If I go too far out to the side I have a vein there. Deca cough!
If I go too far out to the side I have a vein there. Deca cough!
Drako, I used a 21 g because I ran out of 23 g. It was actually pretty much pain free!
I pinned the outer right quadrant of the dorsal glute
That's interesting, Serotonin
I fucked up
Yep if I don't twist around fully to pin glutes and go from the side of the check as opposed to the straight from behind, I'll nick a vein. Happens on both sides for me. They're deeper veins so I can't see them but I pretty much have their location memorized lol. Way too many pins of tren burning my chest and throat.
lol I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if it were 600 mg of tren enth ahaha
Going to be substituting the Tren A for Tren E soon and soon after adding 24 mg of superdrol a day for 3 weeks, if my shoulders are good enough, to get my bench up while working in the higher rep ranges instead of the lower rep ranges to get the same results without the SD which would put more stress on my shoulders.
After that I may even try superdrol+anadrol
350 mg test E/w
600 deca/w
450 mg/w tren e
24 mg/d superdrol for 3 weeks
100 mg/d anadrol for 3 weeks
brb 200 Kg bench at under 100 Kg bodyweight in a few months from untrained lol
I won't be maxing due to shoulder health but I want to get there as a predicted max while keeping the rep ranges in the upper range for now. (8-10 reps)
Last edited by Powertard; 04-15-2015 at 08:46 PM.
Well my friend just ordered 10 g of superdrol raws amongst a load of other raws and he said I could have a few grams for coaching him etc
We are going to make injectable superdrol as an experiment to see if it works differently/better/worse than oral SD
btw I sort of fucked up again
Had to use 21 g again in my right glute this time. 50 mg tren ace 300 mg test e. I have a lump of scar tissue on my glute which up until now I thought was just undissolved oil from the last shot. So I place the 21 g on the lump and press in. It goes though the skin into the thin later of fat under and stops, I apply a bit of pressure and that familiar pinch takes me off guard a bit. It then gets completely stuck and will not go in further. I apply a bit more pressure and sort of turn it slightly and it still doesn't go in. I then add more pressure and more then suddenly **CCRRRCCCHH CRUNCH* the needle breaks through the scar tissue and pretty much the whole 1.5 inch 21 g needle goes right into my glute lol. It hurt pretty bad for a bit then I just pinned. I took it out and about 0.2 ml leaked out which never usually happens.
be carefull bro don't injure yourself more squatting