bloods works can be done in any private center. I don't know your country...
bloods works can be done in any private center. I don't know your country...
Right so I started Pct tabs from med tech just over a week ago 1 tab eod and my back has got worse the spots look almost alien like now.
Any ideas ?
Thanks Godzilla
Already wanna be on my next med tech cycle 💪👌
I am thinking test e, tren ace and some Masterton to cope with the gyno I have got when on last cycles.
Any thoughts?
What would be a good next cycle advancing from tren a and test e ?
if the gyno is estrogen related masteron will help some, but not on the level of an AI
if gyno is cause by progesterone then caber is needed and AI will only help indirectly by lowering estrogen as estrogen and progesterone are linked
what is the goal of the cycle? bulk, cut, fullness, power, beach, mass?
To get as shredded as possible, ideally without having to go on a 1500 calorie diet again. God that was hard work
Just to add, my last med tech cycle was
12 week shred
Test e 2ml mon/ thurs
Tren ace 2ml tues/fri
T3 and clen mon-fri
Anavar 50mg Pre work out
1500 calorie diet
Went from 96kg to 86kg and the best shape of my life