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Thread: First Cycle - No-BS Critique Welcomed

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  1. #1

    First Cycle - No-BS Critique Welcomed

    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 180lbs
    Body Fat %: Never checked. Probably high teens (18%?)
    How many calories per day do you eat?: 2000
    How many times per week do you train? 5 times a week, 1.5 hours each
    How long have you trained for? Bodyweights since 5 years ago (1.5 years with weights)
    Previous cycle experience? -
    Desired goals: Lose weight and preserve muscle mass

    Hey guys, long time lurker and thought I'd like to get some feedback/critique on my first cycle based on my information above. My cycle thus far is as follows:
    Weeks 1-16: Equipoise, 300 mg, E3D
    Weeks 1-16: Testosterone Enthanate, 100 mg, E3D
    On Hand Throughout Cycle: An AI like Arimidex in case signs of excessive bloating or itchy nipples occur

    This is the beginner's EQ based cycle posted on XXXXXX. I'm all in with no-BS critique, so tear me up for the puny calory intake. But really, what are your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Bit of a waste if this is your first ever cycle to spend it on leaning down. At that body fat percentage, I reckon you could get down to a decent near-single digit level naturally. Keep the diet in check and don't worry about losing some size in the process. Then spend that first cycle blowing up because with fresh receptors + muscle memory from coming out of the cut, you're gonna explode in size while staying (relatively) lean.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by THE COACH View Post
    Bit of a waste if this is your first ever cycle to spend it on leaning down. At that body fat percentage, I reckon you could get down to a decent near-single digit level naturally. Keep the diet in check and don't worry about losing some size in the process. Then spend that first cycle blowing up because with fresh receptors + muscle memory from coming out of the cut, you're gonna explode in size while staying (relatively) lean.
    Thanks Coach for the feedback.

    BB Forum <10% or real life, <10%?

    I see where you're coming from. Gonna admit, you hit the nail right in the head. I'm worried about losing size and strength after bulking (started off skinny fat). My idea was to use this as a recomposition cycle to look good for the summer.

    That said, I'm open to your advice. However, I'm already on my third week of the above cycle, though. Would you recommend stopping midway with PCT?

  4. #4
    Sorry I just saw this. Real life <10% definitely. "BB Forum <10%" is just lying to yourself and doesn't help with your goals. I'd continue the cycle if you're on it already. Just keep the diet in check and you're good to go.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by THE COACH View Post
    Sorry I just saw this. Real life <10% definitely. "BB Forum <10%" is just lying to yourself and doesn't help with your goals. I'd continue the cycle if you're on it already. Just keep the diet in check and you're good to go.
    The train has left the station. haha... Thanks for the advice; I'll definitely try it out at 10% next time and experience the difference.

    If you don't mind me asking, when does EQ and the Test kick in and how would I know?

  6. #6
    1.5 month update on my cycle thus far.

    Weight: 183lbs (!?)
    Bodyfat: 17% (checked by machine)
    Weeks 1-16: Equipoise, 300 mg, E3D
    Weeks 1-16: Testosterone Enanthanate, 100 mg, E3D
    On Hand Throughout Cycle: An AI like Arimidex in case signs of excessive bloating or itchy nipples occur

    Bodyfat-wise. Dropped ~1% in bodyfat and starting to see the top half of the abs (faint). However, that might just mean my previous estimated (non-machine tested) body fat% was much higher that I thought.

    Weight-wise. Strange thing is that I've been told that EQ causes extreme hunger, I've not experienced it yet. Generally quite easy keeping at about 2K. However, I'm a bit puzzled by the increase in weight although I'm theoretically eating below TTDE. Any idea what's happening? Have I discovered the Holy Grail of losing fat and building muscle?

    Strength-wise. Did not experience any dramatic increase in strength thus far. Added ~5lbs to my bench, 15lbs to my deads.

    Sides. Am quite lucky thus far to have not experienced any serious sides e.g. infamous back-acne, itchy nipples etc. Nevertheless, I've taken the A-dex once a week just to be sure. However, I did notice an increase in aggression and general irritability. Woke up early in the mornings too, although I had no trouble getting back to sleep shortly after. I do have a question on gyno, how does it really feel to have puffy/itchy nipples (some even say lumps under the nipples0? I paid extra attention to my nipples throughout the cycle, but I've not experienced anything mentioned eventhough I'm on Week 5. Would it count if my nipple hardens for a short period of time?

    Overall, am super pleased with the results thus far. I'm not aiming to be a mass monster, and it fits into what I'm looking for when I hopped on. Maybe when I get down to <10%, I'll hop on A-bomb and D-bol for the mass.

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