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Thread: First bodybuilding competition coming up!

  1. #51
    Really got fucked by the judges.

    My athlete finished second in the same divison (junior class) and you deserved number 3.

  2. #52
    sounds good man
    I see your taking HCG, isn't HCG advised not to be taken if you have any GYNO issues as it can make it worse ??
    maybe I read it wrong but I'm sure I read that somewhere

    maybe someone else can shine some light on this

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by mad4it View Post
    sounds good man
    I see your taking HCG, isn't HCG advised not to be taken if you have any GYNO issues as it can make it worse ??
    maybe I read it wrong but I'm sure I read that somewhere

    maybe someone else can shine some light on this
    You're completely right! but in my case the gyno flared up in my peak week (2-3 days out of the comp) due the watermanipulation. I already took Letro at 2.5mg ED... And tbh the gyno is getting away already.. I think my body stressed out with the watermanipulation, i also read that gyno can flare up because the hormone Aldoctone. Really really weird because i never had gyno before, even on cycles like test, deca and dianabol (Always took an AI).

  4. #54
    Can you write a few lines on your watermanipulation?
    I would know what to do 7-10 days before the show (day by day).
    how many liters of water you drink, how much salt you take, potassium, gram of carbs,.... if you are using diuretics, and so on.

    Thanks in advance

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Phill View Post
    Can you write a few lines on your watermanipulation?
    I would know what to do 7-10 days before the show (day by day).
    how many liters of water you drink, how much salt you take, potassium, gram of carbs,.... if you are using diuretics, and so on.

    Thanks in advance
    Well i'm sorry bro, but that's something private from my coach.. I don't think he would like seeing his watermanipulations approach surfing around on the internet. I didn't use any diuretics.

  6. #56

    My stomach is still upset from the cheats past sunday and the epic cheatday past monday. Since Tuesday i am back on a diet (but i still got awfull backpumps all day, hope this will be over soon). It's more of a IIFYM approach, 3-4 Bro meals and 2-3 meals i vary with. Sometimes it can be a sandwich with a muffin, you name it.. or an eating place. But i'll Always watch that it will fit my macros. 1 cheatmeal a week. This 4 weeks will be more of a recover/cruise phase. Mid april i'll start my recomp/rebound cycle. For now my kcals will be around 3100-3500 and when i start with the rebound i'll go slightly above maintenance and will be increasing weekly by keeping an eye on the mirror and scale. No more extreme bulks i want to gain lean this time! Also saving some money, because i finally want to try the MEDTROPIN HGH.

    Recomp/rebound cycle will be:
    1-10 wk SHREDDED 1 ML eod (gonna increase the dose mid cycle)
    1-10 wk Lean Gain 1ML eod
    7-10 Lean Bombs 1 tab a day or PRO MT 200 1 ML eod (don't know yet)
    Maybe add in some Med-Ment to bump up the trestolone mid cycle (see how it goes)
    If i got my hands on MEDTROPIN HGH 4-6 iu ED
    Keep ari and/or letro on hand

  7. #57
    I'm also going to log my training and daily meals/diet:

    Training from yesterday:
    Neutral grip row
    10x100kg dropset 10x75kg dropset 10x50kg

    Neutral grip pulldowns

    Close grip row machine

    Supported pullups
    4 sets 12 reps

    Rope pull-over ss rope Rows
    3 sets 15 reps Both exercises

    Hammer curls

    Spider curls

    3 sets 30kg

    Cable curl
    2x15x10kg (focus on an extreme contraction!)

    Cardio: 15 min crosstrainer

  8. #58
    Your on point mate i give you that 😎

    I think the medtropin will be in stock soon...was in production some weeks ago.

    So hopefully in soon

  9. #59

    started my blast a little bit earlier, because the MTS SANTA brought me some nice gifts! Thanks again MTS, you guys are the best!!

    Cycle changed slightly:

    1-8/10 wk SHREDDED 1 ML eod (gonna increase the dose every week with 0.5/1ML)
    1-8/10 wk Lean Gain 1ML eod
    5/7-8/10 PRO MT 200 1 ML eod

    Ordered some MK677 (this will be in next week) and gonna use this at 30mg ED

    Start weight is 92,4kg and bodyfat still really low!
    Let's make some EPIC rebound gains
    Goal is to not let my bodyfat go over 8% and put on as much lean muscle tissue.
    Really curious what MTS MENT/SHREDDED will do.

  10. #60
    HGH will be the next step for you. use it in offseason and slin also to really grow and then shred up for your next planned comp.

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