Wow ive missed a lot of action im starting this back up was on little break after photo shoot wich I still havet got final edits from so right to the good stuff
MTS Shredded/deca 250 EOD
MTS Trest/ TEST 250 EOD
6iu HGH
30-40 iu slin
Ive been slacking a bit lately but im sitting right at 240 now semi lean at about 5500 calories a day ill get more detail later just wanted to throw this up since I haven't been on much and MTS is just always such a good company to work with just want to spread the word I just started this stack 2 weeks ago then decided F#uck it im going to add shredded EOD instead of just trest I have a 100ml + of each so this is going to be fun and to me this is low dosed enough where bloods will be fine BPshould be fine and their tren and mast are so strong it will only help even at only a low dose. Trest will still do the heavy work but synergy of compounds is perfect
pic from 25th one week after starting trest and shredded I also decided this day to start a mini cut 10 days drop calories all the way to 3500 so 200 calorie defecit cardio just walking dogs same as always I train intense enough where cardio is rarely an issue until a few weeks out from show and I just wal my pups. They are chiwawas gypsy and neo neither of them you would think were a chiwawa gypsy is long haired and really pretty dog Neo is short hair looks like mini rotweiler I call her tippy since her head is so big shes a little clumsy LOL shes only 8 weeks though 3.1 pounds so im sure she will grow into it gypsy is only little over 8 and full grown. Great dogs im way to irresponsible for children plus children cost money that could be going towards gains and take up time and ruin your sleep lil gainz suckers. No really wife and I do not want kids she has medical condition she technically could but it would be dangerous for her high risk pregnancy and im not willing to risk that she has said multiple times we can try it but neither of us really want kids were lazy gym work couchtime money goes to the sport and vacations. Kids each ones gona cost you half a mill never mind if they want to go to colledge...... anyways way off track this pic is excactly one week from above pic
then just for fun cuz they are my BFFs I work from home coaching all day so I spend the whole day with them everyday neo left gypsy right
then heres a cool pic from my sponsor had a grand opening party for one of their new stores branch and trish warren were there all day wife in backgroung taking a pic different angle
looking great matty. and i hear ya on the kids, trust me i know!
so to clarify bro ur shredded is a CC EOD, a full cc? plus the other stuff?
i am about to start and gonna run it .25cc ED (well prob more like 6x per week. I always seem to get life in the way and miss a day. :P darn kids!
my cycle is gonna be a .5cc pro mt (so 50mg tren ace and mast) and .25cc shredded which i hope to hit .5cc ED. and 250mg of my own hrt test c i run but ill swap over to EOD shots of a a bit of prop. eventually i wanna hit the tren and mast to be 700mg each a week plus the mtren and trest.
heres what im running and results of the last 10 day cut
Shredded 1cc Eod
Trest 1cc EOD
Deca 1cc EOD
Test sust 1cc EOD
Primo 1cc Ed
So it looks like this
Day 1 1cc shredded 1cc primo 1cc test
Day 2 1cc trest 1cc primo 1cc deca
repeat 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2
Last night I decided Im saving solo trest for later and going all shredded 1cc a day so the only things that will rotate will be test and deca
Day 1 shredded test primo
Day 2 shredded test deca
repeat to infinity
plus 6ish iu HGH I have saizen seros jins xerendip genos I rotate a lot I feel it works better this way ive used all individually and feel they work better in combo always with serostim 2iu then 4iu of something else each day
insulin just 20-30 iu
cjc with dac 2mg mon and thurs
Ipam 400mgs before bed training days
Heres results of 10 days from above picture
I have some halo on the way for when I decide I want to peak ill pop halo for 5 days then 1/2 tab dyazide before bed do a photoshoot the next morning just moved to longview TX so I don't know any photographers here yet
mate you have to post the book cover if it happens, that's pretty funny. good work mate.
Matty, you romantic. Will you be my boyfriend? :P
matty wanted to give u a big thx, i and im sure others, appreciate u taking the time to share your knowledge.
you look great too btw!
good luck with the modelling bro.
i am pretty deep into my own shredded and pro mt 200 cycle. i added 60mg of prop 3x per week.
so for me and sorry to steal the thread
i am up to .6cc shredded and .8cc pro mt 6-7 days per week and mon, wed, fri added 60mg test prop. I say 6-7 days cause sometimes with the kids its just really tough to pin and if i pin close to bed i get bad sweats i think. i am going to try to work the shredded to a full c soon and see how i do or maybe ill try like .5cc on off days, full on training.
Really want to give this a go. When will it be back in stock???