I agree with powertard there. Maybe get about 1000-1500kcals from calorie dense food and then get the rest from whole foods. With your fast metabolism you won't really struggle too much with unwanted fat gain
No wonder why so many bbers wind up blobs when they stop
I guess once eating habits like this are established you'll never really eat or view food the way the average person views it
Ai is aromatase inhibitor
Looks like you don't have one
Try and get aromasin its the best AI there is 
12 oz flounder I assume is 12 oz flounder steak
1/28 th of it is 270 kcal
£10 the entire thing.
Horrible for you....but fun and cheap dense calories.
Make everyone at work mad jealous that you get to eat a huge chunk of cake every day and not be fat
Macros are pretty crap
Lots of salt too
12 oz of flounder fish per meal . I don't think that is what you need though it is good for prep but not for bulking .
Me personally l will run test e lower than Decca and let Decca do the work but l don't have a issue with Decca dick either. So try this
The Friday before you start your cycle load 600mg Test e and 900mg Decca. Then Monday and Thursday take .5ml of test e and .75ml of Decca. 50mg of drol for 2-3 weeks unless it kills your appetite. Then it is doing more harm than good. Or if it makes you real lethargic. Now if you experience"Decca dick" up your test e to .75ml Monday and Thursday. Run your test e 10 days longer than Decca. Me personally since you did a decent frontload l would only run your Decca 8 weeks because gains will start at week 2 and go through week 9 for sure. When you run your AI run it eod when you take the Anadrol . After you stop M,W,F should work but treat as needed. Don't kill all your estrogen but don't run around with moon face either or a big water knot in the back of your head. In the case you are real sensitive to the Decca you will have to up the test e to 1ml if you have libido issues.
I am sure people will argue with what l said . If you want l can break it down even farther why l think this is the best way to run it . Plus run your pct a little longer because Decca is the ultimate shutdown compound. Hcg and some of MTS PCt pills will work well. You can p.m. If you want anymore info .
Remember none of this works with out a good diet and a good solid workout plan . Good luck and train hard and remember big guys eat even when they are not hungry . Every 2.5-3 hours
And Powertard is right peanut butter will help out. If you have to drink a shake instead of eat a meal carry a jar of peanut butter with you and eat 2 table spoons with your shake
How much aromasin do you take and how often?
How would you run your PCT and Hcg and how much and often would you take Aromasin? Please break it down further for me I keen to develop my knowledge of products and people's different ways of using them. For me I have only taken Deca,Test and dB followed by a pct that ws recommended by my supply.
If Deca Dick does occur what would be the best thing to do?
If using aromasin start at 12.5mg ED one week before frontload. Now the first 3-4 weeks you are introducing a good amount of AAS to your system so your estrogen level is going to increase a great deal . Because of Aromasin half life start a week ahead of FRONTLOAD to be safe. You may have to increase your aromasin during the first 4 weeks. My orginal AI protocol of EOD or M,W,F is for letro or Arimidex at .5mg .
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