I think that’s the wrong mindset if you compete looking for everything to be handed to you then this is just wrong becoming a pro isn’t about a sponsor it’s more so a dream a dream of achievement you win at something in life you’ve done something good your hard work you’ve grafted year in year out living no social life having very few friends because you don’t go out the door except to the gym it’s a choice many of us make we ground ourself into this and become focused purely on the bodybuilding watching bodybuilding living it day in day our month in month out to then win at something to then have put all that effort into it to be rewarded would feel special

I wish it was like the 90s Dorian Yates in the shadow hiding his physique until he revealed it on stage not doing it for some gay guy on Instagram to private mail him or some slutty women to private mail him times have changed something that’s harder to cope with when you are tunnel vision on becoming the biggest freak you can you don’t want these messages the only messages you want is motivation to improve and feedback from people who are honest and worth listening too