flat db 2x12 50kg
smith flat wide 2x10-6 110-130kg
smith high pec delt tie in 3x10-10-8 80-90-1110kg
machine fly pad behind back 3x12 73kg
superset ^low pec cable fly 3x12 14kg
cable cross over 3x12 14kg
dip machine 3x15 82kg

side raise standing cable 3x15-12-12 5.2-7.9kg
front raise cable 2x20 5.2kg
rope rear 3x15 30kg
rear delt cable high 3x15 10kg
^superdet machine pec dec 3x15 73-91kg

rope 2x10 44kg
seated db curl 2x10 20kg
spider curl db 3x10 12kg
preacher machine 3x10 36kg

Great session tonight I got bloods yesterday just to see where I am and got call today pottasuim high into hospital to find it’s totally normal false blood test so annoying but got in trained hard