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Hey Mr Big, have you any idea at all of when the adex could be back? I appreciate it has just gone out so obviously no worries if you don't!
Gonna be running 300 mg/w test enth 50-100 mg test no ester ED 700 deca/w 700 tren enth/w 50 mg dbol/d 50-150 anadrol/d as an experiment so I'll likely need some dose of AI
btw it's super interesting... when I was a borderline fatass powerlifer at about 22-25% bf 42 inch waist etc I could take 300 mg of testosterone enth and get legit gyno... hard lumps under nipples which hurt and I couldn't even put a seatbelt on. 500 mg/w gave me gyno so fast I had to blast adex and nolva to get rid of it after just a few shots. Now I am 12% bodyfat I can run 500 test 800 deca 350 tren ace no AI no issues and I tried 300 mg/w test 700 deca 700 tren enth 50 mg dbol with the dbol just for a week to see what would happen and got no issues apart from my nipples looks sort of "soft" looking but otherwise sensation wise and look wise were 100% normal!! Crazy