I will first start with some basic info:
Training years: 6
Bw; 230 lbs
Bodyfat 7/8 %
Age; 25
Lenght: 189cm
Cycles : 6
Caloric need : 37/3800
Going for a surplus of 3/4/500 calories and adjusting for a bigger surplus by the week aslong as my bodyfat allows it.
i was planning on using the following stack
With the goal of gaining maybe a 15 lbs with no more then 2/3 % bodyfat.
Aim is high but im coming out of a 20 week cut so wil gain muscle fluid back etc.
Finishing this cut ( 300 test pp/ 300npp/300 para) in a month and then going straight into the following ;
// note : i cruised for a bit and im 2.5 weeks into the test npp para as we speak //
Plan is ;
800 test E / 1000 eq / 400 tren E / 400 mast E for 12 weeks
Reasoning behind it;
800 test E
- for libido +mass im putting it at 800
1000 EQ
- makes me extremly vasculair like a walking erection. Love it more then tren as far as look goes
400 tren E
- gives me insane strenght and want to keep it on the low side as im going a total for 18 weeks including the para
400 Mast E
- mainly for bloating + libido
I know im complicating it a bit but eq destroys my libido at low or no test and this time i want the GF to be happy as wel instead of having sex once in 10 days while on EQ
Would appreciate critique, orals except anavar are out of the question. Superdrol at 20mg for 20 days made me yellow and went to hospital.
After this cycle im going to cruise And after that a full mass bulk and then off.