Looking great my friend. Mts always delivers the goods when it comes to quality of gear and here we can see what those products can do in a prime environment. Keep it going!
Looking great my friend. Mts always delivers the goods when it comes to quality of gear and here we can see what those products can do in a prime environment. Keep it going!
Looking good but need a shave :P
MTS Support https://support.med-tech.pro
So out of HGH, cycle is looking like this; bear in mind after these shows (3,4 weeks today) I am taking a clean break off, so want it all done so to speak
- 2.5/3ml mix of shredded/test prop/tren ace EOD
- 1.5ml (0.5ml of each mast prop/mtren/tren ace EOD (the mtren/mast will double once I order more tomorrow)
- 25mg of halo ED (will up to 50mg when I got enough to take me up to show day)
- 60mg Winnie ED
- few more days of 50mg of Ananvar
- 160mg clen ED
- 75mg T3 ED
- 6iu Helios ED until 10 days out
Then 10 days of aldactone ED (I got great success last time with this)
In terms of having shows on consecutive Sunday, I pull jabs three days before one show, then start again day after and do the same for the next one.
Vascular as fuck bro nice work!! Good luck in the comp
Which compound you think has helped you the most of the fat burners if your able to tell lol.