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Thread: Fat as fuck and out of shape

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    Fat as fuck and out of shape


    I'm back

    After my year+ long EQ frontloaded crying child involved mental breakdown I am finally mentally-ish well again!

    And I haven't trained all year

    I spent the entire year on anxiety medications freaking out not even entering a gym living off of junk food. Being an idiot I turned to chocolate bars and cakes and muffins and things lol to make myself feel better and got myself into the same rut which caused my obesity at age 17...


    I'm 95 Kg now....a bad 95 Kg. A fat as fuck 95 kg.

    Not bodybuild fat...not BDD fat...legitimately clinically fat.

    I'm over 35% bodyfat that is for sure and I am DEPRESSED.

    In one year I went from 100 Kg 10% to frickin 95 Kg like 40% I absolutely hate myself this is like 3 years of hard work gone down the drain thanks to my silly depression sitting about in my room soothing my hurt feelings with muffins.

    SO I need this fat off me fast and I need to rebuild.

    I'm unsure of what to really do...I have very little lean tissue on me. I am fat so I cannot bulk and I cannot really cut very much because I am light AND fat.

    I have no ideas here it's like I have nowhere to go.

    I don't really want to use TREN. My mental state isn't up for it.

    Trestolone would be good but because I am fatter than fuck I will need HEAVY AI.

    Basically I need a way to get this fat off of me fast so I can rebuild some type of physique with the scraps I have left.
    Last edited by Powertard; 02-02-2017 at 06:07 PM.

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