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Thread: Dianabol

  1. #11
    Btw, this is with torn rotator cuffs and impingement syndrome which I am working on to fix (very well, it has got far better)

    Got an 85 Kg 3x5 strict standing overhead press easily then did 5x5 65 Kg with a pause on my chest easily for extra volume+lift practice at 90 Kg bodyweight.
    Only been training OHP here and there in the 8-12 rep range with light weight to rehab it, thought it would be good enough to go in the 5 rep range today and it was! Little/no pain!!

    Going to try 90 kg 3x5 next session with 5x5 pause speed work at 70 kg

    I'll get to 100 kg 3x5 in a few weeks shoulder health permitting!

  2. #12
    Fuck. Looks like I may have hurt my shoulder again.

    Was overhead pressing 85 kg like a warm up and on the 3rd rep of the 2nd set I felt something catch and stretch then crunch as I was pressing the weight up over head and it HURT. Straight away stopped the bar on the safety rails, realized what happened then shouted "Arrggh FUCK!" and ripped my headphones off my face and chucked them on the ground and started feeling my shoulder and moving it...sure enough there is a crunching feeling and like something is moving around in there.

    Went to the chiro and she examined it and tested the shoulder for me,says it is likely fine and not a tendon damage though could have mildly strained one of the rotator cuff muscles.

    Ordering MGF to inject into it.

    Just as I was starting to escape weak-tier OHP and bench too. Was benching 120 kg 3x5 like literally a warmup for speedwork. Was benching it so fast it almost came out of my hands on a rep the other day and people commented it looked super fast and literally like a warmup on my final set. Wanted to do 130 Kg 3x5 then 135 kg 3x5 the following week to put me at an estimated 180 Kg 1 RM which is nearly 2 x bw bench after cutting hard for weeks and training though an injury. Would have added 75 Kg to my bench in like 3.5 months while losing over 10 Kg bodyweight and training through a massive shoulder and back injury. Would have still had 6 wks left on dbol+adrol at that point and was gonna add in TNE and trestolone at 100mg and 50 mg a day respectively as well as upping the dose of adrol to 150mg a day to hopefully have gotten to over 200 Kg. Shoulders were healing up nicely.I have OHPed 100 Kg before a few weeks ago no issues with my shoulder so I have noooo idea what went wrong.

    I will see how it heals
    Last edited by Powertard; 07-09-2015 at 01:19 AM.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Powertard View Post
    Fuck. Looks like I may have hurt my shoulder again.

    Was overhead pressing 85 kg like a warm up and on the 3rd rep of the 2nd set I felt something catch and stretch then crunch as I was pressing the weight up over head and it HURT. Straight away stopped the bar on the safety rails, realized what happened then shouted "Arrggh FUCK!" and ripped my headphones off my face and chucked them on the ground and started feeling my shoulder and moving it...sure enough there is a crunching feeling and like something is moving around in there.

    Went to the chiro and she examined it and tested the shoulder for me,says it is likely fine and not a tendon damage though could have mildly strained one of the rotator cuff muscles.

    Ordering MGF to inject into it.

    Just as I was starting to escape weak-tier OHP and bench too. Was benching 120 kg 3x5 like literally a warmup for speedwork. Was benching it so fast it almost came out of my hands on a rep the other day and people commented it looked super fast and literally like a warmup on my final set. Wanted to do 130 Kg 3x5 then 135 kg 3x5 the following week to put me at an estimated 180 Kg 1 RM which is nearly 2 x bw bench after cutting hard for weeks and training though an injury. Would have added 75 Kg to my bench in like 3.5 months while losing over 10 Kg bodyweight and training through a massive shoulder and back injury. Would have still had 6 wks left on dbol+adrol at that point and was gonna add in TNE and trestolone at 100mg and 50 mg a day respectively as well as upping the dose of adrol to 150mg a day to hopefully have gotten to over 200 Kg. Shoulders were healing up nicely.I have OHPed 100 Kg before a few weeks ago no issues with my shoulder so I have noooo idea what went wrong.

    I will see how it heals
    That sucks to hear man, dou have had a fair few injuries for your age. Make sure that you warm up properly, especially on shoulder day, rotator cuffs are extremely prone to damage.

  4. #14
    Excited! Just got a surprise delivery! Currently tired because shift work last night and had 3 hrs sleep, will talk about it in a bit after some sleep asI am shattered!
    Looks like my shoulder injuries are going to heal very quickly...


  5. #15
    Did you suck dick for gh ?

  6. #16
    It involves hGH! Read my "Medtropin review!" thread!!

    Brimmy, believe it or not but I haven't been seriously injured lifting weights. I actually fell over on clear ice back in February, a faulty drain had frozen over and the street lighting illuminating the areas was broken. Slipped, fell, put an assload of discs out in my back and tore both hipflexors.

  7. #17
    Dbol put noticeable size on my arms in a couple of weeks, thickens them up like crazy

  8. #18
    Fitting name lol "DBOL"

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