Originally Posted by
The Experiment
I hired a professional coach and this is how my cycle looked leading into the comp.... came in smoking dry and hard.
So this should give you some guidelines at least... the comp day was 25/5 so you can work out how many weeks out to when he changed and moved things around... I can say I reduced the T3 to basically 25mcg in the last month because I was flat as a pan cake
3/16- 4/12
- Test sustanon 250mg E3D
- Test propionate 100mg ED
- Primo A 1000mg per week
- Primo E 400mg per week
- Tren A 150mg ED
- Masteron 100mg ED
- proviron 100mg ED
- anavar 100mg ED
- HGH (Gensci Jintropin) - Run 16 iu per day 5 days a week, 12iu on other 2 days.
- IGF1 LR3 200mcg post workout on days you do 12iu gh.
T3 75mcg
Slin with carb up meals only. Once lean enough add lantus and increase slin with increased carbs
Start ECA on days off from clen.
4/13- 5-3
- Test prop 100mg ED
- Primo A 1000mg per week
- Tren A 175mg ED
- masteron 125mg ED
- anavar 100mg ED
- anadrol 50mg Preworkout
- proviron 100mg ED
- letrozole 2.5mg EOD
- caber if needed
- HGH (Gensci Jintropin) - Run 12 iu per day 5 days a week, 8iu on other 2 days. Do 16iu on leg and back days.
- IGF1 LR3 200mcg post workout on days you do 8iu gh.
- T3 100mcg
- Clen at 100mcg 5 on 3 off, ECA on days off
5/4- 5/18
- Test prop 75mg ED
- Primo A 150mg ED
- Tren A- 200mg ED
- Masteron 150mg ED
- anavar 100mg ED
- oral winny 100mg ED
- halo 20-30mg ED
- proviron 100mg ED
- letro 2.5 eod until last 10 days then 2.5 ED
- HGH 8-10iu per day stop 7-10 days out
- T3 100mcg
- Clen 100mcg 5 on then stop
- ECA in til the 3 days out, then drop ephedrine and keep C and A in
Last week-
prob drop test, might use some suspension
everything else the same, halo might increase
letro goes up
All injects stop 3 days out stay on orals
No hgh