I have digged deeper into the deca 300mg test result and and confirmed a few things by contacting the lab testing firm and our own lab tech guy.
Few things to point out about the test. There are 3 peaks and deca should have 2. So I requested them to explain to me what each one meant.
EXPLANATION of the 3 peaks as quoted from SIMEC
1) the first (largest) peak is the oily matrix of the product, where the steroid is dissolved in.
2) The second peak we could not identify (it maybe some other anabolic steroid or something completely different, it is not possible to identify it with our standard method).
3) The third peak is the substance Nandrolone Decanoate.
So looking further into the batch id and stock levels of the wholesaler at question,
he sent out either NAN-SUS or similar blend of 2 steroids and labelled DECA 300mg on it. There would be a blending error of 10% or a little above that in variance when mixing with another product to make the blend balanced.
Please understand mis-labelling does happen, which occurred when we sent out TBOL instead of ANAVAR. But tablets are identified with colour. Though if our official site makes a mistake like this, I always allow the customer to keep the wrong product and I always compensate by sending the correct one on for free.
Though in the above case, the DECA 300mg test did not present the full picture, it was correct that 300mg is not what it should have been by the label, however, the product was simply a different blended product and by that in itself, the test only proved mis-labelling of the product.