Alright guys. Just want a critique of what yall (that's a "you all" for non southern folk) think of this approach to cut down then blow up lean.
Currently: 250 test c (remainder of old gear)
400 tren e (mts)
400 desoxytest cyp
This is per week and being used in combination with ghrp2 +mod grf, eca and yohimbine. I'd estimate I'm around 9% bf holding some water and just bad genetics for fat deposit. I can see separation between hams and quads, all 4 quad heads, all three delt heads, yet the fat around the navel is still there
To spice things up, for the month of April to possibly mid may I'm going to add in 50mcg t3 and ramp up clen while possibly removing eca depending on sides. The idea is to hit both beta and alpha receptors best I can with clen and yohimbine and keeping metabolism in check with t3 while cutting my calories even further. Same hormone protocol as above which should retain my lean mass even when severely restricted.
Upon reaching desired bodyfat% introduce masteron, raise desoxytest to a gram and adding in dimethabold as an oral with m1t oxime to kick things off and utilize the new calories that will be brought in to lean bulk through summer. The plan is once discontinuing the orals is to check liver values and if things are still in line, run methyl tren around week 6 or seven (should be around mid June for a timeline). Run it for three weeks and then stop usage to heal liver if needed for a couple weeks then introduce winny as a form of a mock peak to see what I've got through the blast.
Training will be as follows:
Monday: chest with heavier weight 8-12 reps
Tuesday: back lower weight 12-15 rep
Wednesday: legs 15-20 reps
Thursday: off
Friday: chest lighter weight 12-15 rep
Saturday: back heavier weight 8-12 reps
Sunday: off
During this cut I'm doing cardio everyday to increase my deficits and for health benefits.
During lean bulk cardio 3x week to increase surplus. Back day incorporates rear delts. Chest incorporates front and lateral delts.
Any thoughts or critiques are appreciated.
24 yrs old
5' 6"
160 pounds
14 months on gear
Been training solid for three years but smartly for year and a half.