Cycle advise
Hi guys, hope u r all fine. So first sorry for my English, it's not my first language. To the point: I'm 40yrs old, always been on the gym just to keep myself in some shape, nothing serious. Decided to go more into it, in January kicked off my first cycle, started with T Prop to see how I'm gonna react, stacked with Turanabol, switched to T Enan after 8 weeks for less injections and when came off Tur. Finished on long ester, big mistake...In the end just messed up with my body, when everything was really starting to work was the time to finish, and finishing on long T E was not a got choice, PCT done, but it took a while to be back in form and cost a lot as well, gains I mean. Knowing far more my body now I decided to go for a longer cycle, so I would like to get some adwise. Blood tests ect done, and will be doing that every 2mths to see how it goes, I'm after something like that:
1-12 susta e2d 525/week
1-7 Tura 50mg ed
13-25 T En 150 e5d TRT
26-34 T Prop 50mg ed
28-33 Tren 75 e3d
34-40 T Prop 50 eod - - - taper
Hcg during trt and in the end. I know, when it's off, it's off, some say is about "not to forget", but I know what u gonna say. Tamoxifen, arimidex at some point when blasting??
I will be grateful for some help.
** This is my opinion, other's might see things differently **
Firstly.... It's difficult to provide advise without more information. How big are you? What's your weight? What's your height? what's your BF%?
Secondly, what do you want to achieve? What is your goal?
1-12 susta e2d 525/week
1-7 Tura 50mg ed
What is the reason for TBOL and not DBOL? I would suggest TEST-E 1ml per week twice per week. That is 600mg of TEST-E per week.
I would also stack it with DECA 400mg-600mg/week (spread out over the week)
1-7 - DBOL-50mg/ed. You'll get more results with DBOL
13-25 T En 150 e5d TRT
You can do this, but I don't see the benefit for such a long time to cruise
26-34 T Prop 50mg ed
28-33 Tren 75 e3d
34-40 T Prop 50 eod - - - taper
Why do you want to take these products after a cruise?
I'm guessing you want to BULK, REST, and then CUT
Why not bulk and then cut immediately?
TREN 75mg E3D is too low. This is not even going to get you 200mg/week. This will be ineffective.
TEST PROP 50mg ED is 350mg/week, this is basically a cruise for most.
My advise is to decide what you want to achieve in each week, and then take the appropriate dosages (that at minimum is effective) and then understand how your results are. I don't like to plan a full year's or nearly a full years cycle. I like to see how my body feels at certain weeks and adjust accordingly, but I try to take based on my goals. Here, I am unsure what you want to achieve because your "CUT" phase, as what I think you are doing, is low dosage and your "BULK" phase is quite weak too.
No need to take HCG during TRT unless you want a baby. I would also have nolvadex on hand, and clomid,hcg for PCT.
Hi, thanks for response, every opinion counts, especially that I've got basically no experience within the subject.
I don't like to make plans like that as well in the end, do like exactly the same, mean look and react. Totally agree with you.
It just came out after searching for some info, to have it all planned more or less.
So just say I'm after blast and cruise generally, and maybe focus on bulk phase now.
Was on 600/week T En last time, was having that feeling it was a perfect dosage.
Sustanon now cause seems to be more bulking (the school in my country based on omnadren, the same stuff), T Bol because I agree with the person writing "quick overview" on your siteless but better.
Got them both tests here so eventually can swap, but no D Bol and to be honest not interested in getting it.
Dosages generally because it's about longer period of been on, so set them up on minimum basic, with intention to adjust.
Deca, hm... that's gonna sound stupid, as I've never taken it, but the same as guy in video posted here "how 2 get huge in a hurryā€¯ deca? I don't like it...and I feel I don't like it 2, got it here, but was not going 2 use it in a first place.
182cm, 87kg, 23%BF, cyclist massive legs and long skinny arms, totally opposite to the most guys at the gym, with nothing on legs and nice looking upper body lol.
Gym 4-5 times a week, I do chest with shoulders and sometimes when I feel can't do shoulders on 100% after doing my chest I split them.
I would like to put some more meet on my bones, change the way I look, and to do that I need a loads of meet, don't wanna be huge, noup, but when I'm gonna hopefully get to my 50's I wanna be healthy looking older guy lol. And be healthy if there is a chance for that.
3500kcal when on gears minimum, don't worry about eating to much, with me I think the problem is with not eating enough sometimes. I'm after changing the way of living and gonna focus more on that part, not the stuff I eat, just exactly how much of what I will be eating.
Yes, I thought body needs some rest after bulk phase, b4 next bulk phase lol
So you suggest T En, DBol plus Deca, more effective bulking gears to kick off with..apart DBol can cook something with that, and if Sust can still be used at some point, cause don't wanna wast it.
At that high bodyfat i would just use 0.5ml of LEAN GAINS EOD + 0.5mg Arimidexf EOD, and cut down to 8% then start your bulking phase.
You can't bulk with so much FAT.
Hi, thanks for advise, much appreciate. Keep myself clean, do go with gears u have to be ready with many aspects, if u don't wanna waste it or fxxx up something with your body. Knowledge first in my hand, than I can play a rabbit.
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