I have a theory in mind which I cannot seem to find around the internet. Or at least a suitable thread regarding this matter.
I will like your opinions on this.
So take for example a generic cycle.
400mg test /wk
600mg EQ /wk
run it for 16 weeks.
The guy is not at their genetic size potential yet. So makes steady slow gains from the cycle at these moderate dosages.
Now if we were to do the same thing but higher dosages.
800mg test /wk
1400mg EQ /wk
for 16 weeks.
Would their body get "shocked" and forced to adapt by using more androgen sites and making overall bigger, faster gains?
Or will their gains wouldn't be that dramatically different when compared to the lower dosage version of the cycle?
Now same thing again. But this time a much more larger stack.
400mg test /wk
500mg EQ /wk
400mg tren e /wk
50mg Stanozolol /ED (last 5 weeks)
80mcg clen /ED (1wk on 1wk off)
50mcg t3 /ED
15 week cycle
400mg test /wk
900mg EQ /wk
800mg tren e /wk
100mg Stanavar (50mg stan, 50mg var) /ED (last 5 weeks)
120mcg clen /ED (1wk on 1wk off)
100mcg t3 /ED
15 week cycle
Bare in mind the person cycling isn't exactly a huge guy. Lets say your typical average gym goer who looks pretty decent and is just doing a clean bulk.
The point of this discussion is to discover what happens when you use more than you need basically.
I believe that your body will be forced to adapt to the level of gear used and just change.