Fave stack.
Test prop tren ace mast prop and Equipose
100 mg EOD Test prop + tren ace + mast prop + 600 mg/w Eq
In 2 weeks of starting it you go from looking like a regular gym goer to pretty much looking like a bber. The fullness and thickness and the delts and traps and the roundness.
best look ever imo. Eq gives you that sterotypical roid look...something intimidating about higher dose Eq look. It's blocky and strong looking.
I didnt run eq for 2 years because it always seemed to fuck my mental health but adding in masteron with it at 100-150 mg EOD seems to keep all those sides at bay mostly if I dont go over 600 mg/w
750-900 mg/w is god tier eq dose but my mental health suffers if i go that high