Hi, ordered some PRO MT 200. i am running someone elses tren ace and mast p at about 600mg and 400mg with about test p 200mg per week. I plan on jumping right into the pro mt 200 and make comparisons. Figure going right into it will really tell me how things are going. I will run some test with it 250mg of a long ester. hope to pick up some eq and test soon to and fully transition.

so my cycle will be a bit hefty for me:
600-700mg tren ace
600-700 mg mast
200 tesp transitioning to 250 test e.

I may push the blend more as I am getting ready for a trip to vegas in 7 weeks and want to finish strong for the pools

i will then cruise a bit and want to try MTS primo/EQ for some summer fun. but eq sometimes makes me very hungry.

Communication and the website are great.