have been pinning eod with just the test prop, and although id rather not. if its gonna get me the results then i'l do it
so would you recommend running 250 test e alongside the lean gain or for 8 weeks after the cysle? sorry for all the questions
thank you
do you just go to the local GP for bloods?
Had my confirmation email today saying i should have my gear..... Can't wait for the results with some real deal var
I managed to get some 1ml needles with the barrels attached. Is there a better way to draw with these as I started drawing with one earlier and gave up and went back to my standard 2inch blue and greens
Back load your slin pins. Draw gear with standard pin, remove plunger of slin pin, deposit oil into the open barrel, gently put plunger back in, invert pin and remove air. Keeps your needle fresh on the slin pin for easy pokes and saves the hassle of drawing with that tiny ass needle.