Come on i have seen you photos! You have a lot of good mass!! You can do that!! COME ON!

06-29-2016, 11:54 AM
I tried keto and I just feel like I am dying on it
No energy also I get dehydrated feel like I am dying. Explosive power goes to crap and I cannot think properly. This seems to be working right now for me, except I get hungry before bed so I am now splitting my final meal up so I have the oats a few hrs before bed then the protein and fat which seems to keep me going well. When I get hungry I just look at those my 600 lb life people and I just go "fuck that" and slam some fiber and water lol.

I'd rather not use t3 again until I really do stall badly, panic attacks out the ass on it + rebound when you come off it anyway.

Adrol + winny sounds like a good idea actually

I am just on 250 test e 50 mg tren ace ED-EOD. I seem to get great results on low test, I have naturally low shbg..4 nmol/L lol.

I have added in some ephedrine in the morning, just 20 mg ED alongside black coffee with a little Stevia and vanilla extract in. Don't need clen for now. I have never used it might do one day.
Lost 1.5 inches off waist so far lifts are either staying same or improving slightly....

As for my good mass, unfortunately due to flying into depression again I ended up bedbound unable to do anything so a lot of it has gone. After this cut I'll probably weigh 150_160 lbs at 10% or something small but I'll be happy with that because it will take the pressure off of my damaged back. It seems to be healing so when it does heal I can just blast and get big once more.

I'd rather at the moment be skinny and lean and nimble agile etc on my feet than be big and in pain due to my current injuries.

50 mg adrol 50 win sounds good though!

06-29-2016, 06:03 PM
Not bothered about being big, I just want to reestablish a lean body fat percentage and HOLD it for 6-12 months so it becomes my new setpoint

My setpoint is about 12%, I want it to be 8%.

06-29-2016, 08:27 PM
Good day today. Hit 1650 kcal. Dropping fat so fast. Had the most amazing meal. Legit nice.

50 g oats, 100 g strawberry 2 egg whites 50 g chocolate peanut butter flavour whey set as a mouse in the fridge which I poured over the oats berries etc after I went and microwaved it with some chilli, cinnamon ginger and Stevia.

Absolutely divine.

06-30-2016, 12:29 AM
Back and bis tomorrow!

Already did bis
So more bis

Can't sleep because ephedrine fml

Thinking 5x5 dl 5x8-10 bb row 5xf chins db rows 3x8-10 ez bar curls 3x8-10 hammer curls 3x8-10 rear delt flys 3x8-10

Might add in some triceps stuff like 2x10 dips and 2x10 db roll backs maybe.

06-30-2016, 09:07 AM
Didn't sleep well so kept workout short and will do rest later
5x5 deads
5x8-12 rows
5x5 chins
4x8-12 db curl

Will go back and do my delt flys ez curls and hamstring curls later.

So depleted.

10 more weeks. I can do it.

370 kcal consumed so far today.

06-30-2016, 01:37 PM
900 kcal consumed so far

going in for next workout after my 3rd meal brinign me to about 1200 kcal

will just be some rear delt flies, more chins, ez bar curls etc 30 mins LISS at 120-130 HR

06-30-2016, 08:56 PM
Just hit final meal brining me to 1500 kcal on the nose

Had 3 omlette with chocolate fudge whey set in freezer poured on it. Stevia cinnamon a bit of vanilla.

Got a bit hungry and was craving bread but slammed some fibre craving gone. Read that the stomach being empty is what causes ghrelin to rise which causes hyperresponse of dopamine reward signal to food and perception of it. Keep stomach full all day with fiber means so ghrelin spike so no overactive limbic system demanding calorie dense food.

07-01-2016, 10:20 AM
Wahey got complimented by a BBer today :) said I am leaning down and growing every time he sees me.

Good shoulder session.
3x5 strict standing OHP
6x12-8 Smith incline
4x8 rear delt files
4X8 side laterals
4x8 db chest flies

07-01-2016, 10:51 AM
30 mins LISS now

07-01-2016, 11:24 AM
This fibre and 20 mg ephedrine is making this so easy

Honestly I swear. Weighing all food....I am on 1500-1650 absolutely honestly on my life.... No cravings. Without the fibre I get hunger pangs and massive cravings but with it honestly I feel like I am above maintain wise with how free I feel like eating but I just feel bleh lol. Keeping the stomach full really seems to surpress ghrelin very well. This is how gastric band works too, makes the stomach smaller therefore less ghrelin production so you don't feel cravings.

Honestly magical. Being careful not to over do it mind, only taking in a teaspoon or two once or twice per day. Last thing I need is a Bezor in my intestines.

