So like title says IM running MTS SHREDDED. I wanted to put this up because trestolone and methyltren are2 amazing compounds I don't think they get the credit the deserve especially for prep or cutting purposes. Im so far out from showtime im more of a "recomp" type stage not trying to lose much size just get leaner and keep cals moderate im at like 5500 or so right now wich is enough to lean out slowly without any drastic weight loss. So on topic been on this blend going on my third week I think and really results have been nothing short of amazing. I don't respond really well to horomones slow steady changes where guys I you can almost see them growing or getting lean when blasting. I don't really have that maybe because I don't like high doses high to me MAX is like 3g weekly total. I don't come off its my job to be in shape that's how I make a living. For those that don't know im a professional fitness model just got contract for my 4th and 5th book covers last week. Im national level competitor that don't mean much it can be easy to qualify but ive done 11 shows 3 national level shows a few big wins a few tops fives and a I started as a natural competitor. Im a sponsored athlete and run a comp team have a bunch of team sponsors that aren't personal sponsors so really I make a living off of being in shape. So doses stay low I never come off and just get lots of bloodwork. I am lucky I have a very understanding Dr he knows what I do for a living and helps me stay healthy knowing full well of my use. OK intro over now onto good stuff
"shredded" blend daily inject
50 trestolone ace
50 mast prop
50 tren ace
1mg mtren
also doing an amp of bayer test every other day
3-6iu pharma gh
slin peri workout
diet I don't do that iifym nonsense my opinion is you want to get the most nutrients you can out of your food that being said I still eat maybe 30% of my daily calories free otherwise it would be very hard to get as much cals as needed
cardio I do 10 minutes a day warm up on elliptical or stairs then walk my dog to the post office in the afternoon about 20-30 minutes,
I train 6 days a week typical split just with 2 leg days one lighter day one heavy day.
Actually since starting this my strength has skyrocketed I hit a 455 front squat well was 335 with 120 pounds in chains so like 395 at the bottom but still a big lift comingoff multiple injuries that prevented squatting
heres the vid well this was 435 I didn't catch the next weeks lift but ill get it for you
so top pic is 252pounds you can see im pretty soft I snapped this a few days in because I was noticing some drastic fast changes then the second pic is 247 ish about 2 weeks later you can really see my shoulders blowing out and my waist sucking in. Ill get better weekly pics ill have the wife take them these are shit cell phone pics and just for fun my 4th book cover just got contract last week
please ask questions about whatever lets try to make this fun and informative for everyone and get the chef the attention deserved for such an awesome product really cant say enough about this product strength is crazy everything is getting tighter yet im blowing up same time its a great feeling plus feel like Rambo in the gym is cool too
***need better camera and mirror****
252 couple days in wish I had starting pics I was a mess (holiday free eating LOL)
247ish 2 weeks in things much tighter shoulders blowing out getting vascular again
cover number 4 just for fun