When should you take hgc and how much? Only doing 2mls a week of test e 12 weeks then going to cruise (ino that not a lot but I'm only starting out ) when I cruise am I correcting only take 0.5 mls a week so around 150 mg of test per week
When should you take hgc and how much? Only doing 2mls a week of test e 12 weeks then going to cruise (ino that not a lot but I'm only starting out ) when I cruise am I correcting only take 0.5 mls a week so around 150 mg of test per week
Why do you want to use HCG if you are going to cruise?
Run it by the last 3-4 weeks of your cycle. Do not run HCG if you're getting signs of gyno as it might make it worse. Anyway, I use for periods at 500iu/E3D or EOD to get my balls back up when I'm trying to feel a little bit fuller down there.
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Tbh just wanted some more info bwt it, didn't no if u should be using it.im on week 8 of 12 1st blast had great gains so far up 14 pound and hardly any fat gains
Personally I feel hcg should only be used as fertility treatment. Hcg mimics leutenizing hormone that's produced in the body. When one is "shut down" from aas usage, the leydig cells in the testes become more sensitive to leutenizing hormone. Then you blast it with hcg causing them to desensitize and not responding to the body's own LH secretion when coming off. This causes an added level of hpta suppression and can hinder recovery further. If you're one of the few people who feel a bit off due to lack of dhea production, one could supplement with dhea directly or pregnelone and avoid the suppression caused by hcg.
For most issues it seems 200 is fair to treat. I'd start at 25-50 and work up til you are satisfied. I personally don't need dhea so I have no personal experience with this compound.