07-01-2016, 08:36 PM
Good shoulder workout
3x5 strict standing ohp
6x12-8 Inc Smith
5x10-8 rear delt fits
4x12-10 side laterals
5x10-12 chest fits
4x10-8 front raises
Went home came back for a 250 kcal liss session.

IF tomorrow. Cheat meal.

Really cravjg cottage cheese.

Gonna have 1400 kcal of cottage cheese and fudge whey sauce...stevia cinnamon chillie ginger.

07-02-2016, 01:43 PM
Aaaarrgghh. Legit cannot finish this meal. Got 1/3rd through it...

Imagine a giant ass mixing bowl full of low kal jelly with nearly 1 kg of cottage cheese on top of it with a boatload of thick whey ontop.

I frontloaded lactase.

NEVER again. I thought it'd be nice but it was nice for the first few mouhfuls and then it was repulsive.

Legit crammed. Still have 2/3rds of this monstrosity left.


07-02-2016, 05:50 PM
Fuck me.

I feel gross. BLOAT. BLOAT out the ass. All water has gone out of muscle into sub q tissue. Flat as a pancake. Weak.

Feel Ill.

Never again. I knew it would be dumb as fuck.

Oh well.

Picked up some gluten free pizza base.

Gonna make some Turkey and mackerel pizza.

07-02-2016, 06:52 PM
1400 kcal today

07-03-2016, 07:53 AM
After very low carb yesterday just had 100 g oats.

Aiming for 1650 kcal today.

Took oral temp after oats....sweating... 38.4 c.

07-03-2016, 02:05 PM
Still recovering from yesterday's retarded experiment.

Look like crap. Still bloated to hell. Water gone out of muscles and just into midsection. Dehydrated because of the stress on digestive system.

Because dehydrated I am weak.

Ii don't know what I was thinking. Cottage cheese usually makes my muscles go all full and pop nicely and it satiated me a lot.

Oh well live and learn hey?

07-03-2016, 02:39 PM
Adding 20 dbol ed to my cut to keep me fuller and also to increase dopamine. Increased dopamine means increase mood less food cravings.

If I get bloated on it or it screws with tren nutrient parting then I'll come off it

07-03-2016, 04:00 PM
I don't even get this.

Despite such small calories my NEAT is through the roof. Sweating balls every time I go and eat even 70 g of oats.

07-03-2016, 04:54 PM
Visit physio tomorrow

Hopefully someone dickhead doesn't knock me off my bike this time.

07-03-2016, 06:00 PM
Strength is flying up.

200 kg deadlift.... 160 kg 5x5 easily
Squat is about 160 atg vastly limited by my SI joint
Bench is 105 Kg 5x5 explosive pause on chest.

This is not bad considering like 40%-50% calorie deficit.

07-03-2016, 11:58 PM
Bloat off!

Abs are starting to come in!

Still small and flat though.

07-04-2016, 06:04 AM
Bloat back abs gone lol
Face is puffyb too

Right nipple sore

Adding AI, felt really good on the dbol and I woke up bigger and fuller on it.

If AI doesn't cut it in a few days I'll come off it

07-05-2016, 01:02 PM
Argh. Didn't drink enough water with a paylllium husk dose...a bit constipated right now.

Digestive tract has sucked all water out of muscles etc to process it...completely flat small.

Dropping psyllium husk.

Sticking to oats and vegetables instead.

In more pertinent news...serratus and top 4 abs are in but due to bloat I cannot see them currently.

Currently living on soup Greek yogurt quark protein powder and other soft foods until it clears out

Also dropping dbol.

250 test e 50 teen a EOD-ed is good enough right now

07-06-2016, 12:19 PM
Maple syrup and pancake flavoured whey arrived.


I feel absolutely not deprived at all. This stuff literally tastes like thick maple syrup lol if you make it correctly :).

Put it on some Quark cheese...oats or what have you. It is so nice.

I made a donut from it today! Gluten free dough rolled up cooked put it inside. Legit pretty much a donuit in taste with low GI good carbs packed out of protein.

07-07-2016, 09:08 AM
Back and bis today
Did 3x8 150 kg dead lift 90 s 2 mins between
Bb rows 4x12 80 Kg 90 s
Yates row 4x12-10 80 kg 90 s
5x5 Chins
3x10 ez curls
Was tired as fuck due to limited sleep

Will go back later for rear delt flys lat pull down and hammer curls


100 g black Forrest ghatto whey as a fudge thingy with 40 g oats raw overnight soaked in prune juice.

Post workout
250 g quark an Apple and a bell pepper...stevia on as well as cinnamon.