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Thread: the push too 330

  1. #161

    smith flat wide 3x20-16-10 80-100-120kg
    smith high pec delt tie in 3x12 80kg
    db pull over 3x12 40kg
    machine fly 3x12 92kg
    pin press 2x10 66kg
    dip machine 2x12 68-77kg
    machine fly pad behind back 3x10 91kg
    dip machine 2x10 36kg
    low pec cable 3x10 14kg

    db rear 3x12 20-28-30kg drops
    rear delt cable high 3x12 7.5kg
    side raise standing cable 3x12 5.7kg
    front raise cable 2x8 10kg
    rope rear 3x12 26kg

    db curl 3x12 14kg
    hammer cable to chest 3x10 10kg
    spider curl db 3x10 18kg
    preacher machine 3x20 50kg

    Good session but reducing weight and still feel the little pec strain but grip was closer to take load of it

  2. #162
    pull up assisted 3x10 23kg
    pulldown with cable 3x8 73-79-79kg
    smith 1 arm row 2x10 40kg
    smith row dead stop 2x8 120kg
    pullover cable 3x12 23kg
    pin machine 1 arm row cable 2x10 86kg
    seated row 2x10 63kg

    plated chest trap middle back 2x12 70kg
    upright row 3x12 23kg
    smith shrug 2x12 120kg

    jm smith 2x8 50kg
    close grip slight incline 2x8 80kg
    easy bar cable behind 3x8 32kg
    pushdown 3x10 32kg
    1 arm cable behind 2x10 12-14kg
    kickback cable 3x8 7.5kg

    have to increase food now 8500 weights not been moving at all

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