I've been blessed enough to have tried out some MTS products for a while so I thought I'd write some reviews for the products that I've tested out. I first heard of the brand on GH15 but I was never qualified to have a source, so I could only lust after the tales more the more experienced guys were sharing while I contended with my mediocre UGLs. Those products were severely under-dosed, gave me horrible post-injection pains but there wasn't much I could do about it because that was all I could get my hands on. I was mid-way into contest prep for my first show when a friend at the gym sold me a few bottles of MTS gear that I used for the rest of my prep. Now I'm not sure about the legitimacy of those vials because he got it from Thailand but it gave me a much better experience than what I was used to so I decided that I needed to get my hands on more of this stuff; once you try out something decent you never really do want to go back to those shady labs anymore.
But before I begin the actual review, let me put my own personal situation into perspective to make things easier to relate to.
Age: 19
Height: 173cm
Weight: 86kg
Products used:
MTS Med Mutasion,
MTS Lean Gain Xtra,
Test Prop,
Tren A.
MTS Med Mutasion: I'll start off by first saying that what drew me to this product was the amount of compounds in the blend. Frankly speaking, while I prefer to pin everyday for hormonal stability and other benefits, I still don't quite fancy the idea of putting gallons of oil into my body every week. The fact that for 1ml of this product, I'd probably have to fill 2 or even 3 full syringes of the equivalent compounds to pin them separately was a huge draw for me. I felt that this product was accurately dosed, and the Tren in it was exceptionally strong. I had the worst Tren cough in my entire life the first time I pinned this product, and while I get the cough pretty much 2 or 3 times a week the whole year I've been on Tren, it never hit so hard. While some may argue that the cough isn't a good gauge or whatever, to me, it's a fairly decent indicator of how potent the Tren is so props to MTS for that. Everything else is on point too, where I saw the thinning of skin with the dryness and the shine that you'd associate with Masteron and all that even though I'm bulking. While I haven't been using this product for long enough to have the effects of the EQ and Primo show, I'm certain that they will shine too, given the quality of the other compounds in the mix. What I didn't like about the product though, was how thick the oil was. It was pretty disgusting to see it swirling and sinking to the bottom of the syringe among the other oils I filled the barrel with. But then again, that's only to be expected for how much gear has been compressed into it so I'll be the first to admit that it isn't really a justified complaint. This is definitely going to be a staple in my future stacks though; I can see how versatile it is for both bulking and cutting.
MTS Lean Gain Xtra: I got this primarily because I wanted to throw some Test into my stack. I really love how smooth the oil was, where it was a breeze to pin this with a 25G needle to the shoulder. I had no injection soreness or pain nor any lumps or abscesses, so once again, props to MTS for the quality gear. As I've mentioned earlier, I was stuck with inferior oils for the most part since I started my first blast, so I could literally feel the difference in gear quality. I don't want to make this sound like an exaggeration, but I used to work my pinning schedule around to avoid pinning my shoulders before a push day, but I could pin this in the morning and do shoulders in the afternoon with no hitches. As for the compounds, I'm quite convinced that the guys at MTS don't skimp on the dosages, and I really hope things will stay that way because that will be the reason for satisfied customers like myself to keep coming back. I love the versatility of these blends, where I'm currently using this in my bulking stack but I can also see myself cruising on it or the standard Lean Gain alternative.
NPP: To be honest, I have a love-hate relationship with Nandrolones. Deca is something I never want to touch again because of the horrible facial bloat it always gives me, but I decided to give NPP a go because some claim that it gives drier gains. To some extent, I found this to be true because while my face continued to be bloated, my body stayed relatively dry as you can see from the picture below. Now I've been fortunate enough to have ran both UGl and pharmaceutical grade Deca, but I shall not name any brands. As NPP is the shorter Nandrolone ester, I expected it to kick in much faster than Deca and I was not disappointed, especially since I've heard of some labs repackaging Deca as NPP to cut costs. Milligram for milligram I'm sorry but I have to be honest and say that it does not compare with pharmaceutical grade Deca in terms of potency, but it definitely trumps the two UGL brands that I've used and MTS NPP will continue to be my Nandrolone of choice.
Test Prop: I don't actually have much to say about this. I'm not a huge fan of Test, because I'm sensitive to estrogen so I prefer to keep Test at a TRT dose and run everything else higher. All other similar products that I have used in the past have always left quite a sting in the injection site, and this wasn't much of a difference for me. I will, however, testify for the potency for this product because after I nuked my estrogen post-show, my libido came back quite quickly as soon as I started cruising on nothing else but this.
Tren A: It is my personal belief that the Trenbolone a lab produces is the best testament to the overall quality of products, and MTS Tren A is probably the most potent Tren I've tried so far. I've used a total of 6 different brands of Tren Ace, and most of them felt severely under-dosed to me in comparison to this. Under the suggestions of a mentor, I was able to lower my Tren Ace dosage by about a third since switching to MTS and still had the same response. While I have no qualms about pushing high doses for a contest, but I also believe that as someone who blasts and cruises, there is no reason to raise the dosages unnecessarily unless for short periods like contest prep so being able to get the same results from a lower dose is definitely something that makes me happy. This is especially so because I stay on Tren year round. The Tren coughs from MTS products were also the harshest that I've ever gotten, so while some might like to argue otherwise, I'd like to take it as a sign that the Tren is legit and good to go.
Now it's much easier to put things into words but pictures are always more convincing so I'll just let my personal progress do the talking. The time difference between both sides was exactly a week apart. For the picture on the left, I was coming off a cruise of about 2 and a half weeks since my first contest, where I used nothing more than half a millilitre of MTS Test Prop every 3 or 4 days depending on how lazy I was because I just wanted to take a short break before preparing for my next contest. As for the picture on the right, I am up about a kilo and a half, where I fixed my diet and the picture was taken on the 7th day since I started my new blast. I used a combination of Med Mutasion, Lean Gain Xtra and NPP. So this isn't exactly a crazy transformation per se, but rather just getting back what I lost. But given the short timespan of merely a week, I do believe this is testament towards the potency of the products given the short half-lives of their esters, especially that of the Masteron and Tren given how I was able to dry out in just a few days.
You guys must understand how happy I am to have finally got my hands on great and quality gear. This is coming from someone who has had to deal with really horrible crap for the most part, so I'm definitely beyond elated right now.
I am officially 28 weeks out from my next contest. I will be starting a course of HGH and adding Test 400 into my stack this coming week, but given that these take a little longer to see any noticeable changes so I'll probably check back in another two months for my reviews of those. It's my first ever run on HGH though, planning to run it for 6 months so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that things will work out well.
But with all that said, MTS products are truly amongst the best that I've tried. It's definitely something I would and will be recommending to my friends, especially for how cost-efficient and convenient the blends are since I no longer have to fill multiple syringes.