Actual stats:

Age 29

My blast for the upcomming 8 weeks:

Bulk Bomb 1tab /ED
25mcg T3 / ED
1gr Test E /EW
800mg Deca /EW (*thinking of doing a 400/500DECA + 300 NPP /EW)not sure of that move yet.

*Why? I guessed that way I could get some better and stable blood levels of DECA as I didn't consider to frontcharge in any way.

AI for the moment inexistent, had problems only once over the past 3 years with gyno since then I never again experienced any major issue.

Diet is:

358 protein / 336 Fats / 375 CH

I do workout 5x week (with 4-3sets of 12-8-8 or similar) maximum weight.
3 times a week im into training BJJ measured once with those kcal watches, that I am burning a 1.000 to 1.500cals during a BJJ training.

So far after 2 weeks of diet and Bulkbomb kickstart I'm currently sitting 95-96kg with some water retention but no heavy bloated or similar.

I'll be thankfull for any further advice on diet, training or AAS