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Thread: Road to ironman 12 November 2017! Juniors

  1. #1

    Road to ironman 12 November 2017! Juniors

    Last edited by BigJon96; 06-27-2017 at 07:24 PM.

  2. #2

    This thread you gonna want to follow. This is gonna be GOOD! Magic transformation in progress

    ps, I'm his coach

  3. #3
    Hi mate
    Will be watching this thread

    Bet you can't wait to start this cycle 😎

  4. #4
    Nice man! Good shoulders and chest! I'm also from the netherlands

  5. #5
    That's what i'm talking about!

    Next time we will do the tanning and not the company that was hired by the contest owners.

    I can do that a lot better.

    Next time with 100% mts gear it'w gonna be a big party!

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Gonna follow this one!

    We competed past sunday, really a great achievement for someone of your age

    You're also someone who can confirm i got really fucked by those judges! I was definitely in that top 3 spot.

    Good luck with the cycle, i also can't wait my upcoming blast but i told myself give your body 4 weeks to rest.

  8. #8
    great thread and great physique and attitude, keep going and you will be amazing!

  9. #9
    Very symmetrical and all the muscles are good in balance! Keep on track with everything, bodyfat, weight, training. Don't only worry about the scale as long as your training progressing and you're eating slightly more the rest will follow! Mistake inwas making was just pushing as much Food as possible, Yes i put on a ton of weight but you can also strip that off in your prep...

  10. #10
    Looks pretty good bro! I can see you took advantage of the rebound-effect

    Nothing to say about the diet and training, simple and effective off-season food/bodybuilding training split

    Only think i would do is wait with upping your kcals till you start your blast. A cruise is to let your body rest from all the stuff your took, eat on maintanance or slightly above (you want to start your blast as lean as possible). And because we did an competition we can take a huge advantage of that!

    Keep killing it

